What is the worst mainstream website and why?

The worst?

  • >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk

    Votes: 18 11.5%
  • 4chan

    Votes: 4 2.5%
  • Twitter

    Votes: 44 28.0%
  • Instagram

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Facebook

    Votes: 9 5.7%
  • Tiktok

    Votes: 58 36.9%
  • Youtube

    Votes: 3 1.9%
  • Tumblr

    Votes: 4 2.5%
  • PInterest

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Discord

    Votes: 8 5.1%

  • Total voters


̴̘̈́ ̵̲̾ ̸̯̎ ̴͓̀ ̸̳͝ ̸͈͑ ̴̡̋ ̸̞̂ ̴̰̚ ̵̨̔ ̸̭̎
Aug 11, 2022
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You should really learn to read better lol

i copy-pasted it into containment chat

  • 雨、Some_porcupine、 逃げ出した後: (3)
    Google,pozretie videa na YouTube,zdieľanie fotky,stiahnutie aplikácie,použitie Vyhľadávania Google,prihlásenie sa do aplikácie alebo služby tretej strany pomocou funkcie Prihlásiť sa účtom Google.Existuje niekoľko výnimiek z týchto pravidiel. Napríklad účet Google s kanálmi, videami alebo komentármi na YouTube, účet s darčekovou kartou s peňažným zostatkom či účet so zverejnenou aplikáciou, napríklad taký, ktorý hostí aplikáciu v Obchode Google Play. Ďalšie výnimky z týchto pravidiel sú k dispozícii na tejto stránke.
    30 minutes ago
  • 雨、Some_porcupine、 逃げ出した後: (2)
    odstránime. Tieto správy s pripomenutím dostanete minimálne osem mesiacom predtým, než podnikneme akúkoľvek akciu v súvislosti s vaším účtom.Po odstránení účtu Google už nebude možné adresu Gmailu odstráneného účtu opäť použiť pri vytváraní nového účtu Google.Ako uchovať svoj účet aktívny?Najjednoduchší spôsob, ako uchovať účet Google aktívny, je prihlásiť sa doň aspoň raz za dva roky. Ak ste sa do svojho účtu Google v priebehu posledných dvoch rokov prihlásili, považujeme ho za aktívny a neodstránime ho.Ďalšie spôsoby ako uchovať účet aktívny zahŕňajú aktivity, ako sú:čítanie alebo odosielanie e‑mailov,používanie Disku
    30 minutes ago
  • 雨、Some_porcupine、 逃げ出した後: (1)
    Preto vo všetkých našich produktoch a službách aktualizujeme obdobie nečinnosti účtu Google na dva roky. Táto zmena začne platiť dnes a bude sa vzťahovať na všetky neaktívne účty Google, teda také, do ktorých sa používatelia neprihlásili alebo ich nepoužili v priebehu posledných dvoch rokov. Neaktívny účet a všetok jeho obsah sa bude dať odstrániť od 1. decembra 2023.Čo to znamená pre vás:Tieto zmeny sa na vás vzťahujú iba v prípade, že je váš účet Google neaktívny dva roky alebo ak ste sa ním za posledné dva roky neprihlásili do žiadnej služby Googlu.Zmeny síce nadobúdajú účinnosť dnes, ale najskorší možný termín vynútenia odstránenia účtu bude december 2023.Ak váš účet zaradíme medzi neaktívne, pošleme vám na e‑mail aj e‑maily na obnovenie (ak ste ich poskytli) niekoľko správ s pripomenutím a až potom podnikneme príslušné kroky, prípadne obsah účtu
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̴̘̈́ ̵̲̾ ̸̯̎ ̴͓̀ ̸̳͝ ̸͈͑ ̴̡̋ ̸̞̂ ̴̰̚ ̵̨̔ ̸̭̎
Aug 11, 2022
Reaction score
i copy-pasted it into containment chat

