The Second American Civil War and its consequences


And you've proved once again...
Oct 14, 2023
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Before starting this thread, I want to make clear two things: the first one, this isn't a thread to discuss a realistic way on how a second American Civil War would start; and second, this isn't a thread to fight about what is your favourite side in this hypotethical war.

I have seen a ton of discussions about an hypotethical Second American Civil War, but I have never seen anything about what its consequences would be. If one of the world's most important countries collapses, there are gonna be a lot of consequences, and not just geopolitical: it's obvious that social and political divisions will substantiably grow, and that the American nation will be ravaged one way or another by the effects of such a brutal country-wide war. American citizens will feel the war in their own homes. And there is also the Internet. I don't think I have to explain how is the state of the Internet right now, and a war between the citizens of one of the countries with most people in the web will not cause any good things for it.
So what if this hypotethical war happened? What would its consequences be?
I also want to point some details:

The Downward Spiral of the United States

The year is 2016. American politics have already started to turn hot before, but the worst is still to come. Surprising a lot of people, Donald Trump and the Republican Party have won the elections. While in our timeline his mandate wasn't especially known for its stability, in this timeline it is  much worse. I won't go too deep into this, but every problem that affected the USA in OTL is 2, 3, or even 4 times worse. When the 2020 elections arrive, there may almost be no hopes left. American society is divided, paramilitary groups in both sides are more and more common, and ideologies that would be considered "extreme" are now normal. The American nation is in its last legs.
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The elections end, with Joe Biden amd the democrats winning. Shortly after, Trump declares that the elections were manipulated, and asks for the votes to be counted again. Just like OTL, after this being negated, the Capitol is raided. After it the FBI tries to arrest Trump, failing. The last nail in the coffin.
Militias and paramilitary groups start fighting in urban and rural areas, and some even manage to control large parts of territories (some examples would be leftist militias in Cascadia and rightists in the Northwest and South). Most of the army stands with the government, but some parts join Trump. With neither the Democrats or Republicans recognizing that the other side has won the elections, America is now de facto divided. After almost two centuries, America sees war again. The Second American Civil War has started.
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What would the social and political consequences of this war be? How would the American people be affected? And culture and the internet as a whole?
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Gift of Denial

Mental Traveller
Oct 7, 2023
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I believe that a Second American Civil war would be mostly led by newly form religious groups - not talking about christianity, maybe a new form of it. Even if it began over a "political divide" (which I consider unlikely because deep down both sides are mostly made out of cowards) it would soon be hijacked by increasingly more and more "cultish" groups. I believe there's a very solid chance of something like the revolt of the Eight Trigrams or the Taiping Rebellion happening in our lifetimes within the United States. I also believe that a lot of currently criminal organizations will cast their lot into that, the cartel for example, a lot of institutions of power within the american government, such as the CIA or the NSA, will become overtly criminal organizations themselves. It will be a new form of guerilla warfare, one that looks more like sudden explosions of violence, "lone wolves" will become extremely important, and the army will be wholly ineffective to quench it. Eventually the war will end like it ended for the Qing. On the meantime a lot of wealth will be stripped off in a war that changed nothing but accelerated the rot, and America will never recover.
I have a thread about the prospect of a Second American Civil War but mainly speculating causes and tracking it in real time for anyone interested.

Aside from militias and the various government institutions, one has to also account for how the US oligarchs/globalists and their respective industries would align themselves in this conflict. That was a key part of the first civil war, with large scale croppers vs industrialists.

I believe that a Second American Civil war would be mostly led by newly form religious groups - not talking about christianity, maybe a new form of it. [...] it would soon be hijacked by increasingly more and more "cultish" groups.
Ron Watkins had a chance to do something really funny with the Qanon movement...

a lot of institutions of power within the american government, such as the CIA or the NSA, will become overtly criminal organizations themselves
We're well past that point, the only difference now is that people are more open to realizing it.

Honestly, if Donald Trump truly wanted to destroy America he could do so in a year or two. A part of me wishes he does it just out of spite
Inversely I can see his opposition mobilizing an effort to do just that should he look close to winning again. I still believe that the moment he's in the main race against Biden, win or lose it will cause turmoil. And I still doubt TPTB will let him get to that point to begin with, they're going to gimp him one way or another.
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Take the monarchy pill anon
Mar 6, 2023
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Who against who exactly? Democrats vs Republicans? The Republicans would steamroll the Democrats. Even if the military sides with the Democrats, the Republicans could wage a protracted guerilla war for decades.

