The dangers of AI


Empress of the Transburg Dinasty
May 7, 2023
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I can't wait for thousands of persons to get their life and how they see love and relationships completely destroyed by AI-generated porn and adult content. We might even see more people like him on the streets.
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Empress of the Transburg Dinasty
May 7, 2023
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View attachment 69619
I can't wait for thousands of persons to get their life and how they see love and relationships completely destroyed by AI-generated porn and adult content. We might even see more people like him on the streets.
View attachment 69620

Not even one month! Got damn!!!

And the r/Replika subreddit is even sadder
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Active Traveler
Oct 2, 2023
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I feel like OP's big concern here is a general decline of humanity in how we engage with the world. Something I don't see as inherently tied to AI. It's a process which has been ongoing for some time now.
A friend of mine who also writes showed me an article this morning. Some guy apparently got his diploma using ChatGPT and the article was all about how neural networks are our future, how it's stupid to ban them like banning calculators, and how five years from now it will be the norm and AI will be indispensable to process tons of information. I was absolutely appalled by this. It's cheating,
Personally I'm appalled by the things higher education demands of us to get diplomas, and would like to see someone create a moral case against cheating in these things which doesn't also have to conclude that the tests and assessments themselves are bad. Everything that using ChatGPT is supposedly undercutting is already ruined by the nature of the tests. High level academic work might as well be AI generated already. The standard for a long time now has been to remove as much personality and human perspective from your work as possible and pretend to be a perfect robotic observer of the subject at hand because this makes quantifying quality easy and it's something stupid people can do better than real thought. Levels things out nice and clean. Requires a far lower capacity to synthesise a breadth of knowledge organically. Etc.

the issue comes when AI starts creating things, whether it's art, articles, or simply... "thoughts" and actions. AI art, for example, should always be certified as AI art somewhere in the file or on the picture itself, as to differentiate it from man-made art. AI-generated text, as well. Anything made by AI should be certified as such. Back to what my friend said about AI writing possibly better books than a human, that makes me think, where would human creativity go?
The question should be; "Where has it already gone?" The age of empty media is already here. We've been living in it for at least a decade now. Literature has been dead for decades. Most "artists" are just masterless craftsmen making meaningless stuff for the sake of it. We're so far gone as a culture that the term "art" just means "crafted visual work". What's the difference between a culture that only looks at AI prompts and a culture that only looks at furry-commissioned "artist" products? What's the damn difference? Keywords go in one side, "art" comes out the other. This is just giving people what they want.

An AI's great weakness is that it has no human will to read behind it. Which is the same problem most "art" already has. I'm not an Indian. I don't care about detail, or realism. "Art" is only interesting as far as I can discern the human intentions and ideas behind it. There is "AI art" that does interest me a bit, but only works produced by people I know personally. The fact I know the people who made it, and can talk to them about what they were trying to do makes it interesting. When you appreciate the human behind something what was a dead image becomes a refraction of character and thought. If I ask myself "why is it that way?", or even better, ask the person who made it, that can go to interesting places. This will only ever be true of a small minority of the "AI" art made, sure, but it's also true of a small minority of the "human" "art" being made today too.

Like with education, everything that AI is supposedly a threat to has already been just about destroyed. Where I'll defend existing contemporary art standards is that it's still better to have people with craft skills maintained than not. It's good for the human animal to be able to do fine work that they can put some of themselves into. It's a shame these guys are mostly stuck drawing furry porn to make a living today, but that's still better than working in a damn warehouse. If we were to introduce protectionist laws against AI for the purpose of maintaining human dignity and ability to make a living, well that might be nice, but it would start a process that would necessarily lead to places most people wouldn't find nice. If replacing people with cheaper AI is bad for our fellow men even if we ultimately get to enjoy cheaper bullshit... well... why did we move our industry to the third world? Why are our borders open? Why do we...

Basically it'd be very ballsy and unfair to do 1/1000 of a half assed work revolution. And these questions go to very severe places.

Back to the key point here, the short answer is that most "creative" work already isn't. Formats like the writer's room are basically human beings debasing themselves to the level of AI already. Just idiots trying to predict what other idiots will be most superficially satisfied by. An AI would be objectively better at that. So what's to worry about?

