What are your objections to Christianity?

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Internet Refugee
Aug 16, 2022
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I am curious to see what the non-Christians on heres objections are to Christianity. And by Christianity I mean the mainline denominations like Catholicism, Protestantism(Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anglicanism, et cetera), and Eastern Orthodoxy. I know some on here are gnostic, athiest, buddhist, and some even pagan. However I feel as though there isn't any reason given, but instead just an assumed position by many. So whatever your reasons are I would like to know so I can maybe give some answers or if not just have a fun discussion.


Shameless Germaniboo
Aug 8, 2021
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It's simple. Jehovah (and Allah, etc.) was the god of blind faith and unquestioning obedience. This is related everywhere in Abrahamic texts and in Abrahamic culture, perhaps most notably with the story of Abraham himself. Abraham had always been loyal to Jehovah, yet Jehovah doubted his loyalty nonetheless and required hard evidence of it. So he commanded him to sacrifice his son Isaac, and only after he saw that Abraham was willing to do this, no questions asked, did he send an angel to tell him to stop.

This is how Jehovah worked. This is what he was really about. Everyone below him must believe in his capabilities absolutely, without question, no matter what. But Jehovah very rarely returned that level of trust and was constantly skeptical of his followers, demanding that they prove themselves to him over and over, applying utmost skepticism to everything and everyone - except himself.

This is the ultimate failing of Christian society. Jehovah promoted uprightness, virtue, and self-sacrifice in the name of a higher cause, emphasized most in the oft-repeated phrase 'that he gave his only-begotten son to save mankind from their sins'. In reality, Jehovah was a hypocrite and a moral coward. He and his followers sought to crush the entire world beneath their heel, no different than any other warlord, but claimed they were doing it to 'save' people from demonic threats that Jehovah himself created.

Of note is that many modern-day movements mirror this same nonsense. I am reminded in particular of a plotline in The Legend of Korra season 2, where a demonic spirit merges with the villain of the month to create the 'Dark Avatar'. At the time I was confused on how such a ridiculous concept made it into a show that was attempting to be pretty grounded, but that's how it is when you hold something - anything - as an absolute good and try to force it on everyone. It's basic dualism - it doesn't matter if it's faith in Christ or faith in multicultural pluralism, if there is an absolute good, then everything which does not adhere to must be absolutely evil, which is how Christian-like demons and devils made it into a show written by San Francisco art elitists who despise Christianity.
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Aug 29, 2021
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I am curious to see what the non-Christians on heres objections are to Christianity. And by Christianity I mean the mainline denominations like Catholicism, Protestantism(Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anglicanism, et cetera), and Eastern Orthodoxy. I know some on here are gnostic, athiest, buddhist, and some even pagan. However I feel as though there isn't any reason given, but instead just an assumed position by many. So whatever your reasons are I would like to know so I can maybe give some answers or if not just have a fun discussion.
Miku isn't an stablished saint yet.

Status by its-ra1ning on DeviantArt

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Active Traveler
Oct 2, 2023
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It's simple. Jehovah (and Allah, etc.) was the god of blind faith and unquestioning obedience. This is related everywhere in Abrahamic texts and in Abrahamic culture, perhaps most notably with the story of Abraham himself. Abraham had always been loyal to Jehovah, yet Jehovah doubted his loyalty nonetheless and required hard evidence of it. So he commanded him to sacrifice his son Isaac, and only after he saw that Abraham was willing to do this, no questions asked, did he send an angel to tell him to stop.

This is how Jehovah worked. This is what he was really about. Everyone below him must believe in his capabilities absolutely, without question, no matter what. But Jehovah very rarely returned that level of trust and was constantly skeptical of his followers, demanding that they prove themselves to him over and over, applying utmost skepticism to everything and everyone - except himself.
They clearly didn't need help being skeptical towards him.