I believe that a Second American Civil war would be mostly led by newly form religious groups - not talking about christianity, maybe a new form of it.

:ConfusedKaguya::ConfusedKaguya::ConfusedKaguya: Who exactly??? Why exactly???
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And you've proved once again...
Oct 14, 2023
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Who against who exactly? Democrats vs Republicans? The Republicans would steamroll the Democrats. Even if the military sides with the Democrats, the Republicans could wage a protracted guerilla war for decades.
I was thinking that it would be Democrats vs Republicans with some territories being de facto controlled by independent militias or paramilitaries (I was imagining that some militias would support one of the two sides and some none of them). I didn't really put a lot of thought into this part as I wanted to look more into the consequences of the war, not who and how wins.
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Take the monarchy pill anon
Mar 6, 2023
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I was thinking that it would be Democrats vs Republicans with some territories being de facto controlled by independent militias or paramilitaries (I was imagining that some militias would support one of the two sides and some none of them). I didn't really put a lot of thought into this part as I wanted to look more into the consequences of the war, not who and how wins.
The independent militias and paramilitaries would invariably be Republican, since they control the most ordinance besides the government. The very far left talks about revolution quite a bit, but they are in no position to do it.
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Self-Hating Bureaucrat
Mar 27, 2022
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I think a collapse of "the center" followed by a breakup into many different localized factions is more likely than a neat split in two along geographic or party lines, like the first American civil war was. Warlord era China or the Russian civil war would be better models. Something catastrophic happens to both the federal government and Wall Street at the same time (constitutional crisis, financial collapse, aborted revolution, terrorist attack, natural/industrial disaster, military defeat in Mexico or eastern Europe, all of the above, etc.) and the centralized power sources that have kept the US running on inertia suddenly disappear. Maybe a deep state puppet regime steps in and is rejected by the periphery due to obvious illegitimacy or inability to deal with the country's problems. Governors, mayors, and military officers take control over certain areas of land and claim that their political power is more legitimate than Washington's. Oligarchs and businessmen either attach themselves to most stable-looking sources of authority or take matters into their own hands. Balkan-tier ethnic infighting breaks out in major cities and the countryside is taken over by cartelized bandits, especially in the southwest. Fringe political, racial, and religious movements rise and fall, some stick around long enough to become relevant. Foreign powers watch from the sidelines, backing certain factions based on their interests but refraining from direct intervention due to either geographic distance or unwillingness to commit themselves due to the instability of the situation. After an initial shock, life returns to a "new normal" for most people. Maybe it's harder to get food, maybe there's slightly more violence than there used to be under the Feds, but once individual factions settle into their seats of power it becomes possible for the average citizen to live a fairly comfortable life. Eventually some Chiang Kai-Shek-type tinpot dictator or Lenin-type revolutionary mangages to take control of most of the continental US and re-establishes a new and "improved" United States of America.
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Aug 29, 2021
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Balkan-tier ethnic infighting breaks out in major cities and the countryside is taken over by cartelized bandits
Kentucky's last soldier in his final stand against the eternal hordes from west virginia zombie hillbillies (they are the same fucking thing)
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Sep 29, 2020
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It's clear that the younger American generations would side with either a far-left or far-right movement, the American trust of the federal government has been at a historical all-time low. I mean, just look at what Zoomers (and some Millenials) have to say about their political beliefs on apps like Instagram or TikTok. Think back to the Cultural Revolution where students effectively did Mao's dirty work out of fidelity. With a country as big as America, we'd see the same result as the Chinese and Russian civil wars, the power vacuum would be too significant for warlords and minor powers not to abuse.

All-in-all, I doubt this will happen anytime soon. We had a higher likelihood of a civil war back in 2016 or even 2020, which is ironic since people were talking about a 'Second American Civil War' at the time (which didn't happen in the slightest).
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theory: while megacorpos are linked to countries, they undermine their priority to trigger users, consumers against said countries (interests), for cocky social war
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The Judge
Dec 6, 2024
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Before starting this thread, I want to make clear two things: the first one, this isn't a thread to discuss a realistic way on how a second American Civil War would start; and second, this isn't a thread to fight about what is your favourite side in this hypotethical war.