For the exams and studying, where would the human mind go? Is anything purely man-made going to be "dirty" or "low" in some way? I'm afraid it will make people lazy, unable to create or do anything on their own, and so dependent on technology (if they cannot be more dependent on it now) that in case of a blackout or another issue, they are completely unable to do anything on their own. Hell even in my future English classes I don't plan on using a lot of tech. If I can stay low or lowish tech, that's better and simpler.
"Where would the human mind go?" Again. It's already gone.

What are you afraid will happen that hasn't already happened?

One of the things that scare me the most with AI is that it will never be capable of empathy. At best, we can make it into something that speaks beautiful words, which says what you want to hear (or what whoever the fuck programmed it wants you to hear), but it will never experience empathy, for empathy is a capacity found in things that are alive. An AI is not alive. It's purely a program, an algorithm, a robot. It will always be our equiveltn of psychopathic in nature. Something that can speak well and seem like it feels, but ultimately is cold and dead. A police robot would kill protesters without a second thought. A policeman may think twice if you're a woman, elder, or a child. If you've got an AI "friend", it will never be a real friend. It will never be here for you like a friend is, it can even turn you on to the authorities if told to do so, and it can be pirated at a distance for information-gathering purposes. I'm pretty sure some people could be found dead from apparently natural causes in their smart homes, but could've been assassinated with the aid of the AI inside. Who the fuck knows. I don't fucking trust a psychopath, and I'm certainly not trusting something that is incapable of empathy and feeling.
All of these things, like the others, are what will naturally follow from giving power to third worlders and women. Remember when our governments placed us under house arrest for two years? Where was empathy then?

But in the face of people like that, so many people my age who are bathed in technology from the youngest age and don't seem to question it or realize how dangerous it can get, praising how good tech is, smart people like this guy who are for this, I can't help but feel like, you know, maybe something's just wrong with me? Like I'm just dumb? A retarded boomer? An uncultured swine? An old lady stuck in the past? Someone backwards or who is against any kind of change? It's a normal human thing to feel weird about one's convictions in the face of an overwhelmingly opposite majority. Besides, as I said, I'm pretty sensitive lately, so it doesn't make it really easier. I feel that something must be wrong with me for me not being able to appreciate humanity's progress. I live in supposedly the best period to be alive yet I have some serious issues with the place of tech in our lives, and something in this modern life has always felt off to me. I mean, there IS something off. The sheer amount of surveillance, the consoomerization of everything including human relationships, the overabundance of "freedom" that is just basically debauchery, the fall of proper parenting, the polarization of everything, the politicization of everything also... there IS something off in this world. I feel that even if I'm currently doubting myself, I actually have a good reason to be concerned about this supposed "progress" and humanity's seeming obsession with it, how they are always chasing something "better" or "higher", as if one's natural condition of a rather smart animal living in a natural or semi-natural world is somehow shameful or bad.
I'm quite concerned too, just I think that everything that's going to go seriously wrong in relation to AI won't be because of it. It'll be because of the cultural trajectory that we've already been on for decades. AI is probably going to be another scapegoat soon. Soulless inhuman AI content making urban youth lack empathy.
What's wrong with being human? With having a physical body, limitations that are inherent to this, and such? With needs, with wants and hopes? With a connection to a nature we are getting further and further away from, provoking more and more disorder in the psyche and health? What's wrong with wanting to stay on Earth rather than space travel, build bases on the Moon/Mars and discover supposedly "greener" pastures, or possibly habitable planets when we've already got one to take care of? Why is it that what people have never seems to be enough? What's wrong with being against ultimately useless or dangerous "progress"? It's not going to make us anything less than we are. Because no matter how much we delude ourselves into thinking we're superior beings, at the end of the day, we're just apes with a big brain and a just as big superiority complex.
Are you really alienated by humanity's merciless, relentless, upward drive for perfection and exploration? Or are you alienated by widespread incompetence and idiocy? The human race didn't get less creative because we're all too busy building moonbases.
I don't know what else to say. I'm upset. I sometimes already feel pretty alone in the fact I'm not into mainstream social media, but for the AI thing, and my rejection of technological progress, I have these thoughts that maybe people will stop loving me, that I'm just an annoying backwards schmuck or a killjoy who has nothing nice to say. It's human and normal to want love from others, and to feel sad when feeling a disconnection from them. We are social creatures after all...
At least you have Agora Road...