  • 雨、Some_porcupine、 逃げ出した後: (3)
    Google,pozretie videa na YouTube,zdieľanie fotky,stiahnutie aplikácie,použitie Vyhľadávania Google,prihlásenie sa do aplikácie alebo služby tretej strany pomocou funkcie Prihlásiť sa účtom Google.Existuje niekoľko výnimiek z týchto pravidiel. Napríklad účet Google s kanálmi, videami alebo komentármi na YouTube, účet s darčekovou kartou s peňažným zostatkom či účet so zverejnenou aplikáciou, napríklad taký, ktorý hostí aplikáciu v Obchode Google Play. Ďalšie výnimky z týchto pravidiel sú k dispozícii na tejto stránke.
    30 minutes ago
  • 雨、Some_porcupine、 逃げ出した後: (2)
    odstránime. Tieto správy s pripomenutím dostanete minimálne osem mesiacom predtým, než podnikneme akúkoľvek akciu v súvislosti s vaším účtom.Po odstránení účtu Google už nebude možné adresu Gmailu odstráneného účtu opäť použiť pri vytváraní nového účtu Google.Ako uchovať svoj účet aktívny?Najjednoduchší spôsob, ako uchovať účet Google aktívny, je prihlásiť sa doň aspoň raz za dva roky. Ak ste sa do svojho účtu Google v priebehu posledných dvoch rokov prihlásili, považujeme ho za aktívny a neodstránime ho.Ďalšie spôsoby ako uchovať účet aktívny zahŕňajú aktivity, ako sú:čítanie alebo odosielanie e‑mailov,používanie Disku
    30 minutes ago
  • 雨、Some_porcupine、 逃げ出した後: (1)
    Preto vo všetkých našich produktoch a službách aktualizujeme obdobie nečinnosti účtu Google na dva roky. Táto zmena začne platiť dnes a bude sa vzťahovať na všetky neaktívne účty Google, teda také, do ktorých sa používatelia neprihlásili alebo ich nepoužili v priebehu posledných dvoch rokov. Neaktívny účet a všetok jeho obsah sa bude dať odstrániť od 1. decembra 2023.Čo to znamená pre vás:Tieto zmeny sa na vás vzťahujú iba v prípade, že je váš účet Google neaktívny dva roky alebo ak ste sa ním za posledné dva roky neprihlásili do žiadnej služby Googlu.Zmeny síce nadobúdajú účinnosť dnes, ale najskorší možný termín vynútenia odstránenia účtu bude december 2023.Ak váš účet zaradíme medzi neaktívne, pošleme vám na e‑mail aj e‑maily na obnovenie (ak ste ich poskytli) niekoľko správ s pripomenutím a až potom podnikneme príslušné kroky, prípadne obsah účtu
I don't know what language is that but youtube is intending to purge accounts innactive accounts from 2 years from now.

Can you imagine the drama that would happens if Youtube deleted any video uploaded before 2021 like your post suggested lol
I don't know what language is that but youtube is intending to purge accounts innactive accounts from 2 years from now.

Can you imagine the drama that would happens if Youtube deleted any video uploaded before 2021 like your post suggested lol
well, more people would care
still isnt enough!!!
=D (agressive smile)
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Virtual Cafe Awards
9. Tumblr
Don't really know how to describe this one other than 'kinda shit'. The algorithm kinda shit, but it's less malicious than TikTok's. It is polarizing, but not as much as twitter. Its layout is kinda shit, but not as bad as >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk's. You get the picture.
Surprisingly enough, the quality of discussion seems to be the highest among those here. It is especially good for subculture stuff. It can get very toxic at times, though, so don't get too excited.
Tumblr doesn't have a algorithm, thought. The for you page is what one might call algorithm and it is basically a automated feed of tags you view and noone uses it.

My listing:
1 4Chan
The userbase is mostly bots and literally no discussin ever happens on it because of this. The userbase that actually uses it think they are superior to any other website and own other sites because they are from the site that built internet culture which isn't true. I have never seen a group of people as cringe as them because of their obsession with cringe culture. Absolutely horrible culture right now and looking at people that used to use 4chan, i don't believe it used to be good either. If they stayed in their site without immigrating like cancer they would be far lower on the list. It is built upon the idea of long posts that interact with each other but somehow this is the site that popularised one word responses.

2 Twitter
Similar to 4chan in horrible culture and bots but this one had the potential to be used as a centralised RSS feed of one individual. Thankfully the absolute genius, literally god Elon somehow managed to make it unusable with or without accounts, truly one of the most decisions of all time. It is dogshit now and noone should use it for anything ever.

