
Virtual Cafe Awards

Život mzdokuka​

Nie Janovia, ja už nemôžem. Ja proste každý deň myslím na samovraždu a nie kvôli nejakej genocíde. Ale cítim strašnú prázdnotu. Nič ma nebaví, chodím do práce a viem, že dane čo platím sa buď rozkradnú alebo použijú proti mne. Ďalej tento režim ma systematicky utláča lebo som chlap, ak sa pobijem som agresor, ak sa správam k ženám ako chlap som úchyl a obťažujem ich, ak nedržím hubu a krok tak mi hrozí výpoveď a bezdomovectvo. Denno-denne len čítam ako som zlý človek len preto kým som sa narodil, denno denne čítam ako blázni chcú stále meniť svet stále nové a nové veci a mňa to katastrofálne vyčerpáva. Okrem toho robím v IT a rovnakí blázni stále vymýšľajú nové a nové technológie aby stále mladí kokoti čo sa to naučia mali prácu a tí čo vedia niečo staršie môžu ísť do plynu. Ja neviem asi som ja jebnutý, ale ja mám rád overené veci, veci ktoré preveril čas, nechcem novoty, nechcem každý rok revolučné pičoviny, revolučné technológie. Ja chcem vystúpiť z tohoto vlaku. Chcem aby to prestalo, skončilo.

Normícka špina (by antifacik Vito)​

Čo tu potom robíš ty zasratá normícka špina? Vypadni. Má 2 deti a ešte sa tým chváli. Takže si mal sex, jebal si a teraz máš edti. Gratulujem. Už len to že máš deti o tebe hovorí že si neskutočný kokotko. Ja si myslím že ten kto má v hlavičke aspoň trošku zdravého rozumu si dieťa neurobí. Ja by som napríklad nemal dieťa už len z toho dôvodu, že si nedokážem predstaviť že by moje dieťa mohlo byť inteligentné a zároveň aj štastné. Buď bude hlúpy pozitívne naladený spoločnosť milujúci kus dobytka s IQ 80 , alebo niekdo inteligetný trpiaci miernymi depkami. Okrem toho , dieťa nepatrí tebe, dieťa patrí štátu.Štát ho donutí od malička poslúchať, štát z neho urobí mzdového otroka, štát mu prostredníctvom školy vymyje mozog. Môžeš to vidieť už od začiatku(nútia ho ísť do škôlky, školy, očkovania, prehliadky..) Na tomto ti nepríde nič nesprávne?(Z morálneho hľadiska) Pokiaľ niesi niekto bohatý a vplyvný kdo dokáže vlastné deti uchrániť pred samotným systémom, to že máš deti neuznávam. Sorry. Som proti tomu. A v neposlednom rade, momentálne žijem v dome s malým deckom a počúvať ten jeho rev nieje vôbec príjemné. A inak, na svete je dosť ľudí, myslím že ľudstvo prežije aj bez mojich detí : Okrem toho, nenávidím ľudí ktorý sa v akomkoľvek zmysle sťažujú na svoj život kvôli žomu, že si urobili deti. Ak si si urobil decko, nesťažuj sa že nieje presne na tvoj obraz, alebo že nemáš dosť penaží. S tým si mal počítať. Teraz si nes zodpovednosť za svoje činy.

