My interest roots from the fact that usually older stuff from new industries tend to be the most creative and beautiful pieces of work.
With video games for example, older games were a lot more fascinating imo because there wasn't a specific demand for a specific genre aside from shooters, and especially since publishers didn't know what the audience wanted, there wasn't a status quo to fulfill, thus allowing the most innovative and complex storylines and games to be birthed (or atleast that's my theory)
This applies to many other things, like webcomics and newer forms of media that had no "basic outline" of what usually worked, so the creators that would step up to make shit did so solely because they felt like it.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that older retro shit had this honest curiosity behind the creativity, and that creativity always shone such a "soulfulness" and unconventional strange beauty that I've always found so much more fun and joy interacting with then the modern instalments.