Recent content by canalman

  1. canalman

    abandoned online games

    I mean a lot of them seem to convey their horror differently. Some go for nostalgic horror, and some go for BOO! kind of horror. It's a spectrum where some succeed and others fail. I think the main issue with the horror of a lot of games that brand themselves like this is that they're not...
  2. canalman

    abandoned online games

    This isn't probably the type of game you had in mind, seeing as it's actually pretty recent, but I remember I used to play a game called Unturned, it's a zombie game with a low-poly aesthetic, but I remember there being way more players online than there is now. The only people that seem to play...


  4. canalman

    [ATTACH] He so real for that

    He so real for that
  5. canalman


    Went on here expecting to see a bunch of autists losing their shit at human rights, but came out of it fully sickened. Yeah fuck >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk man.
  6. canalman

    December 2023 Music Artist Thread

    Jesus Christ, this one was it, chief. I find that your stuff can be a little hit or miss for me (not that it's bad or anything, just that I sometimes struggle to connect with music like that) but holy fuck, was that track good. Usually, when I listen to these music recommendations I put them on...
  7. canalman

    November 2023 Music Artists Thread

    View: Another shitty electronic album for your enjoyment
  8. canalman

    November 2023 Music Artists Thread

    Really like the vibes with this one. Very dark sounding with a hint of humanity's innate curiosity. Idk how to describe it. Ethereal also works, but its electronic elements also make it sound mechanical, so it isn't particularly catagorizable as ethereal. Tech-thereal? Sure. My favourite track...
  9. canalman

    November 2023 Music Artists Thread

    Get ready to listen to the absolute worst electronic album you've ever heard from yours truly (wasn't made in November, but was uploaded in November, so that counts for me) View: (Oh yeah, it starts on the last track because that's...
  10. canalman

    November 2023 Music Artists Thread

    Gonna be honest, didn't really like this one at first, but it's grown on me. It's got a slightly discordant quality to it (which is kind of what turned me off at first) but it does end up worming its way back into my head, and I did start to like it in the end. This one was an immediate like...
  11. canalman

    I am become based. Destroyer of bank account. [ATTACH]

    I am become based. Destroyer of bank account.
  12. canalman

    I would be hella proud

    I would be hella proud
  13. canalman

    I cringe at my current posts. Maybe that's a good thing.

    I cringe at my current posts. Maybe that's a good thing.
  14. canalman

    October 2023 Music Artists Thread

    This is sick. I haven't really got any criticism notes for it. It's got a strong vibe and carries that vibe throughout the album. My favourite track is definitely unwound, something about it tickles my brain. Keep up the good music, man! Here's a shitty Indie Rock album I made, I am aware that...
  15. canalman

    Alright, I'll check out that method. I was trying to see if I could get Vib-ribbon working on it...

    Alright, I'll check out that method. I was trying to see if I could get Vib-ribbon working on it via burning it to a disc