Agora Road Travelogue (March '24)


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Feb 26, 2023
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Welcome to the 8th mensual Agora Road Travelogue!
Initially inspired by the Bring Back Blogging movement, this is an Agora Road version to encourage y'all to WRITE STUFF!
  1. Commit to writing 2 blog posts in this month of March.
  2. Indicate, in some way, that you are participating in the Travelogue on the blog post you are submitting.
  3. Upon publishing your post, you must comment in this thread your 1) Article's title 2) Link to article.
  4. Consider joining ZinRicky's RSS feed like a baws
Q: What if I don't have a website to publish on?
A: Feel free to submit blog posts here on the forum. But its BIGLY encouraged to make one! It's not too hard to start, don't let perfect get in the way of good, let your crude initial aesthetic be, let your content shine. The Personal Web thread may be able to point you in the right direction.

Q: Am I limited to 2 posts?
A: No, but you will need to submit at least 2 otherwise you're a poser and will be publicly shamed

Q: Any restrictions on content?
A: Other than the content being one's own, no, but please do not abuse this.

Thank you to all who participate, write away!

Previous Threads: August '23 | September '23 | October '23 | November '23 | December '23 | January '24 | February '24

Prior Participants: @Voicedrew | @Some_porcupine | @RisingThumb | @andreixyz | @shrapnelnet | @HammerKoopa | @whiteVHS | @imacop | @grap | @Jade | @no_chill | @microbyte | @agoratoad | @nakadashi | @ZinRicky | @niuenso | @Devastatia

Helpful Articles: reasons to write and publish | How I approach crafting a blog post | Blog about what you want | Some blogging myths
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Did You Get My Message?
Feb 26, 2023
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Reasons to Blog

#1 IndieWeb Carnival (Deadline: April 1st)

None other than @agoratoad is the host for the month: March 2024 - Accessibility on the Small Web. Follow the theme, get it to get it to or via basement community DMs (he's the owner), and he'll include it at the end of the month in the roundup post.

#2 Lainchan Web Festival (Deadline: March 31st)
The Lainchan Webring [#1 & #2] has officially started their own blog festival! LESSGO! New Digital Era's webmaster (great site btw) has taken it upon themselves to get the ball rolling with a spring solstice event. The topic for this first iteration is 'Nature'. "Some interpretations I can think of in a hot minute: mountain hiking adventures, the relationship between nature and the economy, landscape art paintings, nature and spirituality, can you be in touch with the internet and nature at the same time? if it's related to nature, you can write about it!"

#3 Tales of Agora Road - Ezine #4 (Unknown)
Click on the link for the thread details, but basically @IlluminatiPirate collects submissions from travelers about: Nostalgia, Internet Oddities, Album Reviews, Aesthetic Galleries, Opinion and Short Stories! Consider participating!

#4 muse ariadne (Weekly Writing Prompts)
"i'll post a new prompt for members to write anything they'd like in response to and post on their personal websites. if you can't make it to every week, that's totally alright-- this is low pressure. we encourage regular participation, but the joy of this club is to inspire creativity and a reasonable amount of accountability"

#5 Y2K Quarterly (Deadline: ISSUE #1 HAS RELEASED! - Gonna get some more info for this one particularly about Issue 2)
This independent literary magazine is looking for submissions that are set, reflect upon, or remind of the early 2000's (1997-2007). They accept all types of fiction, poetry, non-fiction, essay, art, etc. as long as it is 1999 words or less. Multiple submissions allowed!
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Virtual Cafe Awards


Jan 13, 2023
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Reasons to Blog

#1 IndieWeb Carnival (Deadline: April 1st)

None other than @agoratoad is the host for the month: March 2024 - Accessibility on the Small Web. Follow the theme, get it to get it to or via basement community DMs (he's the owner), and he'll include it at the end of the month in the roundup post.
that link to the blog i think has a bit of url left over from the last one lol

but yes please contribute people last month got so many submissions I'd love to get at least 10!!!!


