Recent content by Laonji

  1. Laonji


  2. truth.png


  3. Laonji

    Is Russia now a libertarian utopia?

    Supposedly Torrenting is now legal so tech companies kinda shot themselves in the foot, anything that deprives Adobe from charging 200$/m for photoshop is good though. God bless
  4. Laonji

    Introduce yourself!

    Hii, I just joined, and this place seems really fun :lainDance: What does Vaporwave mean to you? I've always thought of it as a dream or a vision, A idea of a future and the past at the same time that doesn't exist. Personally I like how vaporwave art / music evoke a feeling from me that i cant...
  5. Laonji

    The Strange World of "skatworx/skat" Animation. (AKA "MSPaint Animations")

    omg its been so long since I've seen motivational lizard, brings back memories from when important videos playlist was the funniest shit :agsmile:
  6. Laonji

    [ATTACH] Kinda the mood rn:agpepsi:

    Kinda the mood rn:agpepsi:
  7. Laonji

    Where does your interest in retro things come from?

    I was born in the 2000s so by the time I could understand stuff I had missed the early internet and I wasn't alive during the 70s-90s so looking back at those times through music and art etc its really interesting. I also hate the modern world and the bland aesthetics, there turning everything...