Phrases that piss you off


Self-Hating Bureaucrat
Mar 27, 2022
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I can't stand it when people use the word "media" to refer to information rather than the means of transmitting that information, i.e. referring to a group of specific movies, video games, books, etc. as "media" or even saying something like "a piece of media." It's supposed to be the plural form of the word "medium" - television, the printing press, the computer, are "media," not TV shows, novels, or video games themselves. This might sound pedantic, but the alternative is accepting the apparently popular attitude that everything that's even remotely artistic can be boiled down into the homogeneous category of "content" and piped directly into the brains of the audience. Reading a book, listening to music, looking at a painting - these activities are all "consuming content" or "consuming media" now. The implication is that the audience is the totally passive receptacle to an endless flow of "stuff" that doesn't vary in quality or style. It rules out the possibility of active engagement with fiction or art. I can understand speaking this way out of convenience, but if you're not careful it will make you start thinking like a Hollywood executive. Talking about "media" also makes sense if you're thinking about the long-term and "macro" effects of things like TV or the internet instead of commenting on specific works. In any other case being specific is better.
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Well-Known Traveler
Apr 30, 2022
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I think people who say "on accident" should be killed.

In Minecraft, of course.

It's BY accident. As in, the thing happened by means of an accident. It may have happened ON Thursday, but it absolutely never happened ON accident.


Sandwich Maker
Jul 26, 2021
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I think people who say "on accident" should be killed.

In Minecraft, of course.

It's BY accident. As in, the thing happened by means of an accident. It may have happened ON Thursday, but it absolutely never happened ON accident.
I fucked your mom on accident
Virtual Cafe Awards


Well-Known Traveler
Apr 30, 2022
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I fucked your mom on accident
View attachment 29625
Nice map, but if you're referring to the location, that would still be something occuring IN Accident, not ON accident, because it's happening inside the location

For example:
"I crashed my car in Accident"

ALTHOUGH, you could have something happen ON accident if the map location itself was available as a reference point. For instance:

"If you look on my monitor, I have a Maryland map open"
"I can see it, also your monitor has a dead pixel"
"Really? Where?"
Points to a part of the screen
"Right there, on Accident"

If you were to print out the map, place it on the floor, then fuck my mum, specifically while lying/sitting at the location of Accident on the map, only then would you have fucked my mum on Accident.

Additionally, Someone could also produce a drug or a substance called "Accident", then if you are under the influence while fucking my mum, you would have fucked her on Accident (and maybe also on Xanax or any other substance you're currently under the influence of)
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Sandwich Maker
Jul 26, 2021
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Nice map, but if you're referring to the location, that would still be something occuring IN Accident, not ON accident, because it's happening inside the location

For example:
"I crashed my car in Accident"

ALTHOUGH, you could have something happen ON accident if the map location itself was available as a reference point. For instance:

"If you look on my monitor, I have a Maryland map open"
"I can see it, also your monitor has a dead pixel"
"Really? Where?"
Points to a part of the screen
"Right there, on Accident"

If you were to print out the map, place it on the floor, then fuck my mum, specifically while lying/sitting at the location of Accident on the map, you would literally have fucked my mum on Accident.
I printed a huge image of the map and put your mom over it. And I fucked her on accident.
Virtual Cafe Awards
Mar 29, 2022
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I hate when people say "no one will remember X in 500 years, so it doesn't matter." Or "the sun will explode in 5 billion years and end everything, so X is ultimately pointless."
Things don't have to last forever to have meaning, that's a stupid criteria. The future is wide open. What we do and who we choose to be in the present moment matters. Anyone who tells you it doesn't is lying to themselves.
fuck you man i will have to wipe my ass again tommorow so why do it at all
Virtual Cafe Awards
Mar 29, 2022
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"having a normal one i see"
"not a good look"
"any statement that implies that an opinion is unpopular or unseemly therefore untrue"
i will cut you in twain
i will unseam you
i come atop a black horse with a black blade forged with fire of hatred to end your tyranny
you will die
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Amiga Evangelist
May 21, 2022
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EBay is a good place to buy things at a reasonable price!

