Recent content by Atlas

  1. Atlas

  2. Atlas

    Conspiracies you have little to no proof of but still believe

    The climate lockdowns are definitely something I can see coming within a few years given how everything is leading to something shifty in 2030. While we are locked up inside, around 90 percent of all carbon emissions originate from organic decomposition. I.e. all those tree leaves that get shed...
  3. Atlas

    The Rise and Fall of Geek Culture

    Read this as the fall of "Greek Culture" and it got me seriously confused until the Funko Pop stuff started getting mentioned.
  4. Atlas

    What Are Your Comfort Games?

    Fallout 3, couldn't care less if it was not sophisticated as NV. There is not as many locations or items but there is a ton of open wasteland to explore which you can get lost in for hours and hours. Even after about a decade you can find stuff you completely missed all those years ago. It is...
  5. Atlas

    After School Satan

    This is coming from the same people who say "think for yourself dude" then suddenly feel the need to warp the minds of the youth into their line of thinking as a cope. When you can't wait for your opposition's children to grow up fast enough to embrace rationalism, your last ditch attempt is to...
  6. Atlas

    Documentary recommendations

    For those of you that have a firm understanding of our monetary system this documentary is not going to shock you, but if economics is not your strong suit I see this as a good introduction. It basically explains how money is made, the origins of the banking system, and why its inevitably...
  7. Atlas

    Describe Agora Road

  8. Atlas

    Elon Musk purchases Twitter | Guess who's back? | Tactical Salt

    Elon buying up twitter stocks probably won't do too much in the long run for website policy. It's more like throwing red meat at a rabid dog to get it off your back, or in this case anyone who does not fall within the shitlib paradigm. Still redmeat is redmeat and I'm enjoying eating it up I...
  9. Atlas

    Values Based Interview(?) Help

    If this advice is worth anything from a random stranger on the internet I'd say try to avoid being completely honest. If you are going to be very honest you might end up selling yourself short, focus on your strong points on what they would like to hear. I think if you present yourself as a...
  10. Atlas

    Do you guys believe in Ghosts?

    My grandad was a delivery driver who delivered boxes of bread to shops and storehouses and there was this one route he was afraid of. He was never an irrational or superstitious man so naturally you would not be inclined to disregard anything he said that was out of the ordinary. It was not...
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  12. Atlas

    self-sustainable living

    Not sure if this applies to anyone living outside the UK but I found a channel solely dedicated to this particular subject of off-grid living. Guy has other videos worth a watch that gives you an idea of what to expect, don't think it would be too dissimilar to what Americans have to deal with...
  13. Atlas

    Conspiracies you have little to no proof of but still believe

    Don't know if this was discussed but I may as well get this off my chest. Probably going to sound retarded but I am somewhat convinced that nuclear weapons are not real or at the very least their power is downplayed. Most of the information we rely upon is old footage from the 40s and 50s. We...
  14. Atlas

    Introduce yourself!

    I have been summoned here today to slavishly follow the initiation ceremony. What cancelled sitcom best describes your life? Watched about two sitcoms but neither really describes my life in any capacity. Everybody loves Raymond I guess? What does Vaporwave mean to you? Was pretty cool when...