The best years of my life are over and I feel like I've wasted them. But I know if I were to go back in time, I still would be too scared to do anything differently.
I no longer have any dreams, hopes, or aspirations because I'm scared that I'll never be able to realize them.
I feel like I'm barreling through life without any goal in sight. And then there are times when I fall to my knees in exhaustion. During these times I feel like I'm falling into a void. But then every time I lift my head up and I keep going. I wish I knew what I was going towards.
The only things that I want for my life are out of my control. And so I passively sit on my hands waiting for them to happen. But each day they never do.
And yet, now I'll lift my head up again like I have in the past. Tomorrow is another day.