I have seen a ton of discussions about an hypotethical Second American Civil War, but I have never seen anything about what its consequences would be. If one of the world's most important countries collapses, there are gonna be a lot of consequences, and not just geopolitical: it's obvious that social and political divisions will substantiably grow, and that the American nation will be ravaged one way or another by the effects of such a brutal country-wide war. American citizens will feel the war in their own homes. And there is also the Internet. I don't think I have to explain how is the state of the Internet right now, and a war between the citizens of one of the countries with most people in the web will not cause any good things for it.
So what if this hypotethical war happened? What would its consequences be?
I also want to point some details:

The Downward Spiral of the United States
View attachment 79721

The year is 2016. American politics have already started to turn hot before, but the worst is still to come. Surprising a lot of people, Donald Trump and the Republican Party have won the elections. While in our timeline his mandate wasn't especially known for its stability, in this timeline it is  much worse. I won't go too deep into this, but every problem that affected the USA in OTL is 2, 3, or even 4 times worse. When the 2020 elections arrive, there may almost be no hopes left. American society is divided, paramilitary groups in both sides are more and more common, and ideologies that would be considered "extreme" are now normal. The American nation is in its last legs.
View attachment 79724
The elections end, with Joe Biden amd the democrats winning. Shortly after, Trump declares that the elections were manipulated, and asks for the votes to be counted again. Just like OTL, after this being negated, the Capitol is raided. After it the FBI tries to arrest Trump, failing. The last nail in the coffin.
Militias and paramilitary groups start fighting in urban and rural areas, and some even manage to control large parts of territories (some examples would be leftist militias in Cascadia and rightists in the Northwest and South). Most of the army stands with the government, but some parts join Trump. With neither the Democrats or Republicans recognizing that the other side has won the elections, America is now de facto divided. After almost two centuries, America sees war again. The Second American Civil War has started.
View attachment 79727

