& (il)legal euthanasia

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message is what matters
Apr 15, 2022
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Some of you may have seen this video going around


Basically mr. youtuber talks about the forum (SS), it's how I was made aware of it. He doesn't name drop the site but it's not hard to find on your own.
The head admin of SS made a reply to the video too
I'm not going to recap the video and ensuing drama, but I encourage you to watch the video and read the thread before replying, but in the interest of quick reading SS is
... a safe space to discuss the topic of suicide without the censorship of other places, as well a community that can understand you and let you be yourself without judging you or forcing you to do anything. You can use this forum to vent, talk to like-minded individuals, share your experiences, or to empathize and offer kind words to others who might need them. We all need and deserve love and empathy.

Please understand that the information offered on this site is for educational purposes only, and provided only by other users like you. We do not encourage, promote, advise, suggest, or aid suicide in any way or form; we only provide a space to talk about it. Be responsible, know the laws of your country, follow the forum rules, and know that the way you use any information posted on the forum is fully and solely your responsibility.

If you are in need of help, or want to help others recover from depressive or suicidal thoughts, we encourage you to take a look at our recovery subforum and crisis resources. Please understand that no one on the site is a therapist or doctor; seek professional help if you want medical advice. Furthermore, if you feel the site is not good for your mental health discontinue visiting it immediately, and if you so desire you can moreover disable your account should you have one.

Here's the most recent posts as of writing this

Like jesus christ that's depressing.
heres some example threads

Reading these threads it's clear most of the posters are young people. People struggling in school, people living wage-cuck lifestyles. The society we live in is kind of absurd, and there's not much of a future for many young people to look forward too, but suicide is just as absurd. There's a lot of traps for young people to fall into, and this seems like another to add to the pile. It's no secret that spending all your time participating in a pity-party isn't going to do good for your mental health. But it's insane to me just how explicit and practical the advice and encouragement to kill yourself is on this particular site is.

Mr. Youtube here, and many other's that take issue with forums like this, call for regulation. Regulation by either government, ISPs, DNS providers, or cloudflare. But as we all know with KiwiFarms, that won't stop shit. But really shit like this isnt new. r9k users have live streamed their suicide, incel-forums encourage an heros, and the even tumblr has its fair share of self-harm romanticization.

So heres some questions I have for the readers
- Is suicide selfish?
- Should suicide be openly discussed? Should it not be treated as such a taboo? It is indeed your life, should you be able to fully live it / end it how you see fit?
- What reasons do you think young people feel like they've failed at life before it's really even began? Societal expectations? Skewed world-view due to internet usage?
- What communities/places on the internet can would-be incels/an-heros go to get help for suicidal thoughts? Hotlines are no real help for lasting depressions imo.
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Pink Fluffy Cat

Well-Known Traveler
Nov 8, 2022
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>pro choice
anyway here's my thoughts for the questions:
- Is suicide selfish?
no, why is it? it's not any more selfish than breeding.

- Should suicide be openly discussed? Should it not be treated as such a taboo? It is indeed your life, should you be able to fully live it / end it how you see fit?
Yes and I believe everyone deserves the right to end their life they aren't even asked for in the first place with dignity.

- What reasons do you think young people feel like they've failed at life before it's really even began? Societal expectations? Skewed world-view due to internet usage?
social expectations and the fact that people realized they aren't really going anyway with their own lives. Basically a monotonous looping wit occasional consooooom dopamine boost (or in the euphemistic way : "enjoying little things"). It's isn't much different for them between dead by age 80 and just dead by now

- What communities/places on the internet can would-be incels/an-heros go to get help for suicidal thoughts? Hotlines are no real help for lasting depressions imo
nope lol, anything that could potentially be is either run by chat bots, wagies who only do it for the dough, or outright controlled by (((they))) because they don't want you to actually discussing the issue.


