

Testosterone Levels in young Men are on the decline since decades, this has many reasons. Ranging from changes in Diet, Water & Air Pollution as well as Psychological Reasons. It's undoubtedly a focused and intentional effort to rob men of their virility and their energy. In this Thread I present everything I learned over the years on how to raise your Testosterone, Libido and subsequently your amount of cum (all these 3 are linked together) also, higher Testosterone Levels are found to thwart and prevent Depression, also something many young Men in the modern Age suffer from. I once came across a sub on >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk r/testosterone, but much to my disgust the only thing that was ever talked about in there is how to raise your testosterone levels by shooting yourself up with it. Needless to say that this is not the right way to go, artificially introduced testosterone causes many health issues and has in some areas the exact opposite effect to naturally raising your testosterone levels. Shrinkage in penile size, scrotum size, heart defects, development of breasts similar to women, because of the estrogen that has been made a free radical, unbound (the term "Radical" here refers to the chemical radical of inner elements, when something like a hormone is displaced from its usual resting place and travels freely through your body, however by trying to find a proper translation I found that this term is often used in German but almost never in the English language, it might have a different use-term.)

Since I like to get to the point I will start out with Food Items and their Quantity, Supplements, Physiological and Psychological exercises and how to apply them and later some recipes. Also, considering that some countries have legal genetically modified food, keep in mind that I always refer to so-called "Organic" or "Whole Food". In some European countries, they are also labelled "Bio" or "Natural".

Food Items
Garlic - 3-4 cloves daily - Raw, chewed thoroughly to cause the ingredients to appear. Garlic has been a staple of food since antiquity. It contains many unique enzymes as well as sulfur-phosphate. It has anti-inflammatory properties and flushes out any free Radicals in both your mouth and stomach by eating it raw. In modern diet garlic has been cut back a lot but if you look at ancient recipes, texts and books its pretty apparent that it was used excessively. Garlic also contains certain minerals and enzymes that serve as the basis for testosterone, or that will be transformed into testosterone within the Body.

Extra Virgin Native Olive Oil - 1-2 Tablespoon at least daily - Here again "Raw", its recommended to swap out any seed oils (Yellow Oils) completely with Olive Oil. Seed Oils cause the production of Oestrogens, and its trans-fat acids is a cause for diabetes and cardiovascular related health issues. Olive Oil contains many B -Vitamins and also has minerals that serve as the basis for testosterone.

Red Meat - At least 300-400g daily - No brainer. Certain enzymes and the Blood within the meat forces higher Testosterone production within the Glands. In some cultures, Red Meat is even consumed Raw and part of the Diet. Salami in eastern European countries, Speck in German countries, Bacon and Ham, Prosciutto in Italy, France and Spain or as "Mett" which is salted minced meat. If you aren't used to consuming raw meat, start off with little and be cautious of the place you buy it from. If you are in the US and neighbouring countries, you could seek out foreign grocery stores and buy the meat from there. Contrary to popular belief, consuming raw meat has no health concerns as long as the meat has a history of proper processing and cooling or has been tempered with salt or smoke. The invisible fear of salmonella is just a boogeyman to cause people to second guess and not eat it. To prevent any supposed intake of salmonella, salt the meat or use spices. You can also cook it very sharply and short on the outside to burn them off. Salt and Garlic is a natural antibiotic.

Eggs - 3-4 daily - Again you can eat them Raw or cook them, eggs are a natural vitamin D source also, which is one of the most important factors in producing testosterone.

Fish - As substitute for meat or as alternative - You can also eat fish raw or cook it, again the same applies here as what I've already written in the meat section. Perhaps Internet Famous is Sürströmming, which is fermented Raw fish. In many European countries, raw salmon is also served as apperativo or used as garnish for other dishes. Fish is also a natural Vitamin D source and contains unique oils and minerals also helping your testosterone production.

Cellery - A few bites daily or included in soups, Raw - You can use both the big knoll or the leek of celery. A natural way to raise your Libido and improve the quality of your sperm and cum.

