Your Family's Belief In The Paranormal

Oct 17, 2021
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I'm curious as to what extent your family believed in the paranormal and how much it rubbed off onto you during your upbringing. Were that any paranormal experiences from your childhood that you told them about? How did they react?

I find that most parents, no matter how straight-laced, will adopt some kind of belief in positive/negative spirits, guardian angels, ghosts (especially those of relatives who've passed) etc after the birth of their kids.

In my instance, my mother swore that every picture she took of me before I left on a Boy Scout trip had "orbs" in them, which she felt were protective spirits.
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satanic mechanic
Apr 9, 2021
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my parents were big on the "guardian angel" thing, which never really rubbed off on me, it just seemed like the grown up version of imaginary friends to me.

but i remember consistently throughout my childhood seeing what i thought was a ghost, but looking back it was obviously just my imagination. i would see a fluffy white dog in the other room through my bedroom doorway at night and every time i mentioned it to my folks they said that the dog must have died in the house in the past and his spirit thought his owners still lived there. kind of dark to say to a kid in my opinion.
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I find that most parents, no matter how straight-laced, will adopt some kind of belief in positive/negative spirits, guardian angels, ghosts (especially those of relatives who've passed) etc after the birth of their kids.
I've noticed this trend as well. Glad I'm not the only one.

My mother had at least some belief in the paranormal but she never really spoke about it. I do recall her talking about guardian angels a handful of times, though. My dad had no belief in it whatsoever.

I never had any paranormal experiences when I was a kid, only as an adult.
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foreign ramen exchange student
May 10, 2021
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growing up, my mom would tell me stories of when she was kid and younger adult, having paranormal encounters, and to this day she is still a believer in the paranormal. not like to a schizo level, but she does say that her sister is her gaurdian angel, and i can believe her. i happen to stay relatively agnostic on the subject.
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This Is War, Huh, Wow!
Oct 11, 2021
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My mum is definitely a believer of the paranormal, and we've had a few experiences together as a family when I was growing up that were very difficult to explain. She is from an Asian country where they are very superstitious, whereas my Dad is European and is not a strong believer in the paranormal at all.
We once stayed in a 'cursed' motel in said Asian country, and our experience ties in with a very common Asian superstition to do with beds and the direction they face, and the experiences we had there were very odd to say the least, if not at least a little concerning.
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Starship Trooper
Jun 18, 2021
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My family is pretty young, not really something we talk about much. My great grandpa is currently on his deathbed due to cancer and he seems rather stoic about it, I kinda want to ask him how he feels about dying soon but I don't know how to go about it. I know his daughter/ my grandma is rather spiritual in that she believes in ghosts.

Me and my mom both have a spook ghost story that shapes our beliefs from when she took me exploring at the site of a burned down mill. I think I've posted that story here before
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Jun 1, 2021
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My dad's entire family insists one of their childhood homes that they briefly lived in was haunted, and not in a fun way. They have some really strange stories about objects moving on their own (on one occasion in full view of the family), unsettling recurring nightmares of having a hand clapped over their face, and one particularly disturbing incident where they came home from Mass and their dog was locked inside of the bathroom with the bathtub and tap running. My dad is a very skeptical person and not at all prone to superstition, so it definitely strikes me as strange that he (and every one of his seven siblings) are so sure of it. They moved out of the place and into another house nearby pretty much as soon as they could. I'm not sure what to think about it, I don't usually buy into that sort of thing but there's a lot we don't know
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Internet Refugee
Mar 7, 2021
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My mom was definitely a big believer in surface level paranormal stuff. One time a candle fell and she thought it had something to do with my grandfather who passed away the month previous

She also believes whenever a ladybug or butterfly land on you that its a relative visiting you from heaven. This stuff has definitely rubbed off on me and whenever a ladybug lands on me I always feel a sense of warmth a happiness and like someone is watching over me

Sorry if its not as spooky as any other posts :)
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Hipster Doofus
Jul 25, 2021
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My mom was quite religious and also believed in just about anything paranormal. She was always convinced whatever house/apartment we were in was haunted. My dad isn't religious and doesn't typically believe in paranormal type things.