If you believe that he is the greatest and highest source of all things, then disobeying him is probably stupid. You can dislike what he wants, but "where were you when I laid the foundations of the world?" is a pretty valid answer, if unsatisfying.

And if he's not, then don't listen. And if he's not but can still punish you, then you should treat him like you would any powerful and unpleasant person (basically how Jews act despite also considering him highest and greatest father of creation).

He may have directly punished people back in the day, but it's not happening now, so he's not a god of blind faith anymore (unless you think he's going to send you to the infinite torture dimension once you die for failing him). But as long as we're talking about the Old Testament, as unpleasant as it is I don't think we can really protest. And anyway we aren't Hebrews and it's the 21st century so this isn't super relevant.

This is the ultimate failing of Christian society. Jehovah promoted uprightness, virtue, and self-sacrifice in the name of a higher cause, emphasized most in the oft-repeated phrase 'that he gave his only-begotten son to save mankind from their sins'. In reality, Jehovah was a hypocrite and a moral coward. He and his followers sought to crush the entire world beneath their heel, no different than any other warlord, but claimed they were doing it to 'save' people from demonic threats that Jehovah himself created.
Well if you're talking about continuity from the old covenant into the new one, the Jews were pretty clearly considered a failure. I don't see the hypocrisy or cowardice in a change of course. My understanding is that the mainstream christian belief (which this thread is about) is that God had to incarnate and be tortured to death bearing the weight of all of humanity's wrongs to make a new way possible.

Of note is that many modern-day movements mirror this same nonsense. I am reminded in particular of a plotline in The Legend of Korra season 2, where a demonic spirit merges with the villain of the month to create the 'Dark Avatar'. At the time I was confused on how such a ridiculous concept made it into a show that was attempting to be pretty grounded, but that's how it is when you hold something - anything - as an absolute good and try to force it on everyone. It's basic dualism - it doesn't matter if it's faith in Christ or faith in multicultural pluralism, if there is an absolute good, then everything which does not adhere to must be absolutely evil, which is how Christian-like demons and devils made it into a show written by San Francisco art elitists who despise Christianity.
Abrahamism hasn't produced a lot of black and white world destroying desire. Most people have trouble believing in absolute good. That tendency itself is something that seems capable of emerging in any context. But it's not an accusation that I think holds much water when leveled distinctly at modern christians.
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Philosopher King
Jan 27, 2021
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Rather we should ask you why you are a christcuck. We don't have to answer to you but you have to answer to us. We are still following the custom and traditions of our people that lived on this sacred soil of Europa since tens of thousands of years. But you are probably american and have no concept of being native and bond to your soil. Furthermore no concept of culture because of this reason too. Since your ancestors cucked out and left Europa for the new world. Destroying it in the process. Hence christcuckery has such a strong grip on your joke of a country, controlled by jews.

You live in a time where Information is freely available, where you can read and download most books about any topics. It is your "holschuld" (guilt of aquiring in german) to get wise on your artificially created jewish faith.

You probably think non christcucks are misguided and its partly your duty to "bring them back". When you are the one who is misguided. Otherwise you wouldn't make such a retarded thread. Another thread with the same christcuck screeching.

You are beneath me, a shudra, a servant, a pitiful excuse for the white race. If I could ever rid my race of this dogmatic sect I would see them ruling the world and this solar system. Sol Invictus.

I hereby denounce the talmud, quran and bible. Death to all christcucks, musrats and kikes.

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Philosopher King
Jan 27, 2021
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Sure but if Evropan Gods would just have us do what we would already want to do as Evropeans why do we need them either? I would much rather worship anime and eugenics.