Najväčšia pravdobomba​

Pamatas radicovej vladu? Ja hej a presne viem, ze aj ak zostavi buducu vladu, prepytujem, "demokraticka" opozicia bude to rovnaky mrdnik ako jej vlada. Progresivci teraz maju pekne reci, ale ako som pisal, to je horsia verzia SMERu, lebo SMER len kradol alebo mi viete vymenovat jednu reformu, co od roku 2006 spravil SMER? Staci mi ozaj jedna, ale musi byt vyznamna a musi mat dnes preukazatelny pozitivny dopad pre slovakov.....myslel som si, ani jedna. Ale PS je SMER s genocidnou ideologiou, oni spravia reformy, ale ake? Skolstvo v podstatnych veciach ostane v pici akurat este rozjebu psychiku decak na maderu kokotinami o rodoch a orientaciach a o tom, ze maju donasat na rodicov na urady ak sa spravaju prilis "nacionalisticky, xenofobne" a pod. Zdravotnictvo? Ak si myslite, ze SMER a Paska rozjebali zdravotnictvo len pockajte co tieto kurvy spravia v mene racionalizacie nakladov a "zlepsovania" poskytovania sluzieb. PS ma sice lavicovy program oficialne ale len v zmysle ideologie. Im je kokot po tom, kolko ludi zdochne na veci ktore sa aj do pici v Madarsku a nehovorim Cesku bezne liecia a predchadza sa im. Citate SMEtiarov alebo Dennik N? Reforma zdravotnictva bude, ze doktor co sa opovazi taktne naznacit tehotnej pici co nevie stat na nohach a vsetky markery znacia, ze je v rizikovom tehotenstve, ze by bolo lepsie aby rodila v nemocnici nez doma, tak taky doktor bude lyncovany verejne v Bratislave na namesti Vaclava Havla I. Toto budu ich reformy vy kokoti, nie lepsie spravovany stat sposobom riadneho hospodara. Idioti vyjebany. Kokoti skurveni. Jedine co vidite je kotleba, harabin, nackovia a tieto picoviny. Ano zhodneme, sa, ze Mazurek nesplna moje predstavy o mojej osobnej politickej reprezentacii, ale nech je to aky len chce kokot, ja mu uprimne verim, ze on chce aby sa slovakom zilo aspon trochu lepsie. Ze je asi malo chytry na to aby to dosiahol je vec druha.

Inac co vy nevidite ten srackomet co sa spustil na donedavna najvacsi klenot na hviezdnej oblohe slovenskej politiky jeho velicenstvo anjela Kisku? Lebo asi odmietal povedat, ze bude povinne v detskych osnovach pedofilia a fajcenie negerskych kokotov a zakaz vymahania dodrziavania od ciganov tak nasim novinarom a ich liberalnym vajcoskrabom z neziskoviek atomicky explodovali rite dokonca tak epicky, ze uz asi 2 dni som necital clanok o tom, ako je Sulik tajny vnuk Hitlera co ma v zade na zahrade treningove tabory Waffen-SS.

Sa zobudte naivni kokoti. Jebnut listok do urny a cakat zmenu moze len kokot. Vasi predkovia by vam napluli medzi oci vy sraci. Ukazte mi jednu realnu zmenu za niekolko tisicrocnu existenciu Europy co sa zaobisla bez rincania zbrani a prelievania krvi. Zapad si moze dovolit tuto ohavnu hru na demokraciu, to sa im do pici moralizuje, ked 500 rokov vyciciavali cely svet, tak teraz ked su nasosany ako kliest na picisku Erziky tak s pupkami inym rozpravaju o porozumeni tolerancii a laske. A vidite, ani im doma to nie kazdy zerie toboz vo vychodnej Europe, v hovnostate co ma menej rokov nez ja. Jebem ja vasho Boha vyjebaneho!


Mrzí ma, že ti chýba ľusdkosť. Mrzí ma, že si si pravdepodobne v živote prešiel niečím veľmi ťažkým, že to z teba spravilo toto. Poznám to. A preto ti úprimne prajem nech sa ti v živote dejú už len dobré veci. Maj sa pekne ahoj


Pocuvaj ty primitivny kokot. Ja pozeram RT, BBC, TA3 a al-Jaziru. To, ze sa zivis len konspiracnymi kokotinami je tvoja vec. Pozri si spravy robene rusmi a blizkym vychodom ked chces pluralitu. Tie picoviny co trepe vacsina ludi ako vy su vycucnute z RT a inych ruskych medii. Nic nove, len iny pohlad na vec. Lepsi pre niekoho ineho. Si tak isto naprogramovany ako patrioticky amik.


moj drahy, na papieri mam na rozdil od teba iq vyse 130, na skole Acka a uz teraz si viem jednou zakazkou hotovou do dvou tydnov prace popri skole zarobit viac, nez ty za 2 mesiace brigadovania, tak si, prosim ta, neber do huby moj intelekt, zvlast ak sa chces zastavat kotlebu. mas hadam dojem, ze ak sem prijdes s uzasnym nadhladom, tak budes za nejrozumnejsie? sice uznavam, ze si taky rozumny a nacuil si sa birdzovsko trendy, trocha si vsak pozabudol na to, ze tu sa nebavime o tom, ci vegani mozu jest mrkvu hnojenu kravskym hnojom, alebo nie. tu wannabe nahlad nieje na mieste, nakolko je tato slovac tak jebnuta, ze do vlady dostala retardovaneho nacka. tak sa prosim ta chod tvarit mudro nekde inde.