Indigo Wizard

Oct 3, 2021
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  • "It's not hurting anyone"--I can dislike things that other people like, I don't need the dramatic justification of it 'hurting someone' to dislike it, this isn't a video game where you have to hit someone to aggro them. If I'm being an edgy git then I'm being an edgy git, but if you recognize that and still try to reason with me, you're probably kinda dumb. And in any case, it's not like my voicing judgemental opinions on the Internet is equivalent to me using any kind of actual authority or power to control you or what you do. Not everyone on the Internet is like your parents, telling you what you're allowed to do and actually
  • Any phrase that mixes up verbs with nouns or adverbs. "Eat healthy." "Stop the hate." "Epic fail(tm)!" I could tolerate it if English weren't your first language, but most of the people who say this stuff are so white that you could print a page on them, and so American that said page would likely be a burger joint menu.
  • Intentional alliteration, especially when it leads to inaccurate statements.
  • Replacing 'th' with 'z' to imitate French, sometimes German or Russian accents. I used to do this as, like, a thirteen year old, but it just makes me cringe now.
  • All-caps on isolated words as emphasis in place of italics or bold.
  • "I feel sad for you"/"Who hurt you?" basically just means "I hate you completely" but with a pretentious overtone of "I'm ackshyually above hayte so instead I'm just saaaaaad for you"
  • Degradation of specialized insults that used to have very specific meanings to, quite simply, "Whoever I don't like", or "Whoever disagrees with my ideology". No, having different economic viewpoints while being female and over 30 does not make one a "Karen", and having views on sex that are considered antiquated does not make someone an "incel", nor does having political views regarded as weak mean that you literally let other men sleep with your wife. And liking video games certainly does not make you an effeminate vegan who specifically worships the Nintendo Switch and goes into religious ecstasy over Star Wars trailers. I'm sorry.
  • Correcting someone who has stated the converse of popular conception by repeating said popular conception. They already know. That is why they are going out of their way to argue against it. Blindly contradicting them is literally nothing more than summarizing the viewpoint they already know, simultaneously acting condescending while blindly accepting whatever is the popular opinion. Stop. A sort of cousin of this is having a viewpoint that everyone naturally accepts even though it makes no sense, and when someone thinks independently enough to question it, making up some bullshit high-minded essay rationalizing it and making it sound like people who accept it just patently have some 'sense' that the people who are questioning it don't, or worse yet, referring to some asshole with a doctorate in bullshit who's already made one for you.
  • "It could make someone [insert self destructive behavior here]!" about expressing oneself with honesty. Listen. If you do something like that to yourself, you are the one that is doing it to you. I am not accountable for whatever conditions of your life cause you to feel these compulsions. I do not consider myself to be cruel most of the time, I do not like direct confrontations, even over the Internet with someone I'll probably never see, and I don't genuinely feel the sadistic urge to destroy people internally like Bluespike or something. (I may feel this about certain fictional characters but the fact is that those characters are generally 'stylized'/written with personalities that people rarely have in real life; they were made artistically, rather than realistically, and I happen to feel that this particular piece of art pisses me off. But since we don't live in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, I'm not inclined to worry about that.) Statements like this are basically saying, "The bounds of other people's hypothetical victimhood subsume the bounds of your freedom of expression."
  • "You need therapy for [X reason pertaining to something they don't like about me]" This is basically the same as "Who hurt you?". Not everything that is outside the hugbox dimension or the normal kink realm or the non-wacky zone is caused by some tragic childhood trauma. I don't need a psychiatrist brainwashing me to be normal person, or worse, a normal Redditor.
  • "Small benis, I am very witty" (or any variation thereof) The guy who linked the penis to all pride a male has also thinks all men naturally want to bang their own mothers. Furthermore, making such an animalistic implication about all males that have any kind of pride in anything is the most misandristic thing you could possibly say. "Kill all men" is less misandristic. Furthermore, doubling down on it by implying that the only reason a man wouldn't like these jokes is because he doesn't like his penis being called small, and not because it's incredibly degrading to be equated to a animal. Fuck you.
  • When anyone with a position of authority uses "respect" as a synonym for mandatory sycophancy or blind subservience.
Virtual Cafe Awards

Indigo Wizard

Oct 3, 2021
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Pretty much all culture war bullshit. I don't care which side, it's all incredibly tedious and I wish people would find something to do with themselves instead, like christ, go have a wank or something
The "culture war" has degraded into one side doing victory laps because they remained mainstream on the Internet, and banning everyone who disagrees with them, and the other side splitting either into living meme Shapiro worshipers or a very low-key subculture of people with varying assorted beliefs, often making jokes about a certain pointy-nosed folk (even if they don't actually blame them for all that's wrong in the world).

In the face of that, not even post-nut clarity can restore intelligent discussion. One side is unified because it gets its ideology fed through a tube like baby food while people on the other side have pretty much given up on having even a semblance of a unified belief system in favor of shitposting because every time they try to have an opinion on anything meaningful they get banned and often flamed by the more radical members of their side for not being radical enough. And I'm not talking 90's skateboarder radical, either.
Virtual Cafe Awards

Still a Youth

Nov 12, 2021
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One side is unified because it gets its ideology fed through a tube like baby food while people on the other side have pretty much given up on having even a semblance of a unified belief system in favor of shitposting because every time they try to have an opinion on anything meaningful they get banned and often flamed by the more radical members of their side for not being radical enough. And I'm not talking 90's skateboarder radical, either.
Virtual Cafe Awards