Red Beet - 300-400g every other day - Again Raw or cooked or part of dishes

Sauerkraut -400g every other day - Sauerkraut is fermented raw cabbage and fully of healthy enzymes for your digestive system and has extraordinary amounts of vitamin C, which is also important for testosterone production

Onions - Red or yellow- 1-2pc a day raw - Onions have also been a staple in the diet since ancient times, has many attributes similar to garlic and chewed raw is a great way to prevent (ironically) mouth breath and inflammation within the mouth

Ginger - 4-6g daily, raw - Ginger coming originally from Asia is a sure way to boost testosterone and improve sperm quality. It is a natural aphrodisiac as well, and contains many important minerals and vitamins. If you aren't used to eating ginger or experience stomach pain, reduce the intake by half.

Spinach, Broccoli, Green Vegetables - 200g daily - cooked, has many assisting minerals and vitamins as well helps improve your general health and digestive system

Milk - 300ml daily - either in your coffee or just straight, milk is a staple of any healthy diet.

Cheese - 300-400g Every other day or part of your dish - Cheddar, Gouda, Mountain cheese etc any variant goes. Again, cheese is a staple of any healthy diets and contains large amount of proteins which is the building block for testosterone

Pomegranates - 1 or 2 daily - All in all good fruit full of vitamins and enzymes that raises testosterone production and your health

Coconut Oil/ Fat - Tablespoon daily or as part in your cooking - again similar to olive oil. Also coconut water is a good refreshment and an electrolyte drink (also great for your skin)

Chicken - as alternative to meat - must be cooked! - many similar attributes to eggs, also helps in burning fat

This was a short summary of the best food items to increase testosterone, increase libido and improve the quality of your sperm. However, most of those items simply provide the building blocks for the aforementioned, in many cases you need to "Jumpstart" the production with other ways. Compare it to Diesel, in most cases it needs a foreign glim to start burning in the engine, in some cases and some motors it self-immolates by simply being introduced to pressure.

The following supplements kickstart your testosterone production and should not be taken on their own:


Magnesium - 400mg daily - More if you exercise or hit the gym. Magnesium replenishes depleted mineral reserves and promotes muscle growth and likewise testosterone production. Magnesium is also a necessary ingredient in sperm

Zinc - 30mg daily alternating once a day 50mg of Zinc only after long workouts or cardio - Careful! Zinc is very volatile in the body, do not exceed 50mg of general zinc intake (average body weight of 70-80kg) a day, or you suffer from health issues. Note that zinc is also found in chicken, eggs and leaf green vegetables. However, it is necessary to introduce additional zinc into your system when you want to increase testosterone or build muscles. Only with an abundance of Zinc, this can happen. Zinc is partly stored in the body, so after 1or 2 weeks you can leave out days when you don't take a Zinc supplement. Zinc dramatically increases cum and sperm production and enhances libido and testosterone production a lot.

Kalium - 400 mg daily - Ideally you get yourself a Magnesium & Kalium Supplement, Kalium is needed as aggregator for many minerals in the body and mostly to assist the intake of magnesium.

Vitamin D3 & K2 - 5000 IE D3 & 200μg K2 - IMPORTANT - ALWAYS take Vitamin D3 & K2 together, like Magnesium and Kalium but turned up by 1000, artificial Vitamin D3 can ONLY be processed in the body by including Vitamin K2, if not the D3 supplement depletes minerals in your cells and causes an array of issues, excess Vitamin D3 then gets pushed out from your body negating the point of taking it. This might sound scary, but is just to drive home the point to avoid supplements that exclusively offer Vitamin D3. Vitamin D is the most important factor in depression and testosterone. 80% of Adults in the world have a Vitamin D deficiency, this is caused by working and just being indoors all day. To get a natural vitamin d intake, you would have to spend at least 2 hours a day in the summer sun with a partly exposed body or consume 15 eggs and 800g of fish a day. Vitamin D is also an important factor in fighting off Viruses in your body and preventing sickness. Studies have also shown that very excessive Vitamin D intake (10 IE upwards) causes penile growth. However, it is important to always add Vitamin K2 as well, if you respect that there are no health issues stemming from Vitamin D. It does not matter what certain publications would want you to believe. It is certainly possible to exceed even 50IE of Vitamin D a day if you spend most of your time outside in summer with exposed upper body and or legs.