Stay a while, and listen.
Aug 16, 2022
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This whole concept has been around as long as I've been on the internet. Here's an anime from 20 years ago that has an episode devoted to this topic:


Western society has some Christian trappings for sure, and suicide has been extremely stigmatized by the catholic church since Dante's Inferno at least (I would think even earlier than that, I'm sure some fellow nerds here can elucidate on this topic further). Even if we're not a particularly religious society at the moment, these long standing cultural taboos will have their echos felt. Even without an overt taboo though, I would imagine this may be a hard thing to talk about. Most people are not suicidal, therefore if you are, you may feel as though you've failed at something inherently. Of course, everyone has different genetic predispositions, and different life experiences. It's not equal, but in participating with the greater culture, I think people may feel as though everything should be.

It absolutely should be something that's easier for anyone to talk about, but how does one change society? We are a very small raft in a vast ocean. The best most of us can do, I feel, is try to individually listen to people around us without judgement, as much as is possible for us, anyway.

Of course, I'm sure the context is important here. Would people feel the same about a guy that raped and killed a hundred children that committed suicide vs a particularly poetic suicide, ala Hunter S Thompson, or a particularly tragic suicide such as someone killing themselves because they have such horrible nerve damage that they can't help but deal with excruciating physical pain on a moment to moment basis? I wouldn't say it's as cut and dry as it seems.

I would imagine the selfishness of the act may be proportionate to those that care about you. I would imagine that it's more likely that those who would want to commit suicide have fewer close connections to people, which would, in my opinion, make it less selfish. If you are close to anyone around you, your death will undoubtedly hurt them a great deal, particularly if it's self inflicted, because of the guilt involved in them being unable to stop it. But, I suppose, in a solipsistic sense, it won't really matter much since you'd be dead. Still, if you're alive and pre-suicide, it's something that a conscientious person couldn't help but to think about, I would think, unless the pain is so unbearable that it couldn't help but block out everything else (which I imagine is likely the norm).

As for my personal philosophy, I think it's a positive trait, as an adolescent, to be disassociated from a culture that has many negative traits. This means that you're aware enough to see what's going on around you. Of course, isolation from society can result in depression, we are social animals after all. Also, as humans, we're predisposed to focus on the negative more than the positive, it's a beneficial evolutionary trait from the distant past (doubt you're going to hang out where that tiger tried to eat you last week). Still, it's a matter of figuring out what to do with this malaise in society. Many great people use this angst to carve a unique path in to their life that changes those that come after them that see this as an inspiration, something which can over time change a culture for the better. Of course, this is very idiosyncratic to the person, and is admittedly rare. Some people don't realize their potential in this regard and kill themselves or give up before they reach this point. It's a sad thing.

I am, of course, none of these. I am born to watch all of this happen, as I see it. I see the beauty and the despair in life in equal measure, but I consciously focus on the wonder and awe of everything that happens around us.
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Starship Trooper
Jun 18, 2021
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i do think suicide is pretty selfish. i can think of a lot of people i'd be distraught over.
my grandma admitted to attempting suicide, i'm glad she failed because she is really the only person i have in my life that i trust. now she has a much happier life, hard times passed.

i was alive when she attempted it too, so it without a doubt would of impacted me. she was raising me.

if you truly have nothing and nobody i guess it becomes no longer selfish but it just seems like such a waste. most people are too cowardly to make a change, they just cant move and do it for some reason. but i guess that's why it's called depression.

i don't think i'm super religious but i care about my grandma and i'm thankful she's here
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Aug 11, 2021
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>inb4 this thread turns into a shit show
Is suicide selfish? Yes. Does that mean it is "bad"? No. People make selfish choices everyday. There are plenty of selfish decisions that people view as "good". It is simply a choice, one that people can and will make, regardless of any other outside influence.
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certified loon
Dec 20, 2022
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I think forums like this are fucked, I understand the notion of it being ones right to commit suicide, and I believe that an individual should not be shunned for feeling suicidal or depressed. However I also believe that it is highly immoral to create a platform that actively encourages it to young adults, and discourages counseling and therapy. I believe after reading dozens of posts on SS that many of the young adults on the boards would not have committed suicide if it were not encouraged by the moderators and other members on the board. There are countless posts from young bright people who decide their option out of their shitty situations (often breakups, school stress, and family issues) is solely suicide.