3.1 Instagram
Horrible website, never used it and don't plan to but it sounds horrible from people that use it. Soo high on the list because never heard of someone that uses it for anything except advertising.

3.2 Facebook
It is instagram for boomers

4 Discord
Who the fuck thought of using a messaging app for preserving knowledge. Discord's consequances are worse than any other site but it wasn't the first step at making everything horrible soo it isn't soo high.

5 >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk
Great site to preserve information but third worst executives after twitter and tumblr. Probably more information than any other social media combined, this is why it isn't higher.

6 Tumblr
It has mostly queer auidence but the catholic church runs it, posting naked men in gay tags might get you shadowbanned but posting nudes in straight tags are far less harsh. Saying "trans" or any queer tag gets posts labeled mature, selfies of trans people get marked as mature. They are speedrunning ruining their website and it isn't fun to watch. The userbase is amazing, there is OC everywhere, a post might get 700 notes and someone would make a OC comic about it soo quality is always high. If the community wasn't soo good it would be far higher.
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call me bun
May 24, 2022
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How do you dig around without investing a bunch of time on them?
Ima be honest if I wrote that post now it would be different I suspect. I think what I was trying to get at is that if you regularly go on multiple hour long >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk sessions then the app will steer you towards crazy. For finding new communities it should be interest -> subreddit not >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk links -> interest. But I haven't even been on >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk in a while so I'm just kind of pulling shit out of my ass at this point.
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Active Traveler
Jun 16, 2023
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I believe Wattpad claims to have 90 million people active a month. It sounded so promising: a website where anyone anywhere can publish a book about whatever they want. But surprise surprise, it's actually a crapfest.. The two categories I mistakenly came to Wattpad for was nonfictional essays, and poetry. I assumed there'd be an underbelly of essay writers on the site but I was very wrong. Instead you'd find romance fiction at the top of nonfiction, the only actual nonfiction you'll find are shy introvert meme compilations, whiny diarys, and tips on how to have BDSM/DDLG sex. Oh, and guides on how to get Wattpad clout.
You can technically find poetry, which astounded me that people were actually writing any until I read some and realized that every wannabe poet there is of the school of Milk and Honey. In case you don't know what that is, its a book beloved by middle-aged divorced women written by Rupi Kaur. It is infamously quotable. Here's a sample of one (1) poem.
he was supposed to be
the first male love of your life
you still search for him

- father
Personally I think you are a bad poet if you just write whatever you want without considering poetic elements (what seperates poetry from prose), and then slap on that worn-out 'free-verse' label afterwards. Wattpad is a fantastic training facility for a generation of sellout authors too. The most popular novels are all tropey, horny, lowest-common-denominator genred junk; everything is some rendition of powerful guy and girl who do the sex, and if you're kinky you can have a splash of sci-fi, werewolf, vampire, K-Pop, or whatever else tickles your pickle. The people writing these know what they're doing, and there's money to be made these days from it.
It's certainly not the worst mainstream website but it's pretty sucky, and moreover disappointing, I'll say
lol, i guess you must have graduated highschool before wattpad got popular or something, I knew from the start that it was some kind of 'teen girl writing site', I actually just figured it was some fanfic site, in the league of Archive Of Our Own, and people only decided to post original work later on...

Digital Cheese

Learning German Lets Gooooo
Jun 6, 2023
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I can think of at least one funny, interesting, intelligent, or genuinely subversive post from all of those sites.

Except for Pinterest.
Same, even for TikTok (though theres way, way fewer there).
Virtual Cafe Awards


Aesthetics Uber Alles - Digital Odysseus
May 25, 2021
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I honestly feel like it's a tossup between Tiktok and Instagram. Both are places where one's nihilism and sense of self-aggrandizement can truly shine and be put to the test in order to garner social clout and fake internet friends.

I know Discord has its drawbacks, but its toxic nature only comes with the social circles that one is willing to build. It's impact is entirely up to you.