Lecithin - 1500mg daily - This supplement is of utmost importance for both muscle mass, semen and testosterone. It is the building material for new cells. Lack of lecithin is most often the reason why certain people do not build muscles throughout their lives. There are no noteworthy downsides in taking it.

Protein - 2.5-4g per 1kg of body weight a day. E.g. if you weight 80kg, you NEED at least 160g of proteins to surpass the basic need and introduce testosterone and muscle production. In this day and age it is very difficult to still your protein requirements with food alone, even eating all the items I mentioned above you barely make it to 150g of pure protein. Which is still not enough. Remember, increasing testosterone, muscles mass and semen is only possible when the body is confronted with an abundance of materials. Weightlifters often take 5g of Proteins per 1kg body weight. If you are among the people who see very slow or no muscle growth at all, this is the reason. You need additional protein introduced via protein shakes. Good supplements are either Whey protein or casein. Whey is a simpler variant and gets absorbed rather quickly, but can lead to soft stool. Also look for supplements. It's safe to say that, if you didn't took protein supplements prior or your diet is lacking in protein, you need at least additionally 90g of protein a day. There are no downsides to it, but expect diarrhoea in the first few weeks, simply because your digestive system isn't used to a proper protein intake. Lift weights/ exercise to counteract this.

Pygeum Africanum - 4000mg daily, however many supplements consists of extracts that have a ratio of 20:1, mostly 2 pills is enough. Pygeum Africanum is very interesting, it activates your glands and assists your prostate, it's often prescribed to elderly men that suffer from prostate issues. It dramatically increases testosterone production as well as semen production (only if you provided the building materials in form of the foods mentioned before)

Foliatric Acid / Vitamin B9 - 800μg - Also a very Interesting Vitamin, it has a similar role as Lecithin, it is also often prescribe for pregnant women to prevent defects in the fetus. What it does for men is to enhance the sperm quality and also assist new cell growth. It's found in green vegetables and olive oil, care should be taken when you have low Vitamin B12, there's a similar correspondence to it like we have discussed with Vitamin D3 & K2.

Ginseng - 200mg daily - Similar to Pygeum Africanum it activates the glands and improves nerves.


Now with a proper diet and supplements we look at ways to further cause the body to produce testosterone and virility.

Exercise - Necessary to get the full effect of all the things mentioned above. Only when the muscles are used beyond their usual strain, the body is forced to adapt and change. Cycling, Running, endurance sports are the best ways to force your body to greatly increase testosterone production. Even more so than just lifting weights. However, lifting weights is still important. But there are many guides out there as well as videos on what a proper workout should look like. One tip I can give is swimming or walking through water. Swimming is genuinely a very well-rounded and intense workout for your body, if you swim correctly you strain every muscle in your body (just google images of professional swimmers like in the Olympics, and it's quite astonishing how their bodies even mog bodybuilders, and they have stamina, something bodybuilders lack tremendously). Also, walking through navel / chest high water for long periods is a fat burner and strengthens your back and legs dramatically. Therapy for obese people often consists of wading through water for hours because it is such an easy and sure way to burn fat and exercise your muscles.

