Recent content by Chipps

  1. Chipps

    Free will is a lesser influence on our lives compared to fate

    We are all children of Causality. The movement of the universe. It will continue to flow into the future for all eternity. We will ride it onward. I don't think fate is real because fate means that a future has been predetermined - which is impossible, as the future is a concept of our...
  2. Chipps

    Transience and Eternity

    All is fleeting. The universe for humanity at one point will cease to exist. Life is but a fevered dream. Dopamine is a hell of a drug, and the systems and designs in place today are just ways to tap into your innate chemical systems and place you under duress. Like alcoholics, smokers, drug...
  3. Chipps

    Your first videogame and the memories of it.

    The two first games I can remember playing were Ghostbusters and Pitfall for DOS on the computer that my dad owned when I was a child. This was probably around 92-93 or so. Honestly I just remember the games and couldn't even tell you what version or what their actual name was.
  4. Chipps

    a thread for ranting about minor annoyances

    You are not wrong about that. One time I went through a toll road in Florida. Threw my money into the catcher and waited a couple seconds. It didn't take one of the quarters that I threw in it, but I had already started to drive away - it took a picture of the car and license plate. I then...
  5. Chipps

    A ride on the nostalgia wave - Computers

    This is going to end up slightly biographical because I'm going to be writing straight from my memory. Circa '93 When I was a wee lad I remember spending hours and hours on a computer. I have no idea what in the world I was doing, but I remember it. I remember the faint glow of the screen. We...
  6. Chipps

    Introduce yourself!

    Hi I'm Chipps! Just an internet traveler and someone who used to travel down infinite roads in the internet of the past. I came here because I saw that there was a community that exists outside of the normal confines of the internet. I see some of the most recent posts talking about music (I...