Subtle ways technology has changed the world


Sandwich Maker
Jul 26, 2021
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So, recently I went to my uni to meet up with someone, but I forgot to bring my phone with me. It seems that clocks don't exist anymore outside of computers, as I had to use a fucking ATM to get the time. It's crazy how smartphones have become so essential to everyday life that when you aren't carrying one you're basically disconnected from society at large.

Have you guys noticed any subtle but interesting ways that tech has changed the world?
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Naval enthusiast
Jan 8, 2022
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So, recently I went to my uni to meet up with someone, but I forgot to bring my phone with me. It seems that clocks don't exist anymore outside of computers, as I had to use a fucking ATM to get the time. It's crazy how smartphones have become so essential to everyday life that when you aren't carrying one you're basically disconnected from society at large.

Have you guys noticed any subtle but interesting ways that tech has changed the world?
Here there are still clocks on pharmacies' signs, but they're often off. Like it's sometimes ridiculous. They also show the temperature but ofc, it's the temperature of the sign that sits under the sun all day, so you sometimes get 45°C when it's probably about 32-33°C.

In the few first days that I was in Atyrau, I was hungry af and didn't know the area yet, so I was kinda wandering with my empty stomach. Saw a doner shop and I thought, welp, I'm hungry, even if I don't quite like fast food, that'll do.

In Kazakhstan there is a banking app called Kaspi that pretty much everyone uses there. Of course you can't get it without a Kazakh phone number, tax number, bank account, obviously. I went up to the counter and asked the dude for a doner and got my 1000 tenge banknote out. He said that he only could accept payment via Kaspi. I asked him if I really couldn't pay in cash, that I was a foreigner, that I couldn't use the app, but he couldn't take my cash payment, so I told him to forget it and just got outta here. I don't recall where I ate afterwards but that gave me an extra reason to hate those fast food shops lol, and probably even after I move there, I will keep on hating that app. I don't like banking apps in the first place anyway, I feel it's quite risky to carry your goddamn bank on a device that's easily stolen or can get lost.
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Orlando Smooth

Well-Known Traveler
Aug 12, 2019
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I went up to the counter and asked the dude for a doner and got my 1000 tenge banknote out. He said that he only could accept payment via Kaspi.
Not quite the same, but it drives me up the wall when a restaurant doesn't even have a menu anymore, but rather just QR codes on the table. Many of those kind of places use AWS to host their menus, so you get a side of data mining with every order you make. I saw this elevated to a new level recently where not only was there no menu, but you HAD to order through the fucking web app. In addition to just being a very anti-elegant experience, it was also very annoying to pick each and every ingredient to be included (it was a ramen place) for each dish. There was a single server for the whole place, and she didn't even really waitress - literally just brought food to your table and had no way of knowing who ordered what. Will never go back there.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Active Traveler
Jan 14, 2022
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Not quite the same, but it drives me up the wall when a restaurant doesn't even have a menu anymore, but rather just QR codes on the table. Many of those kind of places use AWS to host their menus, so you get a side of data mining with every order you make. I saw this elevated to a new level recently where not only was there no menu, but you HAD to order through the fucking web app. In addition to just being a very anti-elegant experience, it was also very annoying to pick each and every ingredient to be included (it was a ramen place) for each dish. There was a single server for the whole place, and she didn't even really waitress - literally just brought food to your table and had no way of knowing who ordered what. Will never go back there.
I can't believe that exists. I would just walk right out if I saw that.
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In search of something greater.
Jul 16, 2022
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It feels like technology is becoming less and less locally usable. Say, if I want to have a local account on Windows 11 I CAN'T!!!! WHAT THE FRIG MICROSOFT?! I have to apparently get the pro version just to have that. Everything is getting tied more and more to an account. You simply can't escape to someplace rural you HAVE to be connected all the time.

I hope this comes ASAP
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call me bun
May 24, 2022
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During covid my uni had a protocol in place where security would only let you enter if you answered the daily questionnaire about your symptoms. This was done the easiest by answering it on your smartphone and showing the screen to the security guards upon entering the building. Thing was I didn't have a smartphone at the time, I just had an LG slide phone. What I ended up doing was taking a picture of the screen on my computer with my phone and showing the security guards that. Of course, I barely ever actually filled out the questionnaire and if they had looked at the date on my picture I would've gotten caught. Another option for a while to get into the buildings was to fill out paper questionnaires but I'm pretty sure I singlehanded shut those down after the head nurse found out that I was able to get into the buildings despite not having clearance to do so because I hadn't gotten a medical exam that was required due to me not being vaccinated (the questionnaire would always show red if this was the case).