Nazdar jano, skúsim ti poradiť, alebo aspoň napísať príspevok určený tebe ktorý ti niečo dá , na rozdiel od iných príspevkov tu. Aj ked možno bol tvoj príspevok joke, ja tu ľudí neberiem vážne. Ale na chvíľu sa zahrám na človeka čo chce niekomu naozaj poradiť. Takže k veci: Na koľko sú tvoje predstavy reálne si nedovolím odhadnúť. Ja toho, myslím ,ovládam čo sa programovania týka viacej ako ty, mám 20 rokov, a živím sa... no.. živit nieje správne slovo. To ma neuživí. Ale robím pri páse, za 450 euro mesačne. Mohol by som sa okolo toho rozpísať, ale myslím že to stačí. Absolvoval som kopec pohovorov... Dopadli ako dopadli. Myslel som si že po gymnáziu sa zamestnám hneď, ale bolo to inak. Že som nešiel na vysokú školu neľutujem a mal možnosť vidieť a zažiť ako to chodí na trhu práce, a ako sa pracuje s normíkmi. Keď si budeš hľadať prácu akú chceš, mentálne sa priprav sa na kopec sklamaní a klamstvá od ľudí. Ja som teda sklamaný bol. Stretol som sa aj s namyslenými a arogantnými programátormi, ale prekvapivo aj s ľudmi čo pôsobili že by som si s nimi mohol rozumieť. A ľudia niekedy otvorené klamú ohľadom toho kedy a či sa ti ozvú :D No , pointa je že nájsť si prácu akú chceš nemusí byť až tak ľahké ako si možno myšlíš, ale ja neviem čo si myslíš. Tiež by som ešte mohol dodať, že aspoň v niektorých firmách im vôbec nejde o to ako si chytrý a čo vieš, pokiaľ nebudeš pôsobiť ako ľahko manipulovateľný konformný normík - teda tupá ovca, nezoberú ťa. Simple. Niekedy je to že si chytrejší skôr prekážka. Aspoň ja mám také skúsenosti. Ale zas na druhú stranu, kdo je naozaj chytrý , nepotrebuje sa nikde zamesnávať že? Založí si vlastnú firmu... Zotročí iných ľudí...


Chcel by som ti na chvíľu skočiť do reči. To, čo nazývaš Linux, je v skutočnosti GNU/Linux, alebo ako som to v poslednej dobe začal volať, GNU plus Linux. Linux nie je sám o sebe operačný systém, ale len ďalší slobodný komponent plne fungujúceho GNU systému použitý GNU jadrovými knižnicami, škrupinou a vitálnymi systémovými komponentmi, ktoré spolu vytvárajú kompletný operačný systém ako je definované POSIXom. Mnoho počítačových užívateľov používa upravenú verziu GNU systému každý deň, bez toho, aby si to uvedomili. Zvláštnym zvratom okolností sa verzia GNU, ktorá sa dneska široko využíva nazýva Linux, a veľa ich používateľov si neuvedomuje, že ide v podstate o GNU systém, vyvinutý GNU projektom. Existuje Linux, a títo ľudia ho naozaj používajú, ale je to len súčasť systému ktorý používajú. Linux je zrno: program v systéme, ktorý prideľuje prostriedky prístroja ostatným programom, ktoré spúšťaš. Zrno je nevyhnutná časť operačného systému, ale je sám o sebe zbytočný; môže fungovať len v súvislosti celkového operačného systému. Linux je bežne používaný v kombinácii s GNU operačným systémom: celkový systém je v podstate GNU s pridaným Linuxom, alebo GNU/Linux. Všetky takzvané distribúcie Linuxu sú v realite distribúcie GNU/Linuxu!

Hrdý raddiator​

Vsak preto sa na tom smejem, ze to som doslova ja. Redditor som asi 2 roky, cez vikendy mam rad sladke cerealie na ranajky, prilezitostne hulim travu a videl som vsetky diely Ricka & Mortyho a zaroven som 5-6 rokov alokalnik, mam atraktivnu priatelku a som aktivny sportovec v lepsej forme ako vacsina populacie. To len dokazuje, ze tieto nalepky na zaklade toho kto aku stranku navstevuje, su picovina a projekcia slanych bezjebkov.