What would the social and political consequences of this war be? How would the American people be affected? And culture and the internet as a whole?
Interesting, most probably countries like China and Russia would try to profit off the division and civil war, how?, i don't have a clear idea but for sure the use of "helping" one side and then the other to not make neother fully win and making the U.S. collapse even more.
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Webcomics! Banzai!
Jan 20, 2022
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Either Jeb takes total control and restores America's glory or America 一直是真正的新中国,美国和加拿大都被征服了。是的,加拿大。习近平知道他们的愚蠢的枫叶旗很弱智,并让加拿大的华人社区奋起反抗,加拿大的大多数枪支都是中国的(特别是 SKS 平台,因为它不受限制,但中国制造的枪支在加拿大普遍相当普遍),因此斜眼黄种人在枪械中安装了跟踪芯片,让中国叛军能够迅速找到并缴获这些枪支。在解放军入侵和游击队的共同作用下,美国和加拿大现在都成了新中国。然而,叛军是毛派,而不是习近平的忠实拥护者,他们说服占领的解放军宣布独立,因为习近平是允许中国实行资本主义的修正主义者。现在我们又回到了开始,美国和中国互相威胁要杀了对方,只是现在美国是共产主义,世界上没有愚蠢的枫叶旗。尽管这是关于美国内战的,但请忽略其中大部分内容谈论的是加拿大而不是美国。习近平只是利用美国内战来入侵,反正当时情况已经完全搞砸了,所以毫不费力,而美国人一直在 TikTok 上发布有关战争的信息,这让解放军敢死队很容易就能追踪到他们。就像,这比加拿大发生的事情要平淡得多。告诉我,你会想读这句话,而不是读那些关于追踪充斥加拿大枪支市场的大量北方工业公司的废话。该死的特鲁多,你这个黑脸自由主义者,你的禁令把加拿大枪支市场逼到了绝境,迫使他们依赖垃圾。我看起来像是在乎这些法律在你进入政界之前就已经出台了吗?你以为我在乎你到那里的时候市场上已经充满了北方工业公司的塑料血汗工厂的废话吗?你以为我会在乎加拿大在你出生前就有那面愚蠢的树叶旗吗?他们本来可以把任何东西放在那里,他妈的!他们选择了一片树叶!去你妈的特鲁多,这还是你的错,该死的。NEO-CHINA has risen and all the seppos got fuckin Shanghai'd, and it's all his god damned fault, he doomed the fucking west.
ADDENDUM: I forgot to add that Jason Unruhe becomes leader of NEO-CHINA somehow and is promptly lynched after eleven minutes of being in office. God Bless Jeb Bush for saving us from this cruel fate. I prefer Sadie Plant anyway.
...was the real neo-China the whole time and America and Canada are both conquered. Yes, Canada. Xi knows their dumb leaf flag is retarded and gets the Chinese community in Canada to rise up, aided by the fact that most firearms in Canada are Chinese (the SKS platform in particular due to its non-restricted status, however Chinese made guns are rather prolific in Canada in general) and thus the slant-eyed yellow bastards stuck tracking chips in the fuckers, allowing the Chinese rebels to rapidly locate and seize these firearms for the cause. With a combination of the PLA invasion and the guerillas, both America and Canada are now neo-China. The rebels, however, are Maoists, not Xi Jinping loyalists, and convince the occupying PLA forces to declare independence due to Xi Jinping being a revisionary who allows capitalism in China. And now we're back to the beginning where America and China are threatening to kill each other, except now America is communist and there's no dumb maple leaf flag in the world. Just conveniently ignore how most of this was talking about Canada rather than America despite it being about the American Civil War. Xi just takes advantage of the Civil War in America to invade, shit's totally messed up at that point anyway so it's effortless, and the Americans keep posting about the war on TikTok which allows the PLA death squads to track them down easily. Like, that's so much less dramatic than what happens in Canada. Tell me you'd want to read that one sentence rather than that shit about tracking down the boatload of Norinco bullshit that's flooded the Canadian firearms market. God damn it Trudeau, you black faced liberal, your bans have backed the Canadian firearms market into a corner and forced them to rely on chink garbage. Do I look like I care that these laws came into being before you even got into politics? Do you think I care that the market was already full of Norinco plastic sweatshop nonsense when you got there? Do you think I give even a miniscule of a fuck that Canada had that stupid fucking leaf flag before you were even born? They could have put anything there, for fucks sake! And they chose a leaf! Fuck you Trudeau, it's still all your fault, god damn it.
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Digital Cheese

Venith Emperor
Jun 6, 2023
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im going to start the civil war 2 and after we win, the Agorian Empire shall begin. Everyone will get free maid outfits and we're sending jews and glowies out (for the jews, they can get an exception if they were members before the deportations).
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And you've proved once again...
Oct 14, 2023
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im going to start the civil war 2 and after we win, the Agorian Empire shall begin. Everyone will get free maid outfits and we're sending jews and glowies out (for the jews, they can get an exception if they were members before the deportations).
Your first plan for Agora is related to femboys? You're not an apt leader.
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Digital Cheese

Venith Emperor
Jun 6, 2023
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Your first plan for Agora is related to femboys? You're not an apt leader.
that's not my first plan, far from it.

Firstly, all normies will be sent to the pods to eat the bugs. They will become our slave, our cattle. However, instead of consooming high-fructose corn-syrup and pornography, they will consoom REAL sugar, REAL fat, and they will watch Agorachan memes endlessly. They VILL own nothing and they VILL be happy.

Secondly, we will rid our nation of suburban environments. After all, normies are now living entirely in cities, preferably California or New York. And as for us, we're all getting plenty of acres of farm land, so we can build nuclear bombs and produce our own food.

Thirdly, we will annex Canada into the International Agorian Empire.

Fourthly, all glowies will be sent OUT.

Fifthly, we will all gain free maid outfits and free pizza (using normie slave labor).

Sixthly, we will annex Mexico.

Seventhly, we will form an alliance with Russia, then build back the USSR, then take over the USSR for the INTERNATIONAL AGORA EMPIRE.

Eighthly, we will form a world government and take over the rest of the world.


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Nov 16, 2021
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This is kind of scary when you have in mind how much influence the USA have in the world. This reminds me of the comment I shared in the >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk cringe thread
"When the USA farts, the whole world smells"
I would like to imagine that the US collapse and the world will becomes a better place but if that happens then its more likely that China becomes the new "Babylon" of the world which is not any better than the US
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