It was actually kind of fun for me since the three buildings that I had to go to were connected through underground tunnels which didn't have security guards so with the right planning I could navigate where I needed to go on campus while only having to fake my way past one guard. I learned so much about the weird building design of the early 1900s due to this
Virtual Cafe Awards


Sandwich Maker
Jul 26, 2021
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During covid my uni had a protocol in place where security would only let you enter if you answered the daily questionnaire about your symptoms. This was done the easiest by answering it on your smartphone and showing the screen to the security guards upon entering the building. Thing was I didn't have a smartphone at the time, I just had an LG slide phone. What I ended up doing was taking a picture of the screen on my computer with my phone and showing the security guards that. Of course, I barely ever actually filled out the questionnaire and if they had looked at the date on my picture I would've gotten caught. Another option for a while to get into the buildings was to fill out paper questionnaires but I'm pretty sure I singlehanded shut those down after the head nurse found out that I was able to get into the buildings despite not having clearance to do so because I hadn't gotten a medical exam that was required due to me not being vaccinated (the questionnaire would always show red if this was the case).

It was actually kind of fun for me since the three buildings that I had to go to were connected through underground tunnels which didn't have security guards so with the right planning I could navigate where I needed to go on campus while only having to fake my way past one guard. I learned so much about the weird building design of the early 1900s due to this
My uni had a similar protocol during covid. You had to download a mobile only app, with which you had to scan a qr code provided at the entrance so you could be redirected to the uni's subdomain. After that you had to scroll to find the questionnaire, answer it, and submit it so that it would generate a unique qr code, which a guard would then scan to let you in. Basically no smart phone, no entry.

What's funny is that groveling to the guard so that he'd let you in was usually a faster process.
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Internet Refugee
Jan 17, 2022
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Very interesting question, and already in my three and a half decades on this beautifully dysfunctional planet, technology has changed absolutely everything both subtly and profoundly. I like your example of leaving one's phone at home accidentally when going out, as I will often do that on some short walking errands, and even then I catch myself feeling anxious. Ridiculous, as I remember when I was a teenager my friends and I already recognized that the simple dumbphone (think Nokia 3310) was a "tether" where you were at someone else's beck and call. A curious time to reflect on the balance between the convenience of technology and the "culture" of personal freedom. Even when I started college in 2005, the idea of having to go through the rigmarole of interrogation via. personal device to display a QR code to merely gain entrance into a lecture hall/cafeteria would have been pure dystopian science fiction, but here we are.

I actually held onto my flip-phone until about 2011, but got my first iPod touch in 2008 and it seriously was the most slick piece of mobile technology I had ever used, bar none. Of course it didn't really do anything new, but the pure accessibility of it I knew would change the world. For me, something we all take for granted now, having GPS navigation with a live-map overlay in our pockets, changed my life completely. We had already been using computer-aided navigation even on my father's PC going back to like 1993, (I think called Microsoft AutoMap or something) but printing out directions, even though a huge leap forward from trying to use folding maps, was nothing compared to the cyborg-like convenience of being told exactly where to go, what bus/train to take and their schedule, what stop to get off, etc. Something as simple as going to a venue or street fair before smartphones involved some degree of independent exploration and guesswork. The art of asking neighborhood locals for directions and following their unique diatribes is a subtle thing barely anyone does anymore. It was often messy and inaccurate, but there was that mystery and wonder.