4Chan has and always will be in its own little corner of the world. I've been using it since late 2007 and don't intend to stop anytime soon. What people misconstrue as "hatred" is just another form of social exclusivity and gatekeeping that keeps the tourists out and the old guard in- exactly how I like it.
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Ex Fed
Nov 11, 2022
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It has mostly queer auidence but the catholic church runs it, posting naked men in gay tags might get you shadowbanned but posting nudes in straight tags are far less harsh. Saying "trans" or any queer tag gets posts labeled mature, selfies of trans people get marked as mature. They are speedrunning ruining their website and it isn't fun to watch. The userbase is amazing, there is OC everywhere, a post might get 700 notes and someone would make a OC comic about it soo quality is always high. If the community wasn't soo good it would be far
The fact that happens on Fucking TUMBLER of all places is hilarious. For Gods sake, I'd never even heard of the word queer till Tumbler got popular. And of course the exodus to Twitter and >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk made it even more widespread.
Virtual Cafe Awards
The fact that happens on Fucking TUMBLER of all places is hilarious. For Gods sake, I'd never even heard of the word queer till Tumbler got popular. And of course the exodus to Twitter and >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk made it even more widespread.
Like are you ever surprised?
Twt and Plbt shoots itself into feet...

Like, surprised - as I said before, - Tumblr is basically all "edgy weird kid"s, liberals, Marxists, dreamers, sour&sweet..."perverts", - they never left, they just moved from IRL to net, all agregáted to one very place; which may shows
Virtual Cafe Awards


Internet Refugee
Jun 10, 2021
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I'm probably beating a dead horse saying this, but in terms of raw civilizational damage I don't think any of them come as close as Twitter and Tiktok. I think Discord is a useful communication tool, 4chan is a mixed bag, but it'll always be my internet home as shitty as it is. YouTube blows apps like Spotify out of the water for the sheer variety of music available on it, and as much as it sucks for creators, it's wonderful if you just want to find new music and make playlists of stuff to blast during work. I fucking hate the type of person that >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk caters to, but there are occasional subreddits that aren't filled with effete, petty goobrained little tyrants. I don't really use >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk for much of anything but finding new music either so there's that. I've made actual IRL friends through Facebook.

But I fail to see any sort of silver lining to Twitter and TikTok. I see the stuff the stuff coming out of either, and I can almost feel my liquified brain slowly winding it's way through my ear canal. I'm barely pushing thirty and my inability to understand the appeal of any of the mind-numbing MK ULTRA butt cancer coming out of TikTok makes me feel ancient. And Twitter has destroyed any hope of respectable discourse ever being a thing again, the types of people who populate it are like Redditors on steroids and everything about it is just so astroturfed and inauthentic I don't really see why anyone would want to waste their time with it.

All in all, post-Myspace social media was a mistake, but I think largely inevitable given how much of a data gold mine they are for every Board of Shadowy Figures in existence.
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Digital Cheese

Learning German Lets Gooooo
Jun 6, 2023
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I'm probably beating a dead horse saying this, but in terms of raw civilizational damage I don't think any of them come as close as Twitter and Tiktok. I think Discord is a useful communication tool, 4chan is a mixed bag, but it'll always be my internet home as shitty as it is. YouTube blows apps like Spotify out of the water for the sheer variety of music available on it, and as much as it sucks for creators, it's wonderful if you just want to find new music and make playlists of stuff to blast during work. I fucking hate the type of person that >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk caters to, but there are occasional subreddits that aren't filled with effete, petty goobrained little tyrants. I don't really use >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk for much of anything but finding new music either so there's that. I've made actual IRL friends through Facebook.

But I fail to see any sort of silver lining to Twitter and TikTok. I see the stuff the stuff coming out of either, and I can almost feel my liquified brain slowly winding it's way through my ear canal. I'm barely pushing thirty and my inability to understand the appeal of any of the mind-numbing MK ULTRA butt cancer coming out of TikTok makes me feel ancient. And Twitter has destroyed any hope of respectable discourse ever being a thing again, the types of people who populate it are like Redditors on steroids and everything about it is just so astroturfed and inauthentic I don't really see why anyone would want to waste their time with it.