While I don't think that sites like this should be taken down, as they will only re-appear in another form as all things do online. I do think more effort should be made to provide alternatives to boards like SS which have active user bases who can help those dealing with suicidal thoughts and feelings without creating just another hotline. After all, who want's to call a hotline where people's sole job is to talk you down.

As for suicide being selfish, I think suicide is inherently selfish by its definition. However, I do not think that people should be attacked or shunned for attempting suicide as in the moment, it may feel like suicide is the only way out of a shitty situation.
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It ain't Jesus or the devil. It's Jesus or you.
Sep 15, 2021
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Suicide is selfish but what can you expect people to do in a culture that validates and exalts certain selfish actions? Often the individual is placed as the most important thing for itself, even when advised to do altruism stuff, It will make you feel great parts are often emphasized over any sort of ethical duties altruism might demand of us. If you're taught to short-term live life for quick hits of dopamine with no greater point in all of that, then an heroing when suffering crosses over the 'it's worth it' threshold becomes a totally valid option.

As someone who went into depression, I felt insulted by 99% of the responses people usually gave me, even the loving ones. It all just felt like such a cope, I think that's a big issue when you're depressed. How do you remain authentic to yourself and get out of your depression? I'm talking about depression not helped by meds, the sort that are caused by a spiritual/philosophical crisis.

Suicide can be rational and immoral, or rational and moral. But that terrifies me, one can reason himself into suicide. Though I suspect that most of the teenagers who commit suicide do it out of irrational impulses. Each of our actions, good and bad, creates immeasurable ripple effects throughout wider society. In a way, I feel like we've all failed these people.

I remember a random girl smiling at me in HS motivated me to go on. Thats not the only reason ofcs, but imagine she never smiled at me. Maybe that would've been enough for me to become a number on suicide statistics. I never talked to her, but she helped so much I swear. Thats what I'm talking about when I say small charity and small sins can have tremendous effects.

Religious people, over-spiritualizing depression is a meme, and trust me it doesn't help when your schoolmaster thinks you're a demon-possessed cause you're angry and sad all the time. But I think not spiritualizing depression is an even worse thing to do. I'm not saying people should start believing in angels. But most humans aren't cool secularists or religious nones that can be satisfied with their suffering having no purpose. Buddhism, Stoicism, etc, if you think Christianity is too faggy, but some people–Perhaps even most people– aren't strong enough to go on living without believing their suffering has meaning.

Another aspect of depression that I feel no one talks about, perhaps because we don't want to judge the depressed, is how it feels like a black hole of egocentrism. Thats the worst part about depression imo. It makes everything about you. You can't stop thinking about yourself and thus you can't help but want to escape the abusive prison of yourself. And of course you treat others like shit too. I wouldnt tell this to a depressed person unless we were very close. But I 100% think its a big component of what makes depression so hard to escape.

Well they can die with dignity. Honestly, I feel like we're a society of copium. It makes me want to kill myself.
Last edited:
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not the sharpest tool in the shed
Feb 28, 2022
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I didn't watch the video cause I don't have the attention span for another stupid video essay but I did a quick lurk around the forum and I was astounded at how much guides there were to kill yourself. OD'ing, putting a bag around your head to kys, jumping off things, etc. Then again, considering the name of the forum, my surprise is a surprise, duh.

As a Christian, I don't really like suicide, but there are some people in life who have it so bad from the luck of their draw that I can at least understand why they do it, even if I fundamentally disagree with their actions.

