What is the worst mainstream website and why?

The worst?

  • >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk

    Votes: 18 11.5%
  • 4chan

    Votes: 4 2.5%
  • Twitter

    Votes: 44 28.0%
  • Instagram

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Facebook

    Votes: 9 5.7%
  • Tiktok

    Votes: 58 36.9%
  • Youtube

    Votes: 3 1.9%
  • Tumblr

    Votes: 4 2.5%
  • PInterest

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Discord

    Votes: 8 5.1%

  • Total voters
I hate them all in their own little ways, tbh. But of course, some I hate more than others.
I started this thread cause I'm curious to see what agora road posters think is the worst.

>redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk can be pretty infurirating with all the bots and shill posting but it can be alright if you manage to avoid that. 4chan was ok back in its heyday although always a bit strange, but now it gives me the same vibes as >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk just an edgier and more hardcore version where it's difficult to filter posts due to the anonymity of it. IG and FB are bleh to me. YouTube is fine, a mixed bag, arguably the easiest to curate ur experience on. TikTok has a lot of problems which I won't get into but sometimes it can be fun, yet a lot of the content feels shallow and pretty boring even if its one of the most authentically active social media right now. Twitter is just complete trash. I hate how artists have used Twitter as a way to share their art when there's so many other sites you can be doing that on so I'm forced to deal with it if I want some decent exposure.

I'd vote Twitter for the worst.
Virtual Cafe Awards


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Aug 11, 2022
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I can't speak to most because well, I don't use them.

Theoretically speaking, from my POV the worst is probably Twitter , but I has a very bad experience with reddit.

The upvote/downvote system on that platform is toxicity incarnate. It actively makes you think that the vast majority of people have opinion X and that therefore you are wrong for having opinion Y. All it produce is hateful tribalism.


Executor of Dry IT Men
May 28, 2022
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Twitter and >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk tied for top worst imo.

Twitter is just hateful bile from all sides and probably #1 contributor to ridiculously polarized and dumbed down society.

>redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk is entirely a groupthink-creating machine, but ultimately anything with a ranking algo based on user interaction encourages bullshit, cause you're encouraged to play to the crowd - cause if you don't nobody ever even sees your post.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Dec 24, 2021
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Twitter is just hateful bile from all sides and probably #1 contributor to ridiculously polarized and dumbed down society.
Gotta agree with Twitter as the worst because of this, especially because of how egregious the algorithm seems to be with recommending you shock content.
Also because of how obvious they are with censoring anything that doesn't fit their agenda, but I guess that's any website now.
Virtual Cafe Awards


In search of something greater.
Jul 16, 2022
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Used to like it actually until I realized that it was mostly bots using it. Legit feels like a human zoo at this point. Also when it comes to vidya, they have. the. worst. takes. They seem to hate any game that's *fun* and are so stuck up with what games are good. Also ended up despising their cdpr echo chamber from 2016-2019. They don't seem to get that every company will have good and bad aspects. Some are more good than others.


This one's weird but I will admit.... I love the humour 4chan has. But also, I find their nihilism and hate to become grading after a while and it can get too much even for me. The best way to enjoy 4chan is to just not take it that seriously.


Quote tweets are the actual spawn of SHEOL. It just breeds grandstanding and acting like you're better than someone. Twitter is probably the dumbest platform ever and the average user has an IQ of 20. If any controversy happens, all thinking ceases to exist.


Envy, the app.


Do people still use Facebook?


Chinese spyware. Also, mentally very harmful.

View: https://youtu.be/kw_nY-tMuHE


Huh, this one is weird actually because I found that it has brought a lot of utility. But of course, YouTube is also horrible and very draconian. Way too corporate for my tastes and removing the dislikes has to be the worst thing ever. Also, the thumbnails are too extra....


Burn it fire, dear macaroni burn it with fire. I think Tumblr has unironically been a disaster for society. The ground zero of "wokeness".


Never actually used this.


Unironically filled with actual child predators who are horrible people/mods. However, everything outside of that it's mediocre.
Last edited:
Virtual Cafe Awards


May 2, 2021
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It's a toss-up between >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk and Twitter. Or really, any site that's merged the "normienet" with the "nerdnet" in some way. If Tumblr were still relevant then I'd mention them, but they've actually become slightly sane ever since the porn ban. ...Well, there's still a bunch of asexual-genderfluid types. And popular users with cults of personality rendering them invulnerable.

Anyway. Twitter's (and Tumblr's) crimes revolved around giving a soapbox to... damn near everyone, really. Used to be that you'd look for your favorite artists' stuff on a media-sharing site like Deviantart, or whatever forum(s) they posted on, and while you might see them bringing up their weird beliefs, they wouldn't spread too far because that required effort in those days (screencapping, copy/pasting, linking to it). Then all the creators moved to Twitter/Tumblr because of how much easier it was for lurkers to access and share their stuff. Which then led them to think "hm, if I can get lots of people to share my art, I bet I could get them to start believing my crazy bullshit too, right?" Sadly, they were right. Then all it took was for sociopaths to influence these people and suddenly THEIR crazy bullshit was being spread as well.

>redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk's crimes? Well the biggest one was killing forums and replacing them with their abomination. We've talked to death about why their system's so awful. We also know how effective it is as a propaganda outlet, but one thing that personally pisses me off is their propaganda powered by inoculation theory... which really is just poisoning the well, but Okay Because We're Doing It. Anyway, what I mean is those cringe-style subreddits focused on screencapping boomers/idiots who are opposed to $CURRENT_THING but make a complete ass of themselves in arguing against it. Rationalwiki types have a related term, "nutpicking", but remember, it's not nutpicking when their side does it.