Julius Evola Magical Image and Magic with effigies. Its not so much the worship of gods (suprasensible powers) but the underlying metaphysical aspects and related primordial principles you tap into. Also Rudolf Steiner "Erkenntnisse der höheren Welten"

Similar to how hindus do it. (By worshipping the respective god you reach their planet)

And hinduism is the last Aryan Solar Religion still in practice and alive. Untainted by confused visions and fantasies. Unedited and unrevised. The little we have on germanic and norse beliefs lines up perfectly and can be derived into hinduism.
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Active Traveler
Oct 2, 2023
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Similar to how hindus do it. (By worshipping the respective god you reach their planet)
Oh wow can't wait to be cool like India.
And hinduism is the last Aryan Solar Religion still in practice and alive. Untainted by confused visions and fantasies. Unedited and unrevised. The little we have on germanic and norse beliefs lines up perfectly and can be derived into hinduism.
If we got by this far mostly without it what are we supposed to get from chasing it back, even if it was our past? What could a Steinerian aryan solar priest of atlantis accomplish that an amoral disciple of anime and /pol/ memes couldn't?
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Philosopher King
Jan 27, 2021
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India is unfortunately a shithole. Ruled by the dalit. But still after all those millenia they still have their original potent faith.

What could a Steinerian aryan solar priest of atlantis accomplish that an amoral disciple of anime and /pol/ memes couldn't?

meme magic is this though. And anime has many japanese tropes. Japan also had for the longest time a tradition similar to rome. With a strong ruler and society that strives.
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Active Traveler
Oct 2, 2023
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India is unfortunately a shithole. Ruled by the dalit. But still after all those millenia they still have their original potent faith.
Whole lot of good it seems to be doing.
meme magic is this though.
Sounds like we're getting by just fine then.
And anime has many japanese tropes. Japan also had for the longest time a tradition similar to rome. With a strong ruler and society that strives.
They're still an extraordinarily strong culture, despite also arguably being the most atheistic people on the planet (my Japanese friend keeps insisting upon this point to me).
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The question is framed wrong. I don't have any objections to Christianity, I just wasn't born Christian. I think of religion first of all as a way to connect with your ancestors, your nation, your tribe. Not that religion can't ever be a choice but for 99% of people, including me, it isn't. Certainly there's nothing rational about it. I'll count it as a great tragedy if we wake up one day and everyone in the world is an atheist.


Naval enthusiast
Jan 8, 2022
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Am technically Christian (Catholic) since I'm baptized, although I never practiced. What bothers me about Christianity but pretty much any religion is that God expects to be worshipped, that He knows better than you do about what is good for you, that His will is superior to yours, that basically you are at His mercy. If there must be a God then I don't want to cater to such a narcissist. I want Him to leave me alone to make my own choices for the most part, and maybe, maybe help me out with stuff when I need it, but otherwise, leave me alone. I don't worship anyone, because the minute you worship something or someone, it has the power to destroy you more than anything else could.
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Active Traveler
Oct 2, 2023
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Am technically Christian (Catholic) since I'm baptized, although I never practiced. What bothers me about Christianity but pretty much any religion is that God expects to be worshipped, that He knows better than you do about what is good for you, that His will is superior to yours, that basically you are at His mercy. If there must be a God then I don't want to cater to such a narcissist.
If there must be a God all of those judgements must be true.
I want Him to leave me alone to make my own choices for the most part, and maybe, maybe help me out with stuff when I need it, but otherwise, leave me alone. I don't worship anyone, because the minute you worship something or someone, it has the power to destroy you more than anything else could.
And you are left alone (as far as I can tell anyway).
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Professional E-Dentist
Aug 22, 2023
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Taoistmemes.com is way better than any Christian site. it seems like most Christians just adapt their rrligion to agree with whaterever is seen as true. For example some christians claim that god has nothing against fags. normies try to flex with how well they can shut their eyes and not see the obvious. Maybe elite projecion idk.
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Dec 13, 2023
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...adapt their rrligion to agree with whaterever is seen as true. For example some christians claim that god has nothing against fags.
Absolutely, it's 100% not compatible with homosexuality, it's right there in the text. I think a lot of churches just dodge the issue with 'love the sinner, hate the sin.' Drives me nuts this stuff, you can't nail them down on any of this 'debate' stuff, it's all circular reasoning or god's will / god's plan blanket cop outs.
guarantee @no_chill is an american larping as trad euro. so funny that "trad" is a rebellious clique . some people will never get it.
I can tell you right now that from 2016 - 2019, during my time lurking on /pol/ I've watched the alt-right formed as a means to be an alternative to the current beliefs and attitude of the Republican Party thanks to Trump becoming president to just slowly devolving into incomprehensible con artists, shills, insecure retards, and people who have not faith in themselves or other people for that matter. It's both hilarious and sad and he's no exception to indulging whatever /pol/tards indulge in these days.