When it comes to selfishness, it depends. The more people who love you, the more selfish it is, in my opinion. I did read a post on the forum about a dude who's super depressed and considering suicide, despite him having a family and a stable job. (here's the thread if you're curious) From reading it I wonder what his current family would think of if he killed himself. Did he openly state his intentions? Did they pick up on the way he acts and notice that something was off? I certainly do not like the nihilistic viewpoint of life he has posted there but I surmise it is a consequence of his own environment and actions. If you were planning to kill yourself, would you consider the feelings of the people who love you, if you have any? Do you think it's okay for them to carry that burden? I know it won't matter if you're dead, but hurt people hurt other people.

Mocking suicidal people is kind of an asshole thing to do, and I've seen many moments where some anon tells a suicidal user to "DO A FLIP, FAGGOT!" I think it's stupid to take their mockery seriously but, considering that suicidal people are very emotionally vulnerable, they probably will. Depression is definitely a rocky place. Some people lose their battles to mental health and end themselves, and it is hard to convince them to do otherwise, considering that they have convinced themselves to do it in the first place.

When it comes to communities, it's tough for me to say. If you have no one alive who love you back, I suppose going to an online community would be better (of course), to find people who relate to you and you can at least toast together in the name of suffering. But for the people who do love you, why not talk to them? And don't think those who love you will mock you, because if they did they never loved you in the first place.

The forum calls itself "pro-choice" when it comes to suicide. I myself haven't seen the specific threads of mods or users convincing other users to kill themselves (but that reputation is there for a reason, eh) but from what I've seen it appears to be pro-choice to me, at least from some of the threads of what I've seen. I DON'T KNOW though, cause of course I haven't been on the website long enough to really make a sound judgement.

Suicide really is the easy way out, isn't it? In a world of people who care too much for themselves, or care too much for a collective as a whole to care about you, it is disheartening to consider the fact that people would walk past your dead body without a thought. Maybe if you have those thoughts of suicide, though, consider making it into an art. Then, maybe, you'll end up finding something to live, and the illustrations you create with those feelings will let other people connect with you, and you call can toast in the name of suffering.
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Internet Pilgrim
Aug 15, 2022
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Going off of initial impressions, I think that expecting anything to come out of these sites being taken down is ridiculous. If you are determined enough to end your own life, you certainly can find a means to do it and don't need a site to confirm to you how. It's one of many cases of blaming the (albeit morally corrupted) symptom and not the actual disease, for the love of god don't start another argument about this in this thread, but having the top topic being trans related is an evident sign of this. I need to log off for the night so maybe I'll post a more comprehensive response tomorrow, answering the questions.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Dec 29, 2022
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Some of you may have seen this video going around


Basically mr. youtuber talks about the forum (SS), it's how I was made aware of it. He doesn't name drop the site but it's not hard to find on your own.
The head admin of SS made a reply to the video too
I'm not going to recap the video and ensuing drama, but I encourage you to watch the video and read the thread before replying, but in the interest of quick reading SS is

Here's the most recent posts as of writing this
View attachment 55104
Like jesus christ that's depressing.
heres some example threads

Reading these threads it's clear most of the posters are young people. People struggling in school, people living wage-cuck lifestyles. The society we live in is kind of absurd, and there's not much of a future for many young people to look forward too, but suicide is just as absurd. There's a lot of traps for young people to fall into, and this seems like another to add to the pile. It's no secret that spending all your time participating in a pity-party isn't going to do good for your mental health. But it's insane to me just how explicit and practical the advice and encouragement to kill yourself is on this particular site is.

Mr. Youtube here, and many other's that take issue with forums like this, call for regulation. Regulation by either government, ISPs, DNS providers, or cloudflare. But as we all know with KiwiFarms, that won't stop shit. But really shit like this isnt new. r9k users have live streamed their suicide, incel-forums encourage an heros, and the even tumblr has its fair share of self-harm romanticization.