Speaking of which, that's another one of Twitter's/Tumblr's crimes. All those epic clapbacks? They run on the same principle. Popular user says some bullshit, gets told why they're wrong by a bunch of people, blocks everyone with a good argument, and delivers some trite comeback to the one moron who made a poor rebuttal. So from their followers' perspective, that one moron is the only person representing OP's opposition. Therefore, everyone who disagrees must be exactly like this, right? And this reinforces OP's opinion in their followers' minds. You thought internet arguments on messageboards were bad, on social media they're a vehicle for propaganda.
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Wasted on the Senate Floor
Oct 3, 2022
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Cringe but fine if you find your niche. Absolutely infested with stupidity but that's easily avoided


Look but don't touch. Otherwise you might actually start picking up toxic habits from here. Neat viewpoints you don't find anywhere else.


Infested with bots and stupidity. The stupidity is not easily avoided.


Spyware for zoomers


Spyware for boomers


Spyware for zoomers 2: Electric Boogaloo! Now with added attention-destroying capabilities!


Too vast to judge properly. I hate the way they monetize more and more of it every year.


Honestly pretty good. Most of the crazy people have left and if you just keep to your own little corner it's comfy.


I like it but half the stuff isn't sourced which is annoying as hell.


I only use it to talk to people I know IRL and their friends. Public servers are a warzone.
Virtual Cafe Awards

Deleted member 3990

Twitter has the most toxic and retarded community and has been proven to cause real world harm through CIA psyops, but I'd say the worst is instagram despite that. It's used as an IQ-dampening tool and it's effective on billions of people. Tiktok is the same deal as instagram, but I'd say it's less effective.
I wouldn't consider Tumblr and 4chan to be mainstream.

Deleted member 2362

Worst thing about >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk is how utterly humourless everybody is in there. Recently I made a shitpost in a sports subreddit that doesn't involve personal attacks, wrongthink or anything, just a bit of banter fun, and I got piled on anyways because muh fee fees. It's amazing how much they get off by being sad concerned cunts all the fucking time, like a switch that never goes off. It's no way to live.


̴̘̈́ ̵̲̾ ̸̯̎ ̴͓̀ ̸̳͝ ̸͈͑ ̴̡̋ ̸̞̂ ̴̰̚ ̵̨̔ ̸̭̎
Aug 11, 2022
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I wonder what's the worst subreddit.

r/gamingcirclejerk is probabkly up there. The whole point of the subreddit is making fun of people which brew a very toxic environment.


A moment of bliss isn't enough for a lifetime
Feb 6, 2022
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I voted Instagram for the psychological terror this app is causing in young people, I know lots of people in my age that are really bad because of this shit social media and the younger people are more influenced and depressed and this fucking app is responsible

Twitter is just a hateful endless hole of groupthinking and pure intolerance of everyone.

Tik tok is just plain alienating and pure dumbness of younger people.

>redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk and tumblr are not popular in my country so I wont know it's implications

Facebook is just boomer Twitter and the rootcause of impersonal blank and egocentric focused social media

Pinterest? Is this the site of over 50s woman who likes home decor, dont see a problem in that

Never used Discord but I know there are sexual predators so its kind of like Omegle but with even weirder people

Never used 4chan so for me the only information I have is that the media says its a nazi anonymous circlejerk but who knows
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Green Tea Ice Cream
Jun 5, 2022
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With the exceptions of Discord and 4chan, all of these websites are basically the same. They use some kind of automated recommendation system to show you media that you want to see. I think these kinds of systems are as good or as bad as you want them to be. They do require more effort than most people are willing to put into them. If you're not willing to actively prune what you see then you will be fed a steady stream of lowest common denominator junk. Really, I think most people just prefer broadcast media style curation over surfing the web.
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Internet Trainhopper. Seeker of homes.
Dec 10, 2021
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Anything people accuse Kiwifarms of doing, Twitter has done 100 times worse, and has done so much doxxing that kiwifarms would pale in comparison. Twitter by far. They will dox innocent people and even dogpile on the families of people they are attempting to wipe off the website. Dragging innocents into their shitfits.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Active Traveler
Sep 6, 2022
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Never got into using it. 4chan hit me first and so I've never had the interest. Every time I check it out, I'm consistently hit by the flaws I find in whatever subreddit I'm looking at.
Basketweaver's Anonymous
I don't use it so much anymore. I stopped really using it around 2018, but it used to be really funny and there were pretty quality posts. If there's anything on YouTube from >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk that I hate, it's those insipid robo-recordings of greentext stories. My favorites were /lit/, /his/, and /pol/ (I know); never really got into /b/, briefly touched a few others but never posted. Nowadays I think /lit/ just circle-jerks around a few authors they poorly understand, unfortunately. /pol/ is so repulsively dead now, but it used to have the occasional multi-post where somebody would say something genuinely insightful and interesting - eventually all they got to doing was reposting ones made years ago.
Collision's post above is correct about the use of YouTube. Either you prune what you watch or get streams of shit. There's still some good stuff, but less and less year by year.
I only really come on here for mods/servers for vidya games I play. The ideal way to engage with this is as little as possible, power users on here are negative IQ gibbons who take it upon themselves to pseudo-mod and do Q&A.
Never used 'em, but they don't sound good.
Good for buying used furniture and cars and not firearms. Otherwise, it's for boomers.
Occasionally I get annoyed when I find an image only for it to be hidden behind their website. Not gonna make an account.

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