Sex - Both as exercise for your body and mind- Sex is the ultimate way to increase your testosterone, an active sex-live forces the body to adapt to these circumstances and to provide everything the sexual act entails. Here it is important, masturbation is in no way similar to sex. Because you don't get into a unity and coagulation with another soul but rather just auto-erotically relieve yourself, your body has no intention to raise the testosterone levels. The smell of a woman, the dynamics during the intercourse, the talking, the sweat, the touch, the pheromones are all activators for virility. Similar to how having children of your own causes changes in your body in order to protect them. Sex should be had regularly, however it is important that it is with someone you love, otherwise you deplete your body of different energies and emotions. If you don't have a relationship or someone to have positive sex with regularly, you must go out and approach women. Being among women for long periods also increases testosterone, similar to sex but to a lesser degree, it is preparing the body for the expected intercourse that will happen if you spend your time with women. If you are further interested in the spiritual and magical connection of sexual intercourse and the male subtle body: I might post an article about this too, otherwise see Julius Evola´s Book "Eros - The Metaphysics of Sex" : https://ia902606.us.archive.org/29/items/pdfy-Hcc-6mCxNeCpRfwA/The Metaphysics Of Sex.pdf

Masturbation - Must be avoided, as it as a way to rid the body of excess libido and testosterone. Basically what NoFap says. Ignore what mainstream publications say to this topic. Masturbation is unnatural for Virile Men.

This is, in a nutshell, many of the things I learned, experienced and came to learn over the years as well as what I practice myself. My main Goal with this article is to assist and to teach men about this topic and give a comprehensive list with things to keep in mind. Also a starting off point to delve into those topics yourself.
Some of the things here stated can be found around the web, but rarely is the connection made among them or presented. I will probably further elaborate and add a few things, but I don't really want to make an endlessly long article. Also, some things have been taken from "The Cum holy grail" which sometimes makes the round online, although the things mentioned here is the updated version. By testing it and comparing it to muscle guides as well as testosterone guides, I found that many of the things mentioned there are also mentioned important for those Hence, I found out over time that Testosterone, Muscle Growth and Semen Production are completely linked together and or have correspondence to each other, when viewed through a pure occult Weltanschauung, this can also be confirmed. They are also linked, at least for Men, to depression. As things like low testosterone levels correspond to low Vitamin D levels correspond to low libido and vice versa.
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Jun 8, 2022
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Nofap-abstinence-semen retention say it whatever u want
End sugar consumption
Eat red meat
Cold showers
Drink water
Cut alchohol
Train hard
And be a great lover
Have heavy duties and take risks
Awesome thread
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Philosopher King
Jan 27, 2021
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Nofap-abstinence-semen retention say it whatever u want
End sugar consumption
Eat red meat
Cold showers
Drink water
Cut alchohol
Train hard
And be a great lover
Have heavy duties and take risks
Awesome thread

Yes, I wanted to include a list of things to avoid and alcohol is among it. Especially hopped beer, which is full of estrogens. (Women that pick hopp during its bloom actually start to ovulate, thats how intense its concentrated.)

Original beer was more like mead and didn't had hopp or grain.

Also alcohol drains the cells of water which is very bad for muscle growth.

Here a Thread from stolenhistory.net about that topic, I also frequent this Forum:

