Recent content by NostalgicDepression

  1. NostalgicDepression

    The Last Good Year?

    Just gonna go ahead and say 2007, where the internet was at its peak, in my opinion. Classic Myspace & YouTube where people weren't as worried about getting views and stuff like that. I miss video responses on YouTube & the 5 star system...also when Google wasn't attached to our channels. I...
  2. NostalgicDepression

    What Decade/Era Are You Most Nostalgic For?

    This post is old but I saw it resting at the bottom there, under a recent thread. I had my childhood years in the 90s where I had little responsiblity, so it's mostly the 90s. I can't have nostalgia for the 80s because I wasn't thought about yet. I imagine though, if I had, it would have been...
  3. NostalgicDepression

    Nostalgic Youtube

    Dancing Bush. I used to come home and play this game in 2005. It was quite fun but it was the music that did it for me. View:
  4. NostalgicDepression

    80s v 90s v 00s

    1982 to 1987. View:
  5. NostalgicDepression

    Tell us why your favorite retro computer sucked

    Carrying the computer since it was too freaking big. Slow startup.
  6. NostalgicDepression

    Since this is the internet, I guess it depends on who you come into contact with. I hope you...

    Since this is the internet, I guess it depends on who you come into contact with. I hope you have a wonderful time here though and welcome. <3
  7. NostalgicDepression

    Cultural changes you've noticed in your lifetime

    I was born in the Spring of 1990 and man... a lot has changed. I agree with what you said about political correctness becoming draconian. I hate it. Back in the late 90s early 2000s, every racial stereotype was used for comedic relief in movies and nobody got upset. It wasn't only black people...
  8. NostalgicDepression

    Vaporwave-aesthetic movies/tv??

    Has anyone ever heard of the Purple Boys? They are modern but their commercials are SO Vaporwave!!
  9. NostalgicDepression

    Why did you pick your username?

    At the time I chose this username, I was heartbroken and on top of that, I was born in May 1990.