I'm really glad I came of age before these devices completely contaminated culture. The nascent smartphone era was a lot of fun, but I'd say by 2013 (when "selfie" was added to the Oxford dictionary) the die was cast and now many humans exist in a purely hyperreal, cyberdelic reality they call normal. I do too, in my own way, just fully aware of it and it's consequences. Also screw those QR code menus, heh.
Virtual Cafe Awards
In Kazakhstan there is a banking app called Kaspi that pretty much everyone uses there. Of course you can't get it without a Kazakh phone number, tax number, bank account, obviously. I went up to the counter and asked the dude for a doner and got my 1000 tenge banknote out. He said that he only could accept payment via Kaspi. I asked him if I really couldn't pay in cash, that I was a foreigner, that I couldn't use the app, but he couldn't take my cash payment, so I told him to forget it and just got outta here. I don't recall where I ate afterwards but that gave me an extra reason to hate those fast food shops lol, and probably even after I move there, I will keep on hating that app. I don't like banking apps in the first place anyway, I feel it's quite risky to carry your goddamn bank on a device that's easily stolen or can get lost.
I hope this comes ASAP
^ reminds me of , but "on intelectual capacity", of alan watts: jerusalem (we cant take that much info - by 2019, we couldnt take more impulses and crap anymore, intelectual capacity at its peak...) (ok, i got it only from wisecrack video, on "author who tried to end the world")

HERE, they got you:

"Alebo je to skor snaha odrbat financnu spravu, na ich mieste idem skontrolovat ci davaju blocky
" > "ja som platil za terminál 8 € mesačne a po roku sa zvýšila platba na 22€ mesačne plus 0,02 percentá z nákupu.Drbať aj banky.Kto chce nech si to skúsi" > "Ja som úplne za
kto nerobil v gastre to nemôže pochopiť... Nejde o okrádanie ani o nič zlé... Proste čašník žil z tringeltov
odkedy sú karty tak nedostávajú ani 20 percent ako keď boli iba peniaze... Po kovide veľa podnikov okúsilo dno... Kľudne a rada podporím hotovosťou

"Sme proti digitálnemu euru = s cashom sa dá kvalitnejšie čarovať !" / "zrejme uprednostňujú aj "bez bločku do vačku"
" / "pretoze platba kartou sa neda robit bez blocku..."
"Absolútne nerozumiem, prečo sa tu robí z toho sranda. Všetci tu hneď obviňujete podnik že nevydáva bločky alebo robí niečo iné ilegálne. Možno sa majiteľ len bojí že bude bank run tak isto ako sa teraz deje v Číne, čo pri momentálnej monetárnej politike a ekonomickom stave nie je až také sci-fi. Však ak nechcete tak tam nemusíte ísť. Nechajte podnik robiť tak ako chce a slobodný trh sa o všetko postará. Preferovať platbu v hotovosti nie je nič ilegálne." > "[name] len aby nám za 10 rokov nezostalo len to digitálne euro a hlavné argumenty ECB na zrušenie hotovosti a peňazí na bankovom účte v súčasnej podobe budú ekológia a málo ľudí, ktorí používajú hotovosť."

(*use translate)
Virtual Cafe Awards
I can't believe the world moved to the requirement of needing smartphones because 95% of smartphones out there are locked to hell with some corporate vendor.

Imagine having a pocket computer capable of nearly anything but then locking it down corporate and then having it sent all the way down to spyware hell. That's the world we live in.
Virtual Cafe Awards
I can't believe the world moved to the requirement of needing smartphones because 95% of smartphones out there are locked to hell with some corporate vendor.

Imagine having a pocket computer capable of nearly anything but then locking it down corporate and then having it sent all the way down to spyware hell. That's the world we live in.
lost future indeed
punk socialism really has fallen (RIP 1960- c. 2011)
Virtual Cafe Awards


Active Traveler
Aug 28, 2021
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Reading some of the comments in this thread has made me realize that I can't remember a single time that I have ever gone somewhere and forgot to bring my phone with me. I check it a lot so I never really forget it.

It sounds absolutely stupid, but it makes me want to go somewhere and leave my phone at home. The idea sounds... Almost daring.
Virtual Cafe Awards


call me bun
May 24, 2022
Reaction score
Reading some of the comments in this thread has made me realize that I can't remember a single time that I have ever gone somewhere and forgot to bring my phone with me. I check it a lot so I never really forget it.