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Jun 8, 2022
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Also big warning!!!!
Watchout of protein powders, most brands even if its for bulking or its whey, contains soya lethicin. NWO wants you with muscles but with small balls. Nahhhh todaya the big day im coming home for a week for just a break from the military duty and im gonna eat alone a whole cow tomahawk. Men are domimant, they arent ment to be submissive, here in the army i made the best friends of the lifetime and brotherhood here is having a huge meaning for everyone. Green berrets and special forces of the hellenic army are the best brotherhood here in HELLAS.
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Jun 8, 2022
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Also if the celibacy day streak is high your energy magnetizes towards women(women are highly spiritual creatures thats why the nwo attacks them with consumerism, lust, porno style, and they put them the wrong view of todays modern woman), also high testosterone(in healthy numbers) makes you want to chase a goal or goals not pussies so even if you get all the attention of womens most of them because of the todays spiritual and mental decline and lack of personality, you ignore them not because of arrogance but because you are searching for something that lasts a lifetime or eternirty. Also high test makes you energetic and feel like you have a flame inside you. All your energetic centers are awakened and if you practice semen retention with having already high test youll confront your worst level of discipline but once it becomes a habit youre a monk G.
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Imaginary manifestation of fun
Sep 9, 2021
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Some extra bits:
  • Avoid bread. Gluten is an "agent" of mental illness. See this paper on the subject. Excessive quantiities of fruit(sugary) and simple grains(sugary) produces sugar, which is acidic and creates a lot of bacteria in the mouth. Similarly, a meat-focused diet, does not have this issue.
  • Avoid fluoride. Also while you're at it, avoid all the hormonal trash that you find in unfiltered tap water. See this on the subject of Fluoride. See this regarding hormones in tap water. For some countries(America, the Developing world, etc) drinking from tap water is unthinkable, but then you run into BPA when drinking from bottled water. This is about drinking water and toothpaste. Instead consider alternative forms of toothpaste, or just plain old sodium bicarbonate.
I would also recommend reading Harassment Architecture by Mike Ma.
To me, the main issue with all this, is that hitting every checkmark is exceptionally difficult, especially if the environment doesn't support it. The western world does not really support this.
makes you want to chase a goal or goals not pussies so even if you get all the attention of womens most of them because of the todays spiritual and mental decline and lack of personality, you ignore them not because of arrogance but because you are searching for something that lasts a lifetime or eternirty
This is part of why some people("passport bros") look abroad towards nations like Southeast Asia. It's just easier to find a woman who's raised in alignment with your values. As an example, the Philippines. There is an argument to be made, about it being dysgenic and race mixing, but there's an argument to be made that your own race is already in a deep decline. I also think something that lasts a lifetime is worthwhile, because even with your goals, it can still be corroded by the question of "why", but as the saying goes, "a man with a why can handle almost any how". Statistically, those without a partner usually find themselves unemployed or worse off financially. This does actually make finding a worthwhile woman a worthwhile goal, however I think most people approach this goal terribly, and just its pursuit sets them back. You'll also notice a sort of "inversion" in the western world, as women become more disagreeable, aggressive and less humble, while men have the feminine traits. This inversion has women making men feel feminine when a worthwhile woman would help their partner feel manly.

Regardless, some people sacrifice everything in the name of the tenets above. The result? Usually a Patrick Bateman physique and a swiss cheese mind full of holes like Patrick Bateman.
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Philosopher King
Jan 27, 2021
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Avoid bread

The Idea of eating bread and for it to become a staple of modern diet only arose in the middle ages, thanks to christianity in part.

In the roman empire bread was called Mensa and was synonymous with tablet. It was used in place of plates today. Bread was loaded with food and spices and eaten off. Rarely was the actual bread eaten too. It was a testament of poverty to eat the "plates" and theres still some idioms relating to this. It was later thrown to feed cattle or donated to the poor.

Carbohydrates are NOT necessary for survival. They are also not necessary in the body. However Protein and Fats are necessary. Theres also accounts that the mongol diet didn't knew bread and only ate meat and dairy products. This was the reason they were able to conquer all of asia (which relied on Rice as staple food) only being stopped in europe were people also didn't ate this much Carbohydrates.
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Sep 26, 2020
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Nice thread, I would say that cheddar cheese is really bad for you though, I would say, eat any cheese but heavily chemical cheese. I only eat real gouda cheese from the farm lol, and watch out with store-bought milk. I cycle 10 minutes a day to a farmer who sells me raw milk, 1 euro per liter, raw milk is way better for you and tastier than that weird store milk
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May 27, 2023
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The protein intake things a little iffy but its a good read. Most people use 1g per 1lb of lean body mass but honestly I don't think its all that reasonable for bigger dudes unless your body is really using up that much to maintain a ridiculous muscle mass and you're an enhanced athlete.
Maybe add cold showers/ice baths. Those have been shown to have a pretty positive effect on testosterone.
Some people are also just genetically limited in terms of test production(not that everyone shouldn't try to max out for at least better health)


Jun 8, 2022
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Nice thread, I would say that cheddar cheese is really bad for you though, I would say, eat any cheese but heavily chemical cheese. I only eat real gouda cheese from the farm lol, and watch out with store-bought milk. I cycle 10 minutes a day to a farmer who sells me raw milk, 1 euro per liter, raw milk is way better for you and tastier than that weird store milk
Try greek feta cheese, its one of the most nutritional cheeses
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Strange Thing of the Forest
May 4, 2023
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The Idea of eating bread and for it to become a staple of modern diet only arose in the middle ages, thanks to christianity in part.