So heres some questions I have for the readers
- Is suicide selfish?
- Should suicide be openly discussed? Should it not be treated as such a taboo? It is indeed your life, should you be able to fully live it / end it how you see fit?
- What reasons do you think young people feel like they've failed at life before it's really even began? Societal expectations? Skewed world-view due to internet usage?
- What communities/places on the internet can would-be incels/an-heros go to get help for suicidal thoughts? Hotlines are no real help for lasting depressions imo.

That video was pure sensationalism.



Aug 29, 2021
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As a suicide survivor, i have to say, i don't think suicide is selfish, i do think in fact, that forcing you to live just because someone is too attached to you and is afraid of suffering a trauma for losing you to be more selfish, because they don't want you alive, they just don't want you to be dead.

I do tho, think suicide is useless and a waste of potential really, because you left the world worse than before, without something worth remembering, is like saying "yeah, do you remember this dude who killed himself" - "not really, i never knew him, meh who cares, wanna grab a coffee after class?" that is the legacy you left behind when you kill yourself, no one will remember you, your family will cry for you for a while, perhaps your mother will never forget you, but eventually everyone will just move on with their lifes, making you merely a futile stain in everyones life (look at the bright side, you are gonna make a few psychiatrists a 5% richer).

Is not a pretty sight if you ask me, i don't like to tell others how to live their life, so if you want to drop dead from a building, go ahead be wild live free, ain't caring for you at all lmao, on the other hand, if you decide to actually do something with your life, go ahead, overcome your own problems, find something that makes your life worth living, make the best you can to not only improve your life but also the ones you are closed to and leave this world at least 0.0000001% better than before, man you are someone worth of respect, worth to remember for, if you help someone, that person will never forget you.

I used to have a really close friend, because i don't want to reveal his name, i'll just call him Ishmael, he was my best friend ever, he helped me so much in times when no one else did, he helped to shape my mentality in a positive light, he just dropped out of the face of the earth one day, no one knew what happened to him, my old group of friends said he died, but i don't know there is not much info about it, it has been almost 4 years now, and i've have never forget about him.

That is the legacy you left behind, actions, art, words, media, is not about family, is beyond that, is about leaving behind something that is worth to you and the world, is not about being remembered, but creating a better future with what you had and causing as much fuzz possible before leaving this world behind, live your own life dude is hard, is short, so make it the best to enjoy every moment.

That friend, that's how i beated my suicidal tendencies, godspeed.
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Webcomics! Banzai!
Jan 20, 2022
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Share your insider edition opinion
I think there isn't necessarily encouragement, but there is help/advice on how to do it, without a doubt.
I feel like most people go with methods that cause significant suffering to the individual and have a risk of failure and possibly lifelong damage when failure occurs (hanging, cutting etc.) I would rather someone go on SS and be able to find a method that reduces their suffering so they can go out as peacefully as one can.
I personally joined because I feel like a lot of places only give shit-tier advice and aren't helpful or allow you to have a good discussion on suicide. Oh, just call a hotline where you can talk to someone who will pretend to care, but what about your family, what about X, try Y and your depression will over etc. It's a place where suicidal people can actually be around people who understand, and won't try to guilt them or try to desperately convince them out of it.
That being said, I think that someone has to deliberately seek this site out, and it has a process where you have to share your reasons for joining before being accepted and wait to be accepted, thus I don't think those joining need much convincing to do it. Me, personally, I have been suicidal for as long as I can remember, and already had a method in mind before ever signing up.
Maybe I'm not so coherent right now, I'm not good at explaining my views on things very well and I'm sleep deprived, but whatever, hope I got my point across.
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Feb 28, 2023
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Beyond just being selfish, suicide is such a waste of opportunity. I'm not religious but I strongly believe life is the most amazing thing you get to be a part of. The ability to not only perceive the world around you but to be able to change it, its unbelievable. You can do whatever you want here! If people are in chronic pain or have incurable depression, I would agree suicide is a completely reasonable solution to those cases. And if there are any other edge cases I'm missing please let me know. But generally those people aren't going to suicide forums online - mentally young and vulnerable people are, and I don't think they should have even the slightest encouragement to off themselves.