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Feb 26, 2023
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that link to the blog i think has a bit of url left over from the last one lol

but yes please contribute people last month got so many submissions I'd love to get at least 10!!!!
Fixed! And bro, 4 sure there's gotta be some bleeding over of participants into March. Manu over here with the over 40 posts record! I don't even know how I'd attempt to roundup that many. So, lol, maybe also be careful what you wish for.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Oct 10, 2021
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Feb 26, 2023
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The Bitter Cold (best read from home page, still pending a solution)
I think a lot about having a very structured schedule. More structured than it is now. There's the saying 'idle hands, devil's plaything'. More now than ever I feel I have so much I want to do, but then I also feel there isn't enough time. If you give things just a little bit of time, if you say: "i'll do this at this time, for this length" you'll probably get farther along than if you leave it for when the whim / muse strikes. Not that it has to be absolute / inflexible. There's a lot of good that can come of it. Spiritual power, discipline power. Great post, yo!
Virtual Cafe Awards
0/27, 6/3/24
Who are "You"?

If you will excuse me, I'd rather write in my mother tongue, Slovak.
I have one simple reason for that too - when I write in English,
bad thoughts are more frequent, than when I do so in Slovak
(or, at least, not such horrible or reoccuring ones).


Nuz, teda k veci. Ako titul napoveda, "Kto (Ty; Ja) si/som?".
Pisem toto preto, lebo ma trapi obsesia dnesnej hlavne mlad(s)ej generacie,
triedit a kategorizovat, zaradovat sa a - nalepkovat (label) sa.

No namiesto toho, aby bol clovek (druhymi) nalepkovany, co je dnes skor
barbarska a zastarala urazka; jedinec sa uz takto nalepkuje sam.

Dnes (jednej z mnohych) veci tito mladi hovoria gender (rozviniem).
A myslim si, ze si ho mylia skor s naladou (mood, vibe) alebo estetikou;
ba nazorom* (vlastny (nikdy) nie je; len rekombinacie), nez z toho robit celu
osobnost (-..-)**. (Starsie gen. to robievali tiez, no politikou sa to stalo,
az ked zacali s tym suhlasit viaceri).

* /ak chces respekt, nezadon on. Rob to (/klise), cim si ho vybudujes, zasluzis.
*, ** /kludne nech je to aj cela osobnost - len nebud privilegovany hulvat
(Antifa a Fasisti - "horseshoe theory"...)

Dnes sa mi vsak zda, ze je skor v mode nesuhlasit, odporovat si, robit prieky,
byt nezaraditelny ("edgy") -
No napriek tomu, zas a znova si odporovat (tvorit paradoxy) v tom, ze "tento"
jedinec, vyuziva *tieto* preddefinovane skrupule, pilulky (-pills), "nalepky";
Pouzivat nieco, lebo to neznasas? Nie (/pochabe!); clovek sa moze nalepkovat
sebou samym; no opovrhuje, *zranuje* to nalepkovanie druhymi...

/Nie je to, ze ich neznasaju - je to skor ako so slovami - nikdy to nie je
perfektne, 100%-ne vyobrazenie prezivania, ale len skica, nacrt (nasej) vlastnej,
vnutornej skutocnosti...


(Ne)vyhodou tychto nalepiek, piluliek a idelogii, genderov(,) je to, ze vyznam
tychto zoznamov, knih, farieb, oblecenia, postoja a sebadefinicie, identifikacie etc.,
sa moze kedykolvek, kymkolvek, a akokolvek zmenit.
Napriklad *teraz* som rarazil na jeden "take", postoj, v ktorom autor na Tumblre
(cim je aj nechvalne znamy - divnymi, edgy a nazormi, ktore su na hrane sucasnej
spolocnosti; a co by sa dalo nazvat "narcisizmom"...*, ****) a tvrdi, ze princip, akym
sa snazime vedecky kvantifikovat svet, realitu a nase chapanie, vnimanie - meni sa
aj (ale naozaj?) postoj k dusevnym stavom (porucham, chorobam?), vyobrazuje
(kecy? nie?) nazory, definicie (z) minulosti a sucasnosti - z pohladu "chemie mozgu"
(alebo, liecba vs. prijatie). -

Alebo si zoberme ku prikladu, ako sa taktiez estetiky a trebars aj "pilulky" (-pills) menili
- je rozdiel medzi cyber a retro, "dobrou" lit. a hudbou v minulosti, a pred 10, 20, 30...
rokmi... "Redpill" sa tiez casom menil...

