Recent content by chiapense

  1. chiapense

    What Are Your Comfort Games?

    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night got me through some rough times..
  2. chiapense

    Favorite Philosophers?

    Sometimes I run across a philosophical/theological idea that can change the way I see the world in a deep and lasting way. These are a few of those. Marx' commodity fetishism Sartre's being for-itself and in-itself Al-Ghazali's idea that god is the direct cause of everything that happens...
  3. chiapense

    Introduce yourself!

    What cancelled sitcom best describes your life? Duckman What does Vaporwave mean to you? Vaporwave takes artless mass-produced commercial music and transmogrifies it into a sort of folk music of the internet. Since it often goes beyond just sampling, its lack of usefulness to the broader...