Why do you think certain opinions are aggressively pushed on the internet?

I've recently been messing around with Myers-Briggs tests and I think most people who believe in this "NPC phenomenon" are deeply Intuitive (N) thinkers that notice "bad"/"average" Sensing (S) personality types.

"Sensors pay attention to both immediate data from their five senses and from their own direct experiences. They are create meaning from conscious thought, rather than trusting their subconscious, limiting their attention to facts and solid data. As necessary, they will happily dig into the fine detail of the situation.
They focus on what is immediate, practical and real, and live life as it is rather than trying to change the world.
They like logic and tend to pursue things in a clear sequence. At work, they will have a clear schedule and like to use their proven skills in tactical situations.
They may be seen as frivolous or short-sighted by Intuitors."

"Intuitors process data more deeply than sensors and are happy to trust their subconscious and 'sixth sense', gut feel, intuition or whatever you want to call it.
They are good at spotting patterns and taking a high-level view, as opposed to digging into the detail.
They like ideas and inspiration and tend to have a focus on the future, where they will plan to change the world rather than continue to live in the imperfect present.
At work, they like to acquire new skills and working at the strategic level.
They may be seen as impractical, theoretical and lacking determination by Sensors."

  • Intuitors see Sensors as not thinking for themselves (not listening to subconscious/thought)
  • Intuitors see Sensors as only focusing on what is in front of them or presented to them (seeing things as-is, not questioning)
  • Sensors like "clear sequences" and "schedules". something an Intuitor would see as "NPC behavior"
  • Literally in the description: "They may be seen as frivolous or short-sighted by Intuitors."
Based on Briggs-Myers theory, I am processing data intuitively. But I also think that a sensor type does not necesserily act as dumb as an "NPC" would, because sensors are also able do think critically (discern qualities of data) but in a manner that is more in contact with the numbers they have recieved. This is one of the great differences, if there's any other. The absence of critical thought, and sharing forward what triggers you without peeling of any layers of given topic.
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The thing is. I don't have friends. This is a kinda recent stuff. I deleted all social media, cut off any interaction with people I used to call friends. They fell for a gossip which everyone believed and I knew that it's pointless to try and turn it around. I used dating apps for bodycount with low success (I look pretty decent but my texting game is lame af) I pick up girls better in real life. But I'm not that interested for a while.
I might be wrong, but I think I got where you're coming from. Don't lose hope, buddy.
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not a visitor from outer space
Jun 23, 2021
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You mentioned the New Age movement. I believe this faux spirituality is made so that people are docile and don't fight back. The chakras they like to promote are basically implants meant to contain sexual energy. New Age people are told the sacral and root chakras are "bad" because they store your sexual energy and "primitive" desires, like eating food. They are instructed to give out this energy to the crown chakra. The life energy that they trapped in the root and sacral chakras goes out of the body. Notice how the majority of these New Age loons are malnourished, pale, scrawny and look way too old for their age.
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Internet Refugee
Nov 16, 2021
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You've identified fringe groups. People feel a sense of collectivism and belonging when they can find the same people. The message gets louder and louder and such.

Look at us for example, people wouldn't get why we enjoy this site, and here we are.
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Oct 7, 2021
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There's quite a few of opinions that circulate near consistently on the internet and always garner the same responses (as if going by a pre approved script, whether based on real or imagined emotional responses from internet users).

If one is not confined to their screen they can notice in real life these discussions often play out differently and offer more diverse opinions than what the internet gives (especially in the past 10 years, with controlled google searches and suspiciously sounding A.I bots on >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk/Youtube/4chan comment section). Of course, people who parrot the same internet-approved (as I would like to call them) views exist in real life but they're often the types to be constantly online or very familiar with internet culture, as opposed to someone who grew them "organically", so to speak.

Here are my unbiased observations of which opinions are pushed aggressively on the internet. Some astroturfed and some not.

New Age/Paganism/Spirituality/Alternate Religions
Atheism/Science Worship
Anti Christianity/Anti Abrahamic Religions
Feminism, especially of the Sexual Liberation Variants
Incel Led Misogyny, MRAs
Pornography Addiction/Sexual "Immorality" (furries, zoophiles, pedophiles, rape, ect)/certain sexual fetishes (traps/femboys, "mommy fetish", ect)
Evopsych theories/wannabe evopsych theorists supporting the previous points
LGBTQ+, chiefly Transgenderism, Transrights, and focus on (Male) Homosexuality//Identities and Pride Based on Sexuality
Nazi era / Eugenics inspired Racism
Extreme Pro Capitalism / Anti Communism
Extreme Pro Communism / Anti Capitalism
Extreme Political Views in General
(recent one) Defending Corporations
(recent one) Obsessive stanning of Pop Artists
Alt Left/SJWism
Alt Right

The most highly engaged (and very predictable) responses where it all tends to feel scripted are topics of Sex/Dating, Gender Differences, Sexuality, Religion, and Abortion Rights. For internet forums and websites, these opinions are either aggressively alt left or aggressively alt right, rarely any in betweens strangely enough. If a site seems more center or "balanced" it ends up going off the deep end relatively easily.

