
  1. Njordr

    Modern and Real-Life Demons.

    This, hopefully, won't end up being a weird schizo post. But something that has been bothering me for the better part of two years. First off, I believe that demons are real but not in the sense of horns and deals. What I want to describe as demons are things that are so horrible and evil or so...
  2. TheTreasurer

    Beings made from electromagnetic radiation

    I wholeheartedly believe that demons, angels, spirits, aliens, and any other interdimensional entities are just beings whose bodies are fully composed of electromagnetic radiations of various frequencies. We cannot directly perceive them with our eyes because they are on the EM spectrum that is...


    Introduction: Have you ever felt dizzy, anxious and negative energy hitting your stomach for no reason. You feel when visiting a place a negative aura, or you feel this when you speak with other people. The moments before the storm you feel somethings coming, or you go a trip with your friend or...
  4. NMDkilPxLxAv-Fgc5_VJiWkw5zIB9k8HHJkZnUXaon0.jpg