Ma teda, v tomto neustale sa meniacom svete, vyznam nalepkovat sa? Jedneho dna,
v buducnosti, narazite na nieco mozno aj z vasej vlastnej, minulosti; a pomyslite si
"Hej, toto uplne zmenilo casom zmysel a vyznam!" Uz vlastne teraz, ak ste z tych
pozornejsich, ste si mohli vsimnut, ako ludia pomaly, ale isto, neveria (su unaveni***)

napr. enviro ("recyklujte, zachranite svet!"~), spolocenskymi ("praca je vykoristovanie!";
zbytocna, falosna... ****)("prec so sprepitným!" - skor v U.S., ako jediny ich plat...),
(randenie - napr. novy nazov, demisexualita, a ako metrosexualita sla do uzadia/normalu);
kulturnym (v minulosti by sa ludia nastvali pre "GamerGate *blbosti*~~..."), hodnotam,
podtony, stanoviskam...

~ /

!/ Teda - prirovnat osobnost, sebaurcenie, k Elonovmu (ne)slavnemu Tweetu/Xeetu o pol.
polarizacii?!... (/~~) (
/2022/04/musk-tweet.jpg) -
- Ak sa svet nezastavi, preco si ublizovat - kazdy ma nazory, no nic nezarucuju!!! -
-- Definicie a moresy sa menia - a aj obrazy na realitu - teda, mame sa vobec snazit?!
Je to ako v "1984", ale ak si to robime pomocou zlych akterov sami~~~; ze ich pocuvame -
-- skladatelov vyznamu ("Manufacturing consent; BNW" /***) - prestanme? (ich pocuvat!) -
-- Nechajme ich hladovat!