doslova vec co sa uci na obcianskej​

doslova vec co sa uci na obcianskej nauke na strednej skole. teda jedine ze si zo strednej odbornej skoly alebo ucnovky, potom ok a kludne ti to tu aj vysvetlim

Dôvody, prečo sa zaočkovať proti Covid-19​

>OVELA mensie (radovo) riziko zdravotnych problemov suvisiacich s covidom

>vacsia sloboda v zivote a viac spolocenskych vyhod

>prispejes tym k lepsej obranyschopnosti svojho naroda/rasy/bliznych... (vyber, co je pre teba dolezitejsie)

>znizujes riziko vzniku novych nebezpecnejsich mutacii, proti ktorym nemusi stacit ani to ze si mlady, fit a nemas rodicov

>pomozes krajine, v ktorej zijes, rychlejsi navrat do "normalu"

>nebudes prakticky kazdym rozumnym clovekom automaticky povazovany za spodinu a predstavitela najnizsich nevzdelanych a nemysliacich vrstiev spolocnosti

Život bezjebka​

mal by som sa z nejakeho dovodu citit ako uspesny ci nejakym sposobom lepsi muz pretoze som strcil velakrat penis do vaginy plnej cervotocov, mykoz, mikroorganizmov, zvyskov GENA predchadzajucich jebacov, staniek, sraciek...? Gratulujem, vygenil si sa, fakt uspech. Stalo ta to prinutit sa chodit niekam, kde by si asi nechodil nebyt sance na jebacku, zmenil si satnik ktory by ti ani nenapadlo menit nebyt tvojej chorej predstavy o tom, ze picnemu zlu sa mas prisposobit, urcite si davas pozor na jazyk, kontrolujes sa v zrkadle, robis si fotky a z 1000 vyberies jednu a pod. Na konci toho strateneho casu je tvoj kokot vo vagine a vystriekanie sa. Ani omylom to nepovazujem za hodnotnejsie ako len tak si lezat a premyslat o vselijakych picacinach, keby som spadol na tuto memu, tak by som v podstate zapredal sam seba, musel by som potlacit to, cim som jedinecny, lebo zeny nestoja o nejakeho "creep cudaka s divnymi nazormi", musel by som riesit satnik a nie obliekat si stale podobne handry lebo si naraz kupim aj 4 rovnake tricka ak sa mi pacia, nemusim nikomu vypisovat kokotiny a vyhodnocovat ci sa to tej kurve paci ci nie atd. Myslim, ze prave to je na tom najhorsie co jebaci robia, to, ze potlacia svoju prirodzenost, to unikatne a stanu sa tuctovymi dronmi, nakoniec sa nedate ani rozoznat jeden od druheho, vsetci ste rovnaki. Doslova ako zeny.


Založené? Založené na čom? Na tvojom pišuliakovi? Prosím zavri si klapačku a používaj slová normálne, ty predok homo sapiens, myslíš si, že nám Boh dal slobodu slova, len aby sme hovorili náhodné slová, ktoré nemajú s témou rozhovoru nič spoločné? Vždy sa pýtaš, prečo sa s tebou nikto nerozpráva, alebo prečo s tebou nikto nezdieľa svoje názory, no lebo hovoríš náhodné táraniny ako poggers, based, cringe a keď sa ich snažíš vysvetliť, tak len povieš, že sú vtipné. Čo prosím? Čo si dofrasa myslíš, že je na tom vtipné, akože si myslíš, že sa len tak staneš stand-up komikom, ktorý dostane búrlivý potlesk len preto, že povedal "cum" na javisku? ANI NÁHODOU, ŠALABACHTER. Takže prosím zavri klapačku a používaj slová tak, ako používané majú byť, ty pecúch.
Virtual Cafe Awards
underwater basket weaving, but #2

Taking the mick
You can study decision making at Luton, stained glass at Swansea or golf management in Lincoln. But was Margaret Hodge right to attack 'Mickey Mouse degrees'? Emma Brockes reports
Emma Brockes
Wed 15 Jan 2003 12.29 GMT
In quieter moments at the Coalville and Ashby Times - and this is a place where whole days can pass without the incursion of activity - Paul Marston wonders whether he has made the right choices in life. At 17, unsure of what he wanted to do, Marston left school and enrolled in a three-year degree course at De Montfort University. The discipline was media studies. Now 22 and news editor of his Leicestershire local paper, Marston revisits that decision with growing levels of regret. "It taught me lots of different skills," he says. "It taught me about a wide variety of things." He pauses. "It just didn't seem to teach me anything, you know, in particular."