In the roman empire bread was called Mensa and was synonymous with tablet. It was used in place of plates today. Bread was loaded with food and spices and eaten off. Rarely was the actual bread eaten too. It was a testament of poverty to eat the "plates" and theres still some idioms relating to this. It was later thrown to feed cattle or donated to the poor.

For as helpful and informative that this thread has been, it is this fact that has me taken aback the most. It rectifies those who DON'T eat the crust on Pizza ;), but it also explains why the food article of Pizza itself is the way it is.
With regards to most of parameters spelled out under nutrition, it's interesting to see how most of the health advice that has been found by "science" was something that was simply intuitive to most of those in the past. It reminds me of this greentext


watch out with store-bought milk. I cycle 10 minutes a day to a farmer who sells me raw milk, 1 euro per liter,raw milk is way better for you and tastier than that weird store milk
Raw Milk as a food item is a finicky thing from a legal stand point in the US. It's only available commercially within certain states, and it's outright banned in others. Knowing how more nutrient dense Raw Milk is compared to Pasteurized Milk, you could be forgiven for thinking that the Government taking such course of action did so on purpose.


Formerly His Holelineß
Apr 4, 2022
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Studies have also shown that very excessive Vitamin D intake (10 IE upwards) causes penile growth
Vitamin D :MaximLove: causes dick growth? :JahySmug:

no_chill this is honestly second banger thread from you, I'd like to retract any of my negative judgments of you.
It's funn that a lot of people scoff at the idea of 'increasing testosterone' because it's wrong to want to be masculine. But a lot of this advice is just advice for being happy and healthy.
I will try improve my diet more, now that my bitch mother has run off and my dad can't cook, I ought to pick up the slack.
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Sep 26, 2020
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So with all this inflation, it is quite hard to get red meat, chicken and other products that are good for you without having to pay ur whole salary. So, for the people that follow the food in this diet. How do u do it? Any secret cheap dieting tips to make it a bit more accesible?
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Philosopher King
Jan 27, 2021
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So with all this inflation, it is quite hard to get red meat, chicken and other products that are good for you without having to pay ur whole salary. So, for the people that follow the food in this diet. How do u do it? Any secret cheap dieting tips to make it a bit more accesible?
Go to the Supermarket, Grocery Store whatever, half an hour to 45 mins before closing on Monday and Saturday/ Friday. Consumer Laws on shelf life for meat is quite strict and the nearer the meat is at the printed date the more likely they give -25% or even -50% on it. Its especially stringent on fish, I often buy half a kilo of salmon filet by buying multiple packages with 50% for a fraction of the cost.

Master tip:
Tell them to reserve discounted meat for you, its what I do. Sometimes I get it for free by asking too.
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Sep 26, 2020
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Go to the Supermarket, Grocery Store whatever, half an hour to 45 mins before closing on Monday and Saturday/ Friday. Consumer Laws on shelf life for meat is quite strict and the nearer the meat is at the printed date the more likely they give -25% or even -50% on it. Its especially stringent on fish, I often buy half a kilo of salmon filet by buying multiple packages with 50% for a fraction of the cost.

