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  • You know how there are whole aesthetics dedicated to Y2K-era 3D modeling, because people find a sense of endearment in how primitive it looks?
    Something tells me that, in maybe 15 years or so, we're gonna see the exact same thing for today's AI-generated images.
    I just watched the eclipse, as my campus is right in its path...
    One of the most interesting things about it was how the birds reacted. They flew and chirped plenty throughout the day, but as soon as the eclipse struck, they were dead silent. It was as though they were seeing night for the first time and didn't know how to handle it. When the moon moved away from the sun, they went right back to chirping and flying around, even moreso than they just were. It's interesting; a bird barely knows what the sun is, much less the moon and much, much less an eclipse. They don't know what causes one, they didn't know that there was going to be one today. They all might be dead before the next eclipse. These birds had absolutely no idea what they were looking at, it was just some strange event that took place and now they simply keep living in spite of how strange and distressing it might have been.

    In a lot of ways, it made me think of this quote by Terry Davis:
    I am once again drunkposting to say:
    I love you Agorans. You are all so shway or keyed or redpilled or whatever the cool kids online are saying right now that really just means "cool."
    This drunk makes me feel warm, like a snuggle, so I'll pretend I'm giving a friendly hug to you, the person reading this.
    I got that "Argonians are Property" song stuck in my head earlier and decided to give it another listen.
    Midway through, I remembered this one time a couple years ago when I played it for a few people I was hanging out with. I figured they'd find it silly, but no, they actually got legitimately offended by it. I told them "Nah, I always play as Argonian and I still like this song. Nice beat, silly lyrics, etc."
    For whatever reason, they weren't having it. They acted so serious about it as if I wasn't playing a fake song about a fake race that exists in a fake universe. Like god damn, they were acting as though I had just told them that I unironically want to bring back slavery or some shit.

    Moral of the story: College kids take everything way too seriously, don't even bother fucking with them.

    Why do people always assume that anything they interacted with while you were young/not yet born is some sort of arcane knowledge that you're locked out of?
    Example: I make some joke about "Hot or Not" around my mother and she proceeds to tell me what the Hot or Not website was all about as if I hadn't just fucking referenced it.
    Example 2: I say to someone in my workshop, "This reminds me a bit of Blade Runner, did you take inspiration from that?" and my professor says "Damn, that's old school, I'm surprised you know about it!" as if it's not one of the most influential sci-fi movies in history.

    If I ever catch myself condescendingly explaining what an iPhone is to my kids, I'm fucking killing myself on the spot; childhood trauma be damned.
    Well, given that a new Blade Runner movie came out not so long ago, I think it can be seen as relatively new by most people... or something. So I guess I get what you mean. But at the same time, your particular example sounds like you were discussing something specific, so I think I understand the person from the Example 2 as well. I mean, it's one thing to understand that people are aware about original Blade Runner movie and another to find someone who actually understands a specific homage to it.
    And - though it might be just my opinion - the world moves on hypersonic speeds nowadays. And people are bombarded with absolute tons of information. As a result, everything that is as much as 5 years old is a thing of the past, mostly forgotten, unless it was really an anchor. If anything, 4chan's /vr/ board considers everything before december 2007 as retro. And, in my experience, same people play XBox 360 and Sega Genesis.
    That being said... Blade Runner is more than 40 years old. I think it qualifies as "old school". Like, cool or not, it's more than 3 decades old, so it's old.
    MySpace Tom
    MySpace Tom
    I would have called out the professor for not specifying which version of Blade Runner he thinks is the canonical one
    Every Turk-hater is secretly masturbating to Turkish women and twinks, you cannot change my mind.
    FUCKING hell, I've been writing for an hour straight and this story still isn't any closer to the way I've been wanting it to look.
    To the ametuer writers of Agora Road, do you also get way too carried away when writing in the moment, and end up veering way off-course to your outline? Every time I try to steer the ship back, it feels way too forced and I just want to quit already.
    YO, you can throw the teardown robots in the water and they break!? 100% gamechanger.
    :peepoComfyBlanket:Day 30: Перемотка - Здравствуй:peepoComfyBlanket:

    Day 30 is "your favorite song from this time last year." This one... uh... Is really personal for the same reason as "Didn't I" by Darondo. To me, it represents a sense of false hope that I kept clinging to after a certain event. Again, it's personal and something that I don't really want to get too into, but this song has a simultaneous sort of healing and hurting to it; like pouring alcohol on a wound. Sure, it hurts, but that's proof of it disinfecting and healing you.
    I'd highly, highly recommend looking into the English translation(s) for full effect.
    :marioStyle:Day 29: Millo Torres y el Tercer Planeta - Oh Nana:marioStyle:

    Day 29 is "a song from your childhood." I had to reach into a fucking time machine for this one because I don't think I've actually listened to it since I was 6 years old or so. Whenever my dad had me on visitation, I would always ask to listen to this song because I liked how jazzy and upbeat it was. Actually, I still enjoy it, but part of me feels a bit guilty about forcing my dad to listen to it on loop. I'd play it with him next time I visit, but he might be a bit sick of hearing it still, haha.
    Anyways, part of me feels the need to be "proud," so: Something-something Borincano, idk. Now the little island man inside of me is satisfied.
    :kannaSippyn:Day 28: Darondo - Didn't I:kannaSippyn:

    Day 28 is "a song that makes you feel guilty."
    I'm not going to elaborate on this one, sorry. Too personal.
    :ankhadc:Day 27: Bôa - Elephant:ankhadc:

    Day 27 is "a song that you wish you could play." I have to commend Bôa as a whole for not just having a good sense of music and melody, but also for their drummer's talent. These drums are impressive to say the least, and the almost-jazzy feel of this song brings them to enough attention for me to actually wish I could play this.
    Great song, great drums. Wish I could play.
    Girl Internet: "God I hate men, men suck so much, they suck and I hate them, that's how much they suck."
    Guy Internet:
    :Omegajoy:Day 25: The Vestibules - I Don't Want to Go to Toronto:Omegajoy:

    Day 25 is "a song that makes you laugh." I found this song a couple months ago hanging out at a bar with someone and trading music. He showed me this in response to Wesley Willis's "Suck a Caribou's Ass" and I saved it right away. I would like to start a petition for this song to be the national anthem of Agora Road.
    :Lain:Day 24: Maxine Cyrin - Where is My Mind:Lain:

    Day 24 is "a song that you want to play at your funeral." Whenever I do this "playlist challenge," the song I pick for today is either super silly or super sad, depending on my mood. I shouldn't have to tell you that I was in a pretty sad mood when I set up this year's playlist, but hey, that's just how we are sometimes.
    Incidentally, I have this idea that when I die, my skull should be given to my next of kin. As in, it should have all the skin and muscle and everything scraped off of the bone, the skull should be washed (of course) and then given to my kids/younger siblings/cousins with a black box to keep it in if they don't want it on display. I know that might sound weird, but... I don't know, something about that plan just feels right to me. As if it's what God or the gods or what-have-you want me to do.
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