
  1. lovelace

    Ideal monitor setup

    Discuss: What is the ideal monitor resolution and size for general use I've come to the conclusion that 4k is not a great choice for most people at lower monitor sizes when accounting for scaling. 1440p or even 1080p is better in these instances when accounting for expense, user experience...
  2. doubleplusgood23

    Advice for a first time macOS user?

    After a decade plus of Linux desktop use I'm taking the plunge into macOS. I've got a nicely specced Mac Studio coming this week and wondering what essential applications, workflows, tools, tips and tricks macOS users here rely on. I've absorbed a lot by osmosis while listening to podcasts...
  3. ThePetlessZuy

    Anybody wanna share some Unix Porn? I use Arch BTW.

    Procrastinating work rn but figured I'd try to see if I could start up a Unix porn thread, I'll share a couple of pictures of my desktop when I get the opportunity. Figure somebody here could outdo me or I'll turn my work laptop into the prettiest, least functional vaporwave aesthetic you ever...
  4. <SIXX>

    Show Me Your Setups :)

    Hey just wanted to make a thread dedicated to our setups ! I'm curious as to what some of you may have. What I mean by setup is like desktop/desk space, ill show mines for example, its not much but I did get creative. Gaming setups are welcomed to:)