Master tip:
Tell them to reserve discounted meat for you, its what I do. Sometimes I get it for free by asking too.
That's really smart, I have wondered because now I know which days these are, as sometimes, before closing time I go to the store and I see 50% off discount meat in a corner that expires the next or same day. I put it in my freezer but I never really think about it, it happens to me once a month. Now that u say this it makes alot of sense. Thanks alot! I'll defintely put it to use.
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Philosopher King
Jan 27, 2021
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That's really smart, I have wondered because now I know which days these are, as sometimes, before closing time I go to the store and I see 50% off discount meat in a corner that expires the next or same day. I put it in my freezer but I never really think about it, it happens to me once a month. Now that u say this it makes alot of sense. Thanks alot! I'll defintely put it to use.

You are welcome!

It depends on the store or chain, but Aldi for example is doing the discount tags every day 1-2 hours before closing. But you need to give them time hence 30mins before closing is perfect.
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Imaginary manifestation of fun
Sep 9, 2021
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Go to the Supermarket, Grocery Store whatever, half an hour to 45 mins before closing on Monday and Saturday/ Friday. Consumer Laws on shelf life for meat is quite strict and the nearer the meat is at the printed date the more likely they give -25% or even -50% on it. Its especially stringent on fish, I often buy half a kilo of salmon filet by buying multiple packages with 50% for a fraction of the cost.

Master tip:
Tell them to reserve discounted meat for you, its what I do. Sometimes I get it for free by asking too.
You're better off going to the butchers. Grocery stores and convenience stores have a big hike up on prices simply for their convenience. When you get your meat from the butchers and your eggs and raw milk from farmers, you will get a much lower price. In addition to getting meat from butchers, you can also get bones for cooking bone broth, and animal organs which are rich in nutrients(brains, hearts, livers especially. If you choose livers be careful on how much you eat as they are nutrient rich enough you can accidentally poison yourself from how many nutrients you take in). For other bits you can also try buying them at a farmer's market. For fish, the answer is similar, ask to buy them from a fisherman. I don't think I've ever seen just a fishmonger in my time in the UK, they're normally put in the grocery story with hiked up prices and God knows if they lace the fish there like they do all the other products laced with preservative poisons like all the other grocery store crap.
It depends on the store or chain, but Aldi for example is doing the discount tags every day 1-2 hours before closing. But you need to give them time hence 30mins before closing is perfect.
+1 This is correct. Unfortunately you have other poor people hanging out there. If you live in a town or a smaller city you're fine, but if you live in a place like London, prepare to get stabbed in the eyes over a slightly cheaper, slightly stale loaf of bread.

Unfortunately, in the UK and most western countries, buying for cheap on any of these is difficult because of the excessive amount of business regulations and laws designed by larger corporate lobbyists to keep a stranglehold on the market and keep prices high for food. American farmers are even asked to discard a lot of their crop simply to prop up the food industry. If you choose to visit Asian countries such as the Philippines, you'll find people sell all sorts of food like this at much cheaper prices. The presence of Sari-sari stores in the Philippines means you still keep the convenience element, but you also have a lot more places to buy from as well. This is more or less a damnation of the Western centralisation and overpolicing of markets and is an economic kick on why.

Another thing missing from the OP is just knowing the basics of economics, investing, saving, beating inflation, and beating taxes, bills and expenses. If you don't know this personal finance stuff you're gonna get fucked from not being able to afford a healthy lifestyle, as junk food is the food of the poor. There's a reason a lot of college kids are scrawny and its their lifestyle of cheap junk ramen, so they can also afford cheap junk beer in parties and their (likely) junk college degree. This is ESPECIALLY non-negotiable if you believe a man should be a provider in the traditional family values and structure(which quite often gets lumped in with masculinity talk)- because it means what you provide goes somewhere useful and correctly.
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Philosopher King
Jan 27, 2021
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Great thread, any meal suggestions that use beets or sauerkraut? I don't ever really eat those.
Borschtsch for Red Beet or eat it straight from the package. You can eat it with sausages too
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Take the monarchy pill anon
Mar 6, 2023
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Any tips on getting cheap protein for the extreme poor (middle class Canadian citizen in 2023)? I'm being deadass; Our apartment hasn't had a flushing toilet for a month now. My only option seems to be canned tuna.

EDIT: Forgot chicken hotdogs.
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