
  1. lovelace

    Ideal monitor setup

    Discuss: What is the ideal monitor resolution and size for general use I've come to the conclusion that 4k is not a great choice for most people at lower monitor sizes when accounting for scaling. 1440p or even 1080p is better in these instances when accounting for expense, user experience...
  2. nsequeira119

    Watching So-Called "Edgelord" Movies With A Nuanced View

    For at least the last decade, people have noticed a sort of trend in certain films- these sorts of films haven't come out in a while, but they all share a common plot structure and general sentiment, and therefore I and many others would argue that they can be categorized into a genre unto...
  3. Orlando Smooth

    The Rise and Fall of Geek Culture

    I recently had some mindless work to do, so I listened to this video someone had sent me regarding the rise and fall of geek culture. If you're not familiar with the creator, she's a Canadian progressive who makes these long videos about cultural topics - a style that the YT algorithm currently...