To answer OP's (@MORPHEUS ) question, the very same question of your title can very well be responded in the form of; why people are becoming less religious over time and there are multiple on an individual level, but it comes down to one thing: culture and in the institutions that facilitate within that said culture.

If you ask me really, it's generally due to less interest overtime (maybe due to work getting in the way and all that) and maybe due to some, not all, associating the religion with bad memories or with people who have harmed them and happened to be part of the religion. Most extreme cases are people going after Christians for their beliefs alone all because they're just sad cases of victims who need a healthier means of coping other than making everyone else miserable because of themselves being miserable and learning to look pass the people who hurt them when discussing on such matters.

That's all I have to say.
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Naval enthusiast
Jan 8, 2022
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Rather we should ask you why you are a christcuck. We don't have to answer to you but you have to answer to us. We are still following the custom and traditions of our people that lived on this sacred soil of Europa since tens of thousands of years. But you are probably american and have no concept of being native and bond to your soil. Furthermore no concept of culture because of this reason too. Since your ancestors cucked out and left Europa for the new world. Destroying it in the process. Hence christcuckery has such a strong grip on your joke of a country, controlled by jews.

You live in a time where Information is freely available, where you can read and download most books about any topics. It is your "holschuld" (guilt of aquiring in german) to get wise on your artificially created jewish faith.

You probably think non christcucks are misguided and its partly your duty to "bring them back". When you are the one who is misguided. Otherwise you wouldn't make such a retarded thread. Another thread with the same christcuck screeching.

You are beneath me, a shudra, a servant, a pitiful excuse for the white race. If I could ever rid my race of this dogmatic sect I would see them ruling the world and this solar system. Sol Invictus.

I hereby denounce the talmud, quran and bible. Death to all christcucks, musrats and kikes.
dude why do you need to be so mean about it?
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Philosopher King
Jan 27, 2021
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dude why do you need to be so mean about it?

Go outside and look around. Every chapel and church you see used to be a celtic or roman site. Around them often hundreds of skeletons can be found burried alongside. With them burried the unique and virile european spirit and soul.

I'm not mean, I'm Just.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Jan 22, 2023
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Rather we should ask you why you are a christcuck. We don't have to answer to you but you have to answer to us. We are still following the custom and traditions of our people that lived on this sacred soil of Europa since tens of thousands of years. But you are probably american and have no concept of being native and bond to your soil. Furthermore no concept of culture because of this reason too. Since your ancestors cucked out and left Europa for the new world. Destroying it in the process. Hence christcuckery has such a strong grip on your joke of a country, controlled by jews.

You live in a time where Information is freely available, where you can read and download most books about any topics. It is your "holschuld" (guilt of aquiring in german) to get wise on your artificially created jewish faith.

You probably think non christcucks are misguided and its partly your duty to "bring them back". When you are the one who is misguided. Otherwise you wouldn't make such a retarded thread. Another thread with the same christcuck screeching.

You are beneath me, a shudra, a servant, a pitiful excuse for the white race. If I could ever rid my race of this dogmatic sect I would see them ruling the world and this solar system. Sol Invictus.

I hereby denounce the talmud, quran and bible. Death to all christcucks, musrats and kikes.

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