Recent content by gesushido

  1. gesushido

    Barony-like games?

    Yoooo these games look good! I'll definitely check them out, thank you!
  2. gesushido

    Games beaten in 2024.

    Beaten Sekiro yesterday, immediately went to play Elden Ring. My muscle memory betrayed me....
  3. gesushido

    Barony-like games?

    Are there any Barony-like games? I really like the idea of complex, difficult and strange dungeons full of interesting things and stuff View: also ost is so good
  4. gesushido

    [MEDIA] View:

  5. gesushido

    So true. Travis best wife

    So true. Travis best wife
  6. gesushido

    Woke up. Took ibuprofen. Went to sleep. Damn.

    Woke up. Took ibuprofen. Went to sleep. Damn.
  7. gesushido

    I found this place through disillusion steam page, and it caught my interest, because i love...

    I found this place through disillusion steam page, and it caught my interest, because i love vaporwave, y2k and etc. And i thought "if this place is so small, maybe it full of great and interesting people!" And i was right! Actually somewhat scared talking to strangers, but I feel comfortable here
  8. gesushido

    Fate works so funny...glad to be a part of the Agora Road...

    Fate works so funny...glad to be a part of the Agora Road...
  9. gesushido

    Recently started reading a lot, any tips?

    Wow So many authors... Thanks, I don't even know when I'll read all this... :agcrybl:
  10. gesushido

    Recently started reading a lot, any tips?

    Not necessarily fiction.. But anyways, thank you everyone ^^
  11. gesushido

    Recently started reading a lot, any tips?

    Actually reading it right now :melhpy:
  12. gesushido

    Recently started reading a lot, any tips?

    Thank you all for your suggestions, I'll try to read at least some of it in the near future :JahyStare: Also, what about Nietzsche? As far as I know, Camus was inspired by his ideas
  13. gesushido

    Recently started reading a lot, any tips?

    Well, I started reading a lot of books about six months ago, like the works of Albert Camus or Borges. Can you recommend something similar? Or just something philosophical, but not very pressing on the mind. Is Jung good?
  14. gesushido

    dying of itching rn

    dying of itching rn
  15. gesushido

    Introduce yourself!

    It's never too late m8 :^)