Recent content by Woodsy Alyn

  1. Woodsy Alyn

    How has 9/11 impacted you on a personal level

    Well its hard to say right? Like I only exist in the reality where 9/11 happened and therefore I don't know the me that would exist if 9/11 had not had an impact. But it is my grandmothers birthday so at least I wont every forget that again. If I were to speculate though I'd say if 9/11 hadn't...
  2. Woodsy Alyn

    Your most secret/intimate dream (aspirations)

    I don't tend to remember my dreams at all so I interpreted this as "goals" and one goal I have is I'd like to start a commune on my family farm but I have to wait till my very conservative relatives are dead. Also if I did remember my dreams I'm sure they'd be about being picked never for softball.
  3. Woodsy Alyn

    Hey! Thanks for the welcome. Nice to have found myself here :D

    Hey! Thanks for the welcome. Nice to have found myself here :D
  4. Woodsy Alyn

    Introduce yourself!

    Hello beautiful folks. My name is Woodsy Alyn. What cancelled sitcom best describes your life? That 70s Show through high school, Mission Hill now. What does Vaporwave mean to you? Well back in the peak tumblr days it was a e s t h e t i c s a nice detuned elevator musak with some marble...