It sounds absolutely stupid, but it makes me want to go somewhere and leave my phone at home. The idea sounds... Almost daring.
you should try. You'll most likely run into scenarios that you didn't think of but you'll get through it just fine
Virtual Cafe Awards


Well-Known Traveler
Jan 4, 2022
Reaction score
During covid my uni had a protocol in place where security would only let you enter if you answered the daily questionnaire about your symptoms. This was done the easiest by answering it on your smartphone and showing the screen to the security guards upon entering the building. Thing was I didn't have a smartphone at the time, I just had an LG slide phone. What I ended up doing was taking a picture of the screen on my computer with my phone and showing the security guards that. Of course, I barely ever actually filled out the questionnaire and if they had looked at the date on my picture I would've gotten caught. Another option for a while to get into the buildings was to fill out paper questionnaires but I'm pretty sure I singlehanded shut those down after the head nurse found out that I was able to get into the buildings despite not having clearance to do so because I hadn't gotten a medical exam that was required due to me not being vaccinated (the questionnaire would always show red if this was the case).

It was actually kind of fun for me since the three buildings that I had to go to were connected through underground tunnels which didn't have security guards so with the right planning I could navigate where I needed to go on campus while only having to fake my way past one guard. I learned so much about the weird building design of the early 1900s due to this

The college I worked at had a "health screen" form on the website you were supposed to fill out every day before you came to campus. I did it a couple times and then just completely forgot about it. So all through the strictest of the covid nonsense, I just never filled it out.

I realized I hadn't been filling it out when an "update" e-mail, as a few restrictions were winding down, explained that everyone still needed to be filling out the health screen despite other measures ending. Of course, by that point I hadn't been doing it for months and nobody ever said a single word to me about it. So I just continued ignoring the process and going about my days as normal. Absolutely nothing ever came of it.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Naval enthusiast
Jan 8, 2022
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I'll add: when you're attempting to draw on paper and you think of doing ctrl + z like on a drawing software.
Lol, no such thing in real life. That's partly why I'm terrifed of making traditional art now. But I want to go back to this actually, once I actually get creative again.
Virtual Cafe Awards
I'll add: when you're attempting to draw on paper and you think of doing ctrl + z like on a drawing software.
Lol, no such thing in real life. That's partly why I'm terrifed of making traditional art now. But I want to go back to this actually, once I actually get creative again.
there is! it is called "carbon copy" lol
you draw what you want, then go over the other side with pencil until it is all covered, and then you line over!
but you need very thin, "baking" (like) paper
Virtual Cafe Awards


Naval enthusiast
Jan 8, 2022
Reaction score
there is! it is called "carbon copy" lol
you draw what you want, then go over the other side with pencil until it is all covered, and then you line over!
but you need very thin, "baking" (like) paper
I meant with the ctrl + z thing, you can't undo your stroke. If you do it wrong you either have to really make up for it or start over.
It's a problem many digital artists face lol
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Rogue 0f Blo0d
May 26, 2023
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Not quite the same, but it drives me up the wall when a restaurant doesn't even have a menu anymore, but rather just QR codes on the table. Many of those kind of places use AWS to host their menus, so you get a side of data mining with every order you make. I saw this elevated to a new level recently where not only was there no menu, but you HAD to order through the fucking web app. In addition to just being a very anti-elegant experience, it was also very annoying to pick each and every ingredient to be included (it was a ramen place) for each dish. There was a single server for the whole place, and she didn't even really waitress - literally just brought food to your table and had no way of knowing who ordered what. Will never go back there.
I especially hate this because I would have to get a tertiary app bc it isn't built standard in my phone. Not to mention that most of the web apps and mobile menus they have FUCKING SUCK, they use some template service that rips them most of the time and leaves them with a gross looking slow menu.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Jun 18, 2023
Reaction score
Not quite the same, but it drives me up the wall when a restaurant doesn't even have a menu anymore, but rather just QR codes on the table. Many of those kind of places use AWS to host their menus, so you get a side of data mining with every order you make. I saw this elevated to a new level recently where not only was there no menu, but you HAD to order through the fucking web app. In addition to just being a very anti-elegant experience, it was also very annoying to pick each and every ingredient to be included (it was a ramen place) for each dish. There was a single server for the whole place, and she didn't even really waitress - literally just brought food to your table and had no way of knowing who ordered what. Will never go back there.
Man this shit sucks. I especially hate when people start talking about how much more "convenient" this makes stuff. As always "conviency" is not convenient, it's just people thinking their phones are better than real, physical paper. It's wild now, how people just take for granted holding a small portal to another realm in their pocket. If Case or Count Override or Hiro Protagonist would see this, they would crap themselves, but people just do the most menial stuff with it, nothing ever cool. But then again, if it's designed to make a profit, it will never do anything cool.