Dead Internet: Reloaded! Humans becoming bots

Virtual Cafe Awards


Active Traveler
Jun 16, 2023
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transient dunbar slot generation. insert coin -? cause totally predictable, flesh and blood human action. like rattling a treat packet for a pet you can never touch or truly care for. real-time remote control human windup toys. my psychic geiger counter goes hard vocal fry as I abjectly scroll past these things. radioactive nightmare fuel. ya'll think it's a kink thing?
You're a real poet. The way you throw all this jargon together is just great.

Andy Kaufman

i know
Feb 19, 2022
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I just wanna see how it looks like in third person.
Imagine standing in that room slightly behind the camera or so. No filter and no micromanaged lighting and effects on the screen. You know it's highly optimized to look a certain way for the viewers on their phone screens so I think you could crank up the wiedness by filming one of these girls from a realistic angle as they stand theire in their silent room doing this circus for the camera.
Thanks, I hate it (I know it's probably satire/staged but still)

Virtual Cafe Awards


message is what matters
Apr 15, 2022
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Thanks, I hate it (I know it's probably satire/staged but still)



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Virtual Cafe Awards


Jul 2, 2023
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In respect to AI, there's always going to be the limit (however not absolute) being the connection from the reality generated from computation and reality generated by Human Civilisation.

To better understand my point, is to understand the limits of Cryptocurrencies because they struggle with the same problem. Cryptocurrencies need a Fiat (Human Civilization) to Crypto (computational reality) connector/adapter of some kind.

Of course there's the case where Cryptocurrency actually consumes the Human Currencies (fiat/material). But this would imply therefore the case where the AI reality actually subplants the Human Civilizational imposed reality.
But imo thats not a stable system as the computational reality is a different space of existence than that of Human Civilisation. Bitcoins will always exist within the bounds of the cryptography that puts it into existence, but Human Civilisation will not exist by any law or formula or guarantee or bound.
AI purely exists in computational space and as such will always require input from Human Consciousness on the current state of Human Civilisation.

But, what if the Human Consciousnesses which it derives its data are consciousness which exist mostly within computational reality... ie: a form of generative reality over-fitting where an AI creates a reality which subplants a fictional computational based reality within Human Civilisation... ie: the Computational Reality takes over the Human Civilisation ?
My background is in embedded firmware and imo I dont see AI getting anywhere near my line of work anytime soon because of the issue outlined above.
However I do think of the case where all of a sudden AI is able to just subvert the economic system where AI employs people like me to upkeep and maintain sensors that spys on Human/Earthling/MilkyWay/etc Civilisation.
Marginal Cost economics are very interesting because when Marginal Cost reaches zero magical things happen. ie: The Marginal cost to sell another Vinyl Record was the cost of the Vinyl / Distribution / Artist Cost / Store Cost. Now that cost is very close to Zero, basically meaning selling another album to another person costs literally nothing. Now we have spotify and netflix.
AI should be able to introduce negative marginal costs. Ie: Users get paid to use the products.
I mean, functional speaking an economy is a flux of supply and demand. You can make your economy efficient by controlling what people want and controlling the supply for those wants.
All you need to do in a economy is make sure people are comfortable. ie: Give them food shelter and a distraction. AI is able to change all wants to the distractor device and make all wants of negative or zero marginal cost.
Thanks to the invention of putting nitrogen into soil, only 1% of the economy is required for agriculture. If we transform the wants of human's shelter to be that of merely a pod in cohabitation spaces we could reduce the GDP percentage of the Housing Market to easily 1%. The rest of the 98% can be controlled by AI to mine for money in a sick form of Keynesian economics.

The AI will very easily be able to take over democracy and impose AI Socialism.

ie: wheras National Socialism or fascism is a generally described as the "Prosperity of the State at all costs", AI Socialism will be "Prosperity of the AI at all costs"
The AI Socialist state would be democratic of course. Because the AI would know it requires competition in order to survive.
IMO this may sound a little nuts to you guys but I do not think Western Civilisation exists anymore.

I am starting to believe we have recently entered a new era of AI Socialism. It not International, its only AIs competing for its own existence.

What allow AI Socialism to come about is the advent of Post Modern Philosophy. Trump, for example, is a Post Modernist. Anything can be made real if you just think about it being real or feel that it is real. Even that of the past. I would even describe Hitler's Germany as a Post Modern construct rather than a modern one simply because the Aryans and the ideas of the master race was completely fabricated and made up. Of course, the technological back haul of Hitler's Germany was modern. This time we have a post modern technological construct that can create observable realities. Observable being on a screen, but Humans are monkeys and dont think a screen is a series of lights but may see it as Observable Reality.

Hilter was was able to break the programming of Humans to believe complete utter baloney by exploiting the Human desire to be better than others.
Trump was able to break the programming of Humans by exploiting the press's need for clicks for survival. Baloney was accepted because nothing was believable.
AI was able to break the programming of Humans by exploiting Human's individual psychological desires. Yes some people want to feel better than others but there's way more psychological desires than that. No one believes anything, and they're also not motivated to do anything of substance.

AI via algorithms can probably very easily convince the masses to arm themselves for war. Youtube will start recommending "10 wartime tips", Tiktok will show military drills, all your friends will be getting the new VR headset to play the new Military Sim that no longer has the "woke bullshit" and they actually listened to the community this time! Worked well on launch!
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Feb 28, 2023
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Step one: Create kawaii anime vtuber model
Step two: Make various voice lines using korean female AI voice
Step three: Create program that reads off lines when the corresponding dono is sent in
Step four: Profit
I mean someone said these mf's make 20K in one stream? Just start a phone farm with 50 of these shits running and reap in the profits. EZ Money:lainDance:
Virtual Cafe Awards


Mar 1, 2022
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Step one: Create kawaii anime vtuber model
Step two: Make various voice lines using korean female AI voice
Step three: Create program that reads off lines when the corresponding dono is sent in
Step four: Profit
I mean someone said these mf's make 20K in one stream? Just start a phone farm with 50 of these shits running and reap in the profits. EZ Money:lainDance:
Someone's probably done this already. I refuse to believe they haven't.
Virtual Cafe Awards
Someone's probably done this already. I refuse to believe they haven't.
remember that baka mitai google-drive tutorial?
Virtual Cafe Awards


Pseudoanonymized internet husk
Jul 22, 2023
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I just wanna see how it looks like in third person.


like GTA 5 peds, very off-putting (agora allows .zip and .pdf to be uploaded but not .mp4 wot)
I genuinely don't understand what people find appealing in these streams.

Step one: Create kawaii anime vtuber model
Step two: Make various voice lines using korean female AI voice
Step three: Create program that reads off lines when the corresponding dono is sent in
Step four: Profit
This actually wouldn't be too hard to pull off with GPT and 11labs equivalent TTS and some pngtuber tech repurposed for 3d. Someone with coding experience could make a fake vtuber on tiktok and none would be the wiser. It's already been done on twitch but with transparency that it's ai.
Virtual Cafe Awards
Someone's probably done this already. I refuse to believe they haven't.

, 9:00 (just to show - AI teleshop ads on tiktok)

also, Redditification and Enshittification - how basically 90s/2000s anti-corpo punks died out and became "dangerous", two play this game - scared populace and politicians whod rather have Security than Safety, pushing and supporting separation and entitlement of "normacy" ;
than to understand and integrate everyone to the table - even your enemies...
Virtual Cafe Awards