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Internet Refugee
Mar 28, 2023
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It's essential to strike a balance between embracing technological advancements and maintaining our human values and principles. AI, including tools like ChatGPT, can undoubtedly aid in various tasks, but it's crucial to use it responsibly and ethically.
As for being a "low-tech" person, that's entirely valid. Everyone has their comfort zone when it comes to technology. Whether you choose to adopt new tech or stick to what you're comfortable with, it's a personal choice.
When it comes to AI in business, like the best AI for business, it can offer valuable solutions to enhance productivity and decision-making. However, it should always align with your goals and values.
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Always running.
Jan 25, 2023
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Do you know anyone irl who occupies their mind with AI? Someone who cannot go a day without mentioning AI?
Me. I use it for tons of stuff. TTRPG tokens, customised data banks to store the information of the world I'm running, custom theme songs for the opening closing segments, suggestions for old anime that's not the surface level stuff people discuss regularly, as a search engine....
I want to be patient zero of the singularity.
Human creativity isn't dead or even declining. What is happening is that with the shift to mass media, mass government, and mass culture, the Machine is promoting the most derivative bullshit it can, and it's getting more and more efficient at that. AI-generated "content" (god I hate that word so much) is the perfect culmination of that process. If you're a Marxist you think this process happens because capitalism tries to endlessly sell more things; if you're a libertarian you think it happens because governments want their citizens as docile and unthinking as possible.

Go anywhere people aren't terminally online (fewer and fewer places these days, but still plenty - hang out with some old fishermen if the third world isn't to your taste) - the conversations you'll have are no less full of personality than they likely were back in the days of Rome and the Han empire.

AI "artists" make me very sad, because I have artist friends who are getting drowned out. I agree all such works should be labelled. But I don't think they're the end of the world. What I do think is the end of the world is when I see people replacing their real-life social connections with talking to ChatGPT. That's always been my perspective - as long as we still have each other humans will survive any amount of gov/corp bullshit. But if we lose that we're done. Anyone who says otherwise is either a paid shill, or a pervert - and I mean pervert in the Lacanian sense, someone who resolves their fear of the Big Other by embracing it. Let's all join the Borg, people. It's our destiny. Everything is great up there.

McGovern '72!

Mar 12, 2024
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I hate that AI's been turned from this cool fucking thing into some techbro corporate wannabe shibboleet used by bastards who are too stingy to pay actual artists to draw their anime tits. Machine learning is cool technology that's been overrun by technocratic neoliberal circlejerk squadrons. The only reason why AI "art" is able to hold a candle to real art is because most artists are beaten into submission by those same technocratic neoliberal circlejerk squadrons. That's why you get both Calarts and people complaining about Calarts. It's like gnosticism but stupid.
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Always running.
Jan 25, 2023
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Huh. Well, this is awkward - I was supposed to ask a few more questions about the person's interests, but since it's you directly, we can skip those. I that case, I'm not sure how to transition to the actual important question, so I'll just ask - are you overweight? (Yes, I'm serious.)
No, lol, I used to be but I started keto in early 2022 and lost 150lbs, I'm just average body now but I'm lifting weights every day to get rid of these residual mantits that look like sad dog ears on my chest, otherwise I'm in the healthy range of my BMI, I'd lose more but I can't stop stuffing my face with jalapeno poppers.
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danger is same as with google or as ancients say, reading - you dont need to know stuff anymore... (it is in hands on few and they can control and change it... feudalism(tm))
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Professional unemployed
Feb 17, 2024
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It recently appeared in the news where I live that there are now criminals using image generation and voice cloning AI to carry out scams and frauds, especially against older people who have no idea about this "AI revolution" that has been going on recently.
I knew this would eventually happen, I knew... The masses are a bunch of imbeciles.
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Professional unemployed
Feb 17, 2024
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Call centers got really good at this, they got the background noise, stuttering, imperfections in speech and everything. Now I have to think twice before being rude to a call bot that wants to sell me house appliances because it might actually be a person. Likewise, I cannot be polite to the caller before establishing if they are human, because if I act polite to a bot, I must curl up into a ball and spin on the floor in shame. Silence and pretending to have a bad connection usually works. The bots repeat themselves.
Actually, I'm referring to scams like someone using AI to change their voice and pretend to be another person such as a family member or friend of someone, convincing the victim to give them money via private messages. Grandmas on WhatsApp fall for scams like these all the time, even my mother almost fell for one of these.
Here too there is a serious problem with Fake News, because the population is retarded and illiterate, they don't know how to use Google for anything other than looking for porn. For me to use an image generator to spread news like "President of Peru legalizes marriage between children and dogs" is very easy, no one is interested in knowing if it's real because they themselves don't know how to confirm it.
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