There are certain phrases in the English language which are designed to exact the maximum amount of outrage with a minimum outlay of effort. "Bogus asylum seekers" is one. "Bog-standard comprehensives" is another, and we were reminded of a third, this week, when Margaret Hodge, minister for higher education, referred in a public seminar to "Mickey Mouse degrees". These, said Hodge, were degrees in which "the content is perhaps not as rigorous as one would expect ... and may not have huge relevance to the labour market."

Relevance is a poor indicator of quality in the context of higher education, since you can take almost any discipline to a level of theoretical difficulty at which it stops being "relevant to the labour market" and becomes purely abstract. Moreover, every generation has its Mickey Mouse degrees - arts subjects were mocked in the 60s and 70s, sociology in the 80s and gender studies in the 1990s, all of which are now regarded as legitimate by more or less everyone in academe bar Harold Bloom.

Nevertheless, Hodge's outburst accords with a genuine unease in universities: that the "Mickey Mouse" degrees of today are so numerous, so eye-rollingly beyond the pale, that laughing at them is not an adequate response. Rather, there must be serious debate and recourse to more inflammatory phrases, such as "dumbing-down" and "erosion of standards". There are degrees made ludicrous by virtue of their specificity (a BA (Hons) in air-conditioning). There are degrees ridiculed for their non-specificity (citizenship studies, which, to its detractors, is so broad that it might as well be called "shit that happens in the world" studies). There are the apparent oxymorons - turfgrass science, amenity horticulture, surf and beach management and the BSc from Luton University in decision-making, which begs the cheap but irresistible observation, how did those on the course manage to make the decision to take it in the first place?

Inevitably, it is the newer universities whose students are most likely to be marked out as dimwits who can't get on to conventional courses. This is partly a question of branding - perfectly credible "new" degrees are undermined by their over-reliance on the word "studies". Through association with general studies A-level, that which you pass by flicking through a newspaper the day before the exam, anything with the word studies at the end of it is regarded by traditionalists as highly suspicious, in the same way that the word "flavour" in strawberry flavour drink, is used by the food industry to indicate something that's not quite the real deal.

And yet, some of the most dubious sounding degree courses have come out of the best universities, notably Harvard, which pioneered Madonna studies back in the early 90s by including it as a module on its gender studies MA course. One class was devoted entirely - and I'm not making this up - to the relationship Madonna enjoys with her own belly button. (It goes without saying that, since then, we have entered the exciting new era of "post-Madonna" studies.) You need only glance down the list of texts in the burgeoning field of "cultural studies" to bring on a fit of "the world's gone mad" fever. How about Women on Ice: Feminist Responses to the Tonya Harding/Nancy Kerrigan Spectacle? Or Sex and Real Estate: Why We Love Houses (Harvard University), or, by the same author, Vested Interests: Cross-Dressing and Cultural Anxiety. Clearly anticipating derision, Marjorie Garber, a professor at Harvard, kicks off her weighty tome with the defensive justification: "What this book insists upon, is not - or not only - that cultural forces in general create literary effects, nor even - although I believe this to be the case - that the opposite is also true, but rather that transvestism is a space of possibility structuring and confounding culture: the disruptive element that intervenes, not just a category crisis of male and female, but the crisis of category itself."

Dr Claire Alexander teaches Citizenship studies at South Bank University. Although it sounds like the modern equivalent of what we used, at school, to call personal development (how to say no to drugs, what stretches to for period pains), citizenship studies encompasses politics and film, gender and society, sexuality and immigration patterns. This is the first full year it has run. "We're part of the - what are we called now? - social and policy studies," says Alexander, laughing. "We've changed our name quite a lot. It's really very exciting."

So, why would one be better off studying citizenship than, say, a more traditional degree in politics or history? "It's the interdisciplinarity of it: policy aspects, sociological aspects, it doesn't fit into one particular theoretical framework. It's also very flexible. It gives students some of the skills that maybe the structured courses don't." A little waspishly, she adds, "It's a serious academic course."

"What does a degree in citizenship studies look like?" muses David Starkey, writer and historian at Cambridge. "Heaven knows. Probably the usual mish-mash. The problem is, that, following the idiocies of the Dearing Report, we pretend that all universities and all degrees are the same. We have got ourselves into a situation where we're pretending that a degree from the London Metropolitan University is the same quality as a degree from Cambridge. It's not. There are Mickey Mouse students for whom Mickey Mouse degrees are quite appropriate."