All in all, post-Myspace social media was a mistake, but I think largely inevitable given how much of a data gold mine they are for every Board of Shadowy Figures in existence.
In the case of TikTok specificially I hear people say "oh well you can just watch what you want and the algorithm will feed it to you", however I don't get how thats any better than if it were just retardation. If anything, I think it would be worse due to how TikTok usually works along with most of the videos being short and having a ton of SFXs/other things to just be tons of stimulation or whatever the hell (idk what to call it, you get the point I think). Its just scroll and maybe comment/follow

I would go as far as to say most, if not all, mainstream social-media algorithms are a bad thing, even YouTube's despite it being better for music. I don't even know why Twitter has "for you" page though whenever its meant to be a feed for people you already like, "Following" is better to use tbh.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Internet Refugee
Jun 10, 2021
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In the case of TikTok specificially I hear people say "oh well you can just watch what you want and the algorithm will feed it to you", however I don't get how thats any better than if it were just retardation. If anything, I think it would be worse due to how TikTok usually works along with most of the videos being short and having a ton of SFXs/other things to just be tons of stimulation or whatever the hell (idk what to call it, you get the point I think). Its just scroll and maybe comment/follow

I would go as far as to say most, if not all, mainstream social-media algorithms are a bad thing, even YouTube's despite it being better for music. I don't even know why Twitter has "for you" page though whenever its meant to be a feed for people you already like, "Following" is better to use tbh.
I think TikTok is (hopefully) the final stage of the sort of addiction mechanism that you see with other social media platforms. From what I understand it's designed to operate on the same dopamine receptors in your brain as hard drugs would, and to be as addicting as possible so that the user will waste ungodly amounts of time on the app. I'm neither an expert on neuroscience nor technology, but there's no way this kind of thing isn't as damaging to a person in the long run as a heroin or meth addiction. Maybe even more so, since the effects are more insidious and not as overt.
Virtual Cafe Awards
I think TikTok is (hopefully) the final stage of the sort of addiction mechanism that you see with other social media platforms. From
i am curious how fast and when will people start to be fed-up with this
i hope gen-z will grow up and be more like millenials (but not as positive-aggresive and more, true to themselves)
i am curious how they will turn out to be; i am prolly gen-z, but it is more local aspect and older sibling too
- being 15 in 2014, the worst had yet to come with past-2013 enshittification (maybe); also, my raising "project"
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Digital Cheese

Learning German Lets Gooooo
Jun 6, 2023
Reaction score
I think TikTok is (hopefully) the final stage of the sort of addiction mechanism that you see with other social media platforms. From what I understand it's designed to operate on the same dopamine receptors in your brain as hard drugs would, and to be as addicting as possible so that the user will waste ungodly amounts of time on the app. I'm neither an expert on neuroscience nor technology, but there's no way this kind of thing isn't as damaging to a person in the long run as a heroin or meth addiction. Maybe even more so, since the effects are more insidious and not as overt.
I'd hope its the furthest you can go with this type of stuff, granted its probably far from the most addicting it could possibly be, hell it might still just be the surface or only half-way there. There is basically nothing you can gain from TikTok, if you're going to be terminally online then do it on literally any other website except TikTok (even Twitter isn't as bad for you I'd argue). Even on something that doesn't seem as bad like Twitter, I just eventually think "I'm wasting my time, this sucks". I've almost never noticed that on forum sites along with other smaller sites and I'd often browse a ton of posts in a day whenever I find a new forum that seems interesting to me.
i am curious how fast and when will people start to be fed-up with this
i hope gen-z will grow up and be more like millenials (but not as positive-aggresive and more, true to themselves)
i am curious how they will turn out to be; i am prolly gen-z, but it is more local aspect and older sibling too
- being 15 in 2014, the worst had yet to come with past-2013 enshittification (maybe); also, my raising "project"
I'd hope soon, but it seems more and more people are using TikTok (and just social-media in general). I'm starting to think most people will never be fed up with it or it'll be forever until that happens. Gonna take a guess here and say Gen-Z isn't gonna go too amazingly, at least not the ones who waste all their time on TikTok/Twitter (which there are a lot of). I can't even imagine what Gen-Alpha is gonna be like oh god. If Gen-Z is bad now, what the hell is Gen-Alpha gonna be? Whatever ig, just like avoid mainstream social-media platforms and use the forums. If you want to, make your own website instead too for the internet, its way less cancerous anyways. As for getting others to not use this shit, theres only so much you can do so idk.

Gen Z is like 1997-2012 I think (maybe ends 2010 though) so you're early-Gen Z.
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