Another curious problem is when posters of a community get seemingly replaced overnight with posters of a completely different opinion that gets repeated word for word, constantly throughout the day, seen it happen with so many different communities (from politics, to dating sites, to video games) that hasn't really been common in any time period of the internet before 2015/2016

Either way, I would love to discuss this cause its been weighing on my mind for some time now and has me feeling really dissonant about the internet lately. Other opinions about this subject are encouraged!
The amount of people engaging in discourse about these topics while also using the same logic and lingo is pushing me closer and closer to believing in the dead internet theory
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in short, WEF.
Otherwise, think-tanks with agendas.

You (they) pick up idea, make memes, share. Even dont have to sign on it. Just to "connect" it to something will do the trick. You narrow it to some narrow community, "wing", and it is done.
IDK how, but or RW on Twitter (just cz-sk? idk), there are cat(face) pfps. no clue tho how and why that is a thing.
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Executor of Dry IT Men
May 28, 2022
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To me the "NPC" thing isn't really anything but there being a shocking number of people who seem to have no life outside of the societally condoned lines. I've seen people who just, grow up, watch tv, do job, watch tv, shit out kid, watch tv, die. These are the people who then get online cause they've been given internet and promptly believe anything they read, no matter the source or whatever.

No hobbies, nothing of interest to talk about, nothing to contribute. The ones without kids I would fully believe go home from work and stand behind the door until it's time to go to work again the next day. It does make me wonder if human sentience is not a universal phenomenon, but I don't like to think about it too much lest it make me even more of a misanthrope.
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>New Age/Paganism/Spirituality/Alternate Religions
paganism is A E S T H E T I C. When shallow people are given the choice to be unique without resistance they usually take it. You most likely never see people that feel the need to be special. And paganism isn't really socially acceptable irl

>Atheism/Science Worship
>Anti Christianity/Anti Abrahamic Religions
I think the reason is atheists that had restrictive parents are extra angry on the internet while they can't be like that irl

>Feminism, especially of the Sexual Liberation Variants

You are probably never around people that are well off enough they care about the slight difference between men and women

>Incel Led Misogyny, MRAs
these people lost at life hard, they probably can't even talk to people properly. Just think about all the off-putting and creepy people you see day to day, thats the kind of people that follow incel led dating ideas.

>Pornography Addiction/Sexual "Immorality" (furries, zoophiles, pedophiles, rape, ect)/certain sexual fetishes (traps/femboys, "mommy fetish", ect)
>LGBTQ+, chiefly Transgenderism, Transrights, and focus on (Male) Homosexuality//Identities and Pride Based on Sexuality

fetishes are rarely talked about irl

>Nazi era / Eugenics inspired Racism
>Extreme Pro Capitalism / Anti Communism
>Extreme Pro Communism / Anti Capitalism
>Extreme Political Views in General
>(recent one) Defending Corporations
>(recent one) Obsessive stanning of Pop Artists
>Alt Left/SJWism
>Alt Right
I have written about how corporations are writing algorithms to make people politically extreme, extreme views turn individuals into crowds ready to be leaded, especially when they are discriminated against.
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Orlando Smooth

Well-Known Traveler
Aug 12, 2019
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paganism is A E S T H E T I C. When shallow people are given the choice to be unique without resistance they usually take it. You most likely never see people that feel the need to be special. And paganism isn't really socially acceptable irl
I agree with your first two sentences, but strongly, STRONGLY, disagree with the second two. I know more "pagan" people in real life (or wikkan or whatever other nonsense) than I do genuine believers in traditional religion, and it is most definitely acceptable in virtually any American subgroup of people under 50. It's really not rare at all.

I think the real reason they claim to believe such things is that they are feeling the god shaped hole in their hearts, but have been told "religion bad" from birth. These are not the children of religious people or the children of outwardly atheistic people, they're the children of people who wandered away from church during college and never found meaning in life. If there's a term for like doomer gen x people, that's who raised these "pagans."
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Andy Kaufman

i know
Feb 19, 2022
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Division, discussion and fighting is what floats to the top. Algorithm or not.
If we calmly agree to disagree on a topic with reasonable, near center opinions, a thread we would've come to this conclusion would quickly sink to the bottom while the thread where two partisans are defending their cut or uncut penis fir weeks on end will stay at the top.
That's what most imageboard and forum software does without any content curating algorithms - the content curates itself by virtue of how inflammatory it is.

Now add social media algorithms who exploit this and actively push shit that makes people mad.
Doesn't take long to suspect something is being astroturfed. While I don't deny that shill campaigns do happen, I think the vast majority is just >muh Engagement and >muh Retention in action.
Fundamentally, disagreeing, hating and passion for or against a subject is what pushes it to the top.
OP lists topics such as religion, philosophy, politics and sexuality - a very broad range of subjects MANY people can get very passionate about.

The algorithms don't even need to know the content of a post or video. If enough people have clicked on it and comments under said post are frequent enough, it will be promoted because chances of engagement and retention are higher.
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