But surely employers are still vastly, and undesirably, biased towards the old universities? "Of course they are. But the gap between the best and the worst is not instantly recognisable to students. We're practising a gross deception on them, particularly on ethnic minorities. New immigrants are disproportionately represented at the new universities, which have a high drop-out rate. Similarly students from a poor background, of whom I used to be one. I feel very strongly about this."

The answer, says Starkey, is to start "charging realistically" for degrees. In other words, if you go for a cheap degree at a cheap university, you pay little or nothing for it. "If you go for a good degree at a good university either you're bright and you get a scholarship, or you pay."

Paradoxically, it is the very vocational degrees which Hodge is urging students to go in for, which, in the wider world, are most likely to be ridiculed as doss-subjects. Golf-course management is always held up as one - unreasonably, since it is fair to assume that at graduation, a job as a golf course manager might feasibly await - or the study of stained-glass windows, a BA (Hons) in which is available at the Swansea Institute.

"It's a pretty obscure area," concedes Rodney Bender, programme director of the glass department. The full title of the degree is a BA Hons in architectural glass, specialising in stained glass. There are 15 full-time students on the course. "They are referred to us by the British Society of Master Glass Painters, mostly. They learn to draw, they learn the history of art and craft, they write essays. Most of the students want to be self-employed. To reply to Margaret Hodge, our students go out and make their own work. They have a portfolio of skills. They might set up as designers, work on new commissions for churches, interior design."

Dissertation subjects include "the symbolism of the circle in architecture" and "new technologies in glass fusing". Rachel Phillips, 29, is an enthusiastic graduate of the course. "There is scepticism, of course - people will say, 'Oh, a degree in stained glass, what possible use could that have in the real world?' But it isn't just la-la land. There's so much glass being used in modern architecture." Phillips is now successfully self-employed, winning design commissions from the Welsh Assembly and a raft of churches.

Harder to discern from the outside is the possible use one might find for a degree in decision making. Luton University's Bsc Hons in business decision management and its MSc variant "strategic information management", uses the sort of jargon issued by the cartoon character Dilbert before burrowing his head hysterically into the torso of a colleague. Ann Mathews, head of the department of business and marketing, says, "it's not Mickey Mouse, it's a hard degree, mathematical. A lot of simulation, strategic modelling, e-business and e-commerce."

So it's not about how to make a decision?

"It is about decision making, it's about taking a lot of different variables and trying to evaluate them in some sort of objective rather than subjective way. Primacy and recency, that sort of thing, trying to give people an objective basis for decision making rather than gut reaction. It isn't a wishy-washy course like media studies." The sound of a hand being clapped over a mouth rings down the phone line. "I don't mean that media studies is Mickey Mouse, I just mean it has always been a soft target."

Paul Marston offers a half-hearted defence of the subject he studied for three years. "Media studies is more relevant to the outside world than, say, maths," he says listlessly. For his 10,000 word dissertation, Marston wrote on the relationship between the royal family and the media. "You know, which was interesting," he says. "But I'm finding it difficult to move on in my career now, and I do put that down partly to my degree. It was very general, very broad, good for keeping my options open, but it doesn't seem to have prepared me for anything much else."

The problem is, says Marston, that he can't now afford to go back to university and study something more "useful". His only consolation is that some of the law students who sneered at his choice of degree, subsequently failed their exams. Uncertainly, he says, "so who's laughing now?"

The following correction was printed in the Guardian's Corrections and Clarifications column, Monday April 7 2003

We explored Margaret Hodge's comments that some university degrees could be described as "Mickey Mouse" degrees. The article referred to some particular degrees in its discussion of the issue. The article also mentioned London Metropolitan University. Although the article as a whole did not accept Margaret Hodge's pejorative remarks, readers may have inferred that the Guardian was suggesting that London Metropolitan University offers such degrees to "Mickey Mouse" students. We are happy to make clear that we were not. London Metropolitan University advises us that it does not offer any of the subjects referred to in the article. It informs us that the quality of its degrees is demonstrated by external inspection reports and by its use of external examiners.

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Jul 12, 2022
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already posted in status, but i figured that i like that more people should be tortured by this view
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Why the fuck is imgur so gay, I usually copy and paste images rather than saving them to my computer but imgur makes that impossible fuck em
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