/Neopisatelny hnev

~~~/ picrel:
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Feb 26, 2023
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Take the monarchy pill anon
Mar 6, 2023
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Virtual Cafe Awards
2/24, 20/3/24
POV: Agora je miesto(,) kde sa ludia chodia vyplakat
Agora Road Travelogue, Mar. II '24

ak(o) ste si mohli vsimnut, poslednu dobu (ale asi klamem; 6/23 - doteraz) sa toto (Agora) miesto, "utocisko odpadlikov", stava coraz viac podobne 4chanu, ani nie tak Redditu ako Twitteru (Xeetu), a nie celkom kulture, ale ponimaniu upvotov (>redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk, (x)-overflow)...

zacina prevazovat stádová, redditovska, azda az tumblerovska bublina. ako? - tato Bublina, za sebou "zanechava" mastny flak v podobe "pachute" po (cca) tzv. Singularite, ba circlejerku - Honikruhu; - Polarizacii...

Ludia sa *sem* chodia vyplakat. "Novinka", ze? /s. Ked uz nemozete povedat hocico (rip internet 2000-2008). [chcel som prelinkovat kazdu vetu s kazdou, ale aj tak to budete citat cele takze hadam pochopite nuance a suvislosti vsetkeho so vsetkym]

mozeme sa nazdavat, ze tento jav je (vseobecne) pre skupiny (/b) tak typicky, ako je pre politikov (hlavne v case volieb) pouzivanie Slippery Slope - Smyklavky. Jednoducho: Date im prst (sancu, nadej, pozornost) a oni Vam budu chciet zobrat celu ruku (Overtonovo okno - alebo ba "po novom, redefinovanom" definicia Dialektiky)... - E.g.) "pedofilia je typ sexuality", "veda je novodobe nabozenstvo, dogma", ci "je zbytocne triedit odpad/smeti"...

/ "Novinari" (medialne nadnarodne spolocnosti) "zistili (o "vyskume")" to, co aj chceli "dokazat" (co im prikazali "vydedukovat", strasit, nakazat/"spracovat"...!).

netreba sa nad polarizaciou Agory ani nejako hlboko zamyslat. Vacsina registrovanych sem prisla z 4chanu, fringe videi a prostredia, - ako su osobe neocities stranky, /x/-board, konspiracie a alt zaujmy. Unik pred realitou a "web 3.0".
"Posledna bašta slobodneho, neobmedzeneho nazoru a rozhovoru". Necudo potom, ze su vsetky nazory, ktore (sme; tu) kedy videli, su len prezivane, zauzivane, zauzivane, predžuté, dopredu predostrete ako "fakty", "jedina mozna realita, skutocnost"...

sem, kde sen neumrel a namiesto downvotu, mozete /s radsej pokazit (ale kazi to dojem o Vas) vlakno a zmenit ho na Shitpost, Hovnoplagatenie - kde hadky a "výjtky", žabomyšie (pol.) vojny nemaju konca-kraja. (Nemam rychlo priklad. To si aj tak musite zazit na vlastnej kozi. ) [/ pre toto fóra upadli (boli shadowbanned googlom) do zabudnutia... /? ]

preto je Teoria mrtveho (zombie) internetu (D.I.T.) taka pritazliva - ak uz ste na internete "nejaky ten piatok" (min. AD 2008s) a zazili ste youtube predtym ako ho Google a spolu s celym webom/internetom "zneutralizovali/vykastrovali" mega-monopoly, - viete...; a mladsi o tom poculi uz tiez (inak by ich tu uz tolko nebolo) [e.g.], - "ake to bolo kedysi (skvele)" ("World wi(l)de we(b)st")

polarizacia a negativita (/ psy-opy tuto vlastnost Grup ((b) neviem najst to meme - "timfoil", "rozklad skupiny, fandomu newbies-mi") zneuzivaju.) prichdzaju, ked namiesto inovacie a novych, neobohratych nazorov (len!) "stale ocakavate (status quo? ; ) nove robenim dookola toho stareho a isteho" (ako to Einstein povedal...)
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Virtual Cafe Awards


Active Traveler
Jun 18, 2023
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This isn't technically part of the travelogue (I doubt I'm gonna be writing two things this month), but it's why I didn't finish last months, and also it criticizes how AgoraRoad has recently became worse, and so I believe I should just post it here. Plus I wanna get Agorans views on what I wrote about it becoming worse. An update
should (as I don't wanna be thinking this), but AgoraRoad, which helped motivate me to write, has been going downhill a lot lately. It's primarily because of this weird massive influx of users. I swear, I got an influx of work for 5 days, I comeh back, and it's fucking swamped with all these really really new guys (I view myself as fairly new, I've only been around for like 7 months, these people have been around for not even 1) double posting all this low quality spam and shit. Whereas before I could see the new page barely change, now almost everything is "last XX minutes" all the time, and everything I see is people not getting any point and just being retarded.


Take the monarchy pill anon
Mar 6, 2023
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This isn't technically part of the travelogue (I doubt I'm gonna be writing two things this month), but it's why I didn't finish last months, and also it criticizes how AgoraRoad has recently became worse, and so I believe I should just post it here. Plus I wanna get Agorans views on what I wrote about it becoming worse. An update
Honestly I agree yo. The influx of new people, in conjunction with established high quality posters (ie. @RisingThumb) leaving the site, have led to a horrendous drop in average post quality. In philosophical or theological threads, you rarely see people engaging with each other's ideas charitably, but instead talking past each other like Redditors do.

Idea: Drop the reaction system. The human desire for upcummies is perhaps too powerful.
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Virtual Cafe Awards


Cosmic Girl
Oct 14, 2023
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Idea: Drop the reaction system. The human desire for upcummies is perhaps too powerful.
Only get rid of the likes. Let the "funny" ones remain. The Constanza reactions are an integral part of the Road.
Also, add an upvote reaction, and make it so that if you click it too many times you get your account banned and a paid assasin to your house. Natural selection, as easy as that.
Virtual Cafe Awards


May 14, 2023
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Idea: Drop the reaction system. The human desire for upcummies is perhaps too powerful.

I never found reactions to be promoting less interaction. For me, it's pretty simple, at least on the general forums: the topics are either retarded, completely retarded (politics), or too personal and/or deep, which require my input and opinion, of which I have none. I used to love posting here now and then, I now look at various threads and i feel like my opinion wouldn't bring anything relevant to the discussion, or i have no idea what things are talking about. I just feel I'm a plumber in a room at a medical convention and I have nothing to say to anyone.

All this being said, I've added a lot of travelers to my RSS reader and I think I get some great reads from those. I'm pretty much a lurker anyway.

In other order of things, every digital gathering with a "general" audience is doomed to fail sooner or later, not having that one thing in common that glues a group together. If this was a forum about Counter-strike, we could hate each other, but still find common ground and topics to talk in general. This can still be seen mostly in the vaporwave, gaming, music production threads, but general is just a stew of all the ingredients in the world, which some people like and others don't.

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