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  • >tobacco is le evilest plant and must be banned
    >marihuana is le panacea
    Just saw a bunch of normies argue like this :monkaHmm:
    Honestly, both stink. But I'll take the smell of tobacco over the dirty ass smell of weed and the kind of people who smoke this shit. I do enjoy cigarettes every now and then, especially on summer evenings. In Kazakhstan they were dirt cheap and I liked to lay down on a bench and smoke one at the park.
    I don't care about either as long as you don't smoke that shit next to me. That being said you'll never catch me smoking cigarettes, maybe cigars but never cigarettes, it's out of principle.
    I don't like cigarettes either, but that's not the end of all tobacco use.
    What I found funny is that this group was arguing for the complete ban of tobacco, but then someone brought up the cannabis deregularization issue, and they started talking about marihuana as if it can not be abused whatsoever and it's God's chosen plant and tobacco is the most evil thing in existance. It's a completely undefensible position, and comes across as hypocritical.

    My favourite arguments were:
    >cannabis is an ancestral plant which has been used medicinally for thousands of years
    so has tobacco
    >you don't need to smoke marihuana to consume it
    you don't have to smoke tobacco either
    >cannabis smoke doesn't give cancer and has never killed anyone
    >cannabis is not addictive
    What is it called when you look at your own hands and have difficulty recognising them as your own, so you move them around trying to make a connection between you and their movements and then you go look at yourself in the mirror but can't recognise yourself in it so you just stand there looking at the mirror and poking your own face while staring at it? Comes with the feeling you are some sort of entity which was dropped inside a random body, as if you were piloting a mecha. Not stressful or anything, just weird.
    I swear this thing had a name but I can't find it on google from that description.

    @CahCaw @Aral Really? but everything I find about dissociation and depersonalization on google tells me that people in those states can't tell if reality truly exists and every report I found describes it as a sort of bad trip, very stressful. Maybe it depends on your mindset going in? I've been trying to trigger that state on purpose but haven't had luck
    Kind of sounds like some part of ego death to me. Maybe somewhere alongside the ego death this particular thing is described with some term as well.
    That's part of why I want to trigger it willingly.
    Apparently we are getting intense aurora australis in the south of our country, should I worry about this?:monkaW:XFTJ32IN45CE7P7DR5M74HER54.jpg
    • Sad
    Reactions: Some_porcupine
    I love them... until I wake up.
    Last night I dreamt of the typical plot of an abrasive capricious and superficial girl turning out to be caring and not superficial at all once I got to meet her.
    Maybe it's related to the jungian anima or something idk. But the dissappointment when you wake up lol
    MySpace Tom
    MySpace Tom
    I know that feel bro
    Why does big pharma hate nicotine so much? A bit of nicotine gum always helps me focus when I'm studying.
    Don't fall for the NWO tricks!NICOTINA.png
    I don't have a strong opinion of cigars since I never tried one, I could've had the chance when a friend got ones from Cuba, but I didn't smoke at the time so I never got one. My guess is they are probably on the same level as pipes when it comes to the enjoyment of tobacco, but with pipes there's a very personal attatchment to the piece, since you always reuse it, and I just really like the ritual of preparing a pipe and lighting it up and cleaning it afterwards. idk if you get the same with cigars.
    A priori I would say they are certainly better than cigarettes, but that's not a high bar, I have tried cigarettes and they taste awful. I don't know how to describe it but it's clearly a very artificial thing, although I have never rolled my own.
    Something I really enjoy about pipes is you have to be very careful with your breath, as you need to take care of the fire. Breath in too strongly and you will burn through the tobacco, do it weakly and the fire will go out. This exercise with the breath is one of my favourite parts, it gives you a connection with the fire that's hard to understand if you've never done it, and combined with the flavour of the tobacco (and obviously the nicotine) puts you in a very meditative state. It creates an intimate relationship between you(and specifically your breath with all the metaphysical connotations it entails), the tobacco, and the fire.
    Smoking a pipe is a contemplative experience, idk if smoking cigars is like that.
    They are also really expensive compared to pipe tobacco lol
    Damn my comment was kinda jokey, didn't expected a serious response, but damn this was waaay better than i expected, yeah i don't smoke, but i found certain types of tobacco quite fancy tbh, cigars makes you look like a badass, a boss, a mafioso or a rich man, while pipes makes you look more like a refined, wise and knowleadgable smart gentleman, it has it's own unique thing, specially those artistic pipes, they seem sick as fuck

    tengo una tia que le encanta fumar en una de estas.
    Fumar tabaco es todo un arte que es muy poco apreciado debido al uso masivo de cigarrillos de producción industrial. No se le da mucho valor a la planta, simplemente se fuma el cigarrillo y se lo descarta. Las compañías productoras de cigarrillos enfatizan la llegada rápida de la nicotina a tu sistema y la adicción que producen los cigarrillos con el fin de tener enganchados a sus compradores, así que llenan los cigarrillos de aditivos, sin contar el combustible que hace que los cigarrillos queden prendidos sin hacer ningún esfuerzo.
    Es todo muy rápido y descartable.
    Fumar en pipa es otro mundo, como te comente tiene todo un ritual y una forma de fumar que te hace entrar en un estado mas meditativo. Creo que no es por nada que se la suele asociar con intelectuales, pensadores y sabios, como decís. Ademas no es como si se pudiese estar todo el día fumando pipa, idealmente tendrías que darle a la pipa 24 horas de descanso entre cada fumada, si no se rompe. Creo que una de las razones por las cuales decayó en popularidad en comparación al cigarrillo. Es lenta, no es descartable, requiere que vos te adaptes a sus tiempos en vez de ella a vos, todo lo contrario del cigarrillo.
    Algo que me parece muy interesante y me gustaría aprender algún día es sobre las distintas ceremonias en torno al tabaco que desarrollaron los distintos pueblos de América, estaría bueno entender al tabaco desde una perspectiva tradicional pre-industrial.
    Looks great, but I guess it wouldn't be that fitting for things like gaming. That aside I love the look of old appliances like these, when they were a piece of furniture and had wooden paneling. At my late grandfather's house we used to have an old vinyl player which was huge, it had stereo speakers and the vinyl storage integrated into it, and it had a lot of character.
    Wish we could go back to making every living room appliance have wooden panneling, or at least fake wood.
    Oh, those huge vinyl players... I guess, I am lucky that in the 80's they made some portable ones, to try and compete with CDs. I settled for one of those: as I'm living in a rather small apartment, I could hardly find a place to store a full-size player, save for the real oldie with built-in stereo speakers.
    That AT-727 both takes less place and sounds better - and I was able to buy it really cheap to top it off. One of my best purchases.
    Albeit if I'll ever be a millionaire, I'm totally buying myself a jukebox, straight on. With all the lights and whatever else. And a huge-ass radio from the 20's the size of a cupboard.
    As for the wood - man... I feel about the same way about cars. Wish we could bring back some wood into our cars. On a side note, I recently found a hot-rod based on a woodie that had carbon panels instead of wood. I'm usually against carbon, but that car looked both cool and creative as heck.
    Finally about those projector TVs - well... how can I tell if that would be fitting for gaming or not, heh. I wish I could take it for a spin and then tell: yeah, it's not fitting for gaming. I'm still keeping it though. I love old tech.
    @Ross_Я I almost bought one of these at a yardsale, kind of regret it but also am glad I didn't have to bother with moving it.
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