One of the houses I grew up was allegedly very haunted and wacky paranormal events would occur all the time. I typically don't believe in that type of thing, but both of my parents as well as my other relatives and family friends will all confirm the same stories, so who knows?
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May 27, 2021
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Not sure. They're just "normal" Christians, but I did hear my mom used to see helicopters from a military base near her old house.
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Oct 11, 2021
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Here's a story my mother told me when my sister wanted to play that Charlie Charlie game if any of you remember that. Basically anything used to contact spirits she is highly superstitious of as back in her old school during the 1980s two students did just that with an Ouija board. For context my mother grew up in London and they have some very old British schools, and hers was one of them. Supposedly two students broke in at night, went to the top floor and managed to contact a spirit with an ouija board, but to horrific results as it was a nasty entity they encountered that left the two kids traumatized apparently and they even had to bring a priest in. She is quite certain of the event happening and it would be cool to find any documentation of it from old newspapers and what have you.

So yeah my mother definitely believes in the paranormal I'll say that much.
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Jan 26, 2021
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My family used to believe in a lot of paranormal stuff ghosts shit like that. But the only time I would hear about it is after a tragedy of some sort. This led me to believe that the belief in paranormal is heavily influenced by the loss of people. Tell me what you think?bchmmmmm:Smadge:
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Deleted member 1930

my father is a scientist but has the belief that there are things science can't (or refuses to explain) and stuff the human mind cannot comprehend, yet.

he thinks modern science has failed and has turned more into something faith-based and not discovery or curiosity based, as we see in corporo-government slogans like "the science is settled" and faggots like Neil deGrasse Tyson. science has gone from "what if" or "what is" or "why is" to "here's data from [corporation], accept it and don't ask questions about it".

my dad fully believes in ETs and was telling me about ancient alien/chariots of the gods shit way way before history channel was even a thing. my father's opinion is that aliens have time travelled from the future (they are evolved humans) to manipulate us and study us. he's also had encounters/experiences with ghosts/spirits too

In the pass year or so he's also become a lot more religious than ever before and has been doing lots of analysis on the Bible and has come to the determination that many events did happen just as the bible says (he explained the earth creation thing to me and how 7 days equates to the big bang, but I can't remember now :/), and as I've taken explorations into esoteric/perennial knowledge, im inclined to agree. there was a lot of stuff happening in human history that just don't make any sense in our current paradigm and views on the world. sure, "science" will say it is impossible for Noah to live to be 1000 years old....BUT scientists also have a hard time agreeing on how the Pyramids or Sphinx were not saying everyinthg in the bible IS true, but Im saying modern culture needs to get a grip and maybe admit they don't always know what they're talking about?

one thing he was telling me recently was about the Nephilim of the bible, and how these were the basis for Greco-Roman demigods (or demigods in general). the bible explains that angels came down from heaven and fucked the earth women and their offspring were "men of great power and renown" Perseus...or Jesus...etc.

Deleted member 1930

my parents were big on the "guardian angel" thing, which never really rubbed off on me, it just seemed like the grown up version of imaginary friends to me.

but i remember consistently throughout my childhood seeing what i thought was a ghost, but looking back it was obviously just my imagination. i would see a fluffy white dog in the other room through my bedroom doorway at night and every time i mentioned it to my folks they said that the dog must have died in the house in the past and his spirit thought his owners still lived there. kind of dark to say to a kid in my opinion.

just because it's imaginary doesn't mean it's not real


Jun 1, 2021
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my father's opinion is that aliens have time travelled from the future (they are evolved humans) to manipulate us and study us.
Gene Wolfe was a Catholic science fiction writer who played with this idea in very interesting ways, I definitely recommend reading The Book of the New Sun
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