But that's where the trickiness lies, if the forum lost it's pro-choice view then those people would just leave the site as, like stated already, who wants another hotline? Sadly there is nothing that we can do, the fate of the people on that site can really only be helped by themselves or the people they are close to.
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Apr 7, 2023
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Ultimately I don't think SS is a good place or that anybody should ever visit it, but man, what we need is more censorship of the internet because some kids died. By that logic, we should ban goverments because they kill millions of people every years. I mean we should, but that' beside the point. lol

Reading these threads it's clear most of the posters are young people. People struggling in school, people living wage-cuck lifestyles. The society we live in is kind of absurd, and there's not much of a future for many young people to look forward too, but suicide is just as absurd.
So, just suffer and rot alone adding more pain overall? In the end you will end up in the same ditch anyway. I have learned by experience that society has no value for you if you are a guy who has difficulties, you will be insulted, your interests attacked and the best thing is that you are forced to work so you can pay taxes to crush your dreams even more.

I am not advocating for suicide, but I have it on the table if things get too bad. "I have this free-will token, whenever I am absolutely backed to the wall". It's a liberating experience to know I wouldn't have to be around for decades.

Ultimately muh society should get it's shit together, treat your tax cattle better.

- Is suicide selfish?
No, it isn't. It's the spirit defying the body and wanting to gtfo from this prison. In fact less people take up less resources.
- Should suicide be openly discussed? Should it not be treated as such a taboo? It is indeed your life, should you be able to fully live it / end it how you see fit?
Well, if you make it a taboo it will only make it hip and cool with the kids.
- What reasons do you think young people feel like they've failed at life before it's really even began? Societal expectations? Skewed world-view due to internet usage?
Social media, overtly competitive word, lack of prestige outside of making money, you won't have a house, you won't have a stable family, you can't even have a hobby without you being stamped over by "society". And well, if you didn't do shit in your 20s, you are practically dead.
- What communities/places on the internet can would-be incels/an-heros go to get help for suicidal thoughts? Hotlines are no real help for lasting depressions imo.
Well, just let them be without moralfags and troons bringing in the internet police all the time. The reason people feel so trapped is the lack of control and freedom of association. You don't have places to hangout anymore without outsiders crushing your chill time.

Mr. Youtube here, and many other's that take issue with forums like this, call for regulation. Regulation by either government, ISPs, DNS providers, or cloudflare.
I hate Youtubers with a burning passion. Fake ass, makeupped camwhores moralfagging (pretending to care for money) over the little guy who just want to post on the internet. Then the braindead mob will try to destroy the community for daring to be different.

Of course then they cry that "oh no, my video has been demonetized". well, no shit Sherlock, you help creating the toxic dead internet by sending the internet police after any crazies you see. The precedents you help setting will ensure that there will be only the mega platforms left.
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Webcomics! Banzai!
Jan 20, 2022
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Reading these threads it's clear most of the posters are young people. People struggling in school, people living wage-cuck lifestyles. The society we live in is kind of absurd, and there's not much of a future for many young people to look forward too, but suicide is just as absurd.
Have you considered that someone who has suffered from depression and suicidal ideation for a long, perhaps even lifelong, period of time likely wouldn't make it to middle/old age?
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Apr 12, 2022
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Once upon a time I was contemplating about morality of suicide. My take about it is that if someone tries to commit suicide but it doesn't happen, people interpret it in a good way like being thankfully that someone is still alive and of course people might consider it as a good forms of action but on the other side when someone kills himself, other people talk in negative way about. Perhaps for such people it was unbearable burden to continue living with such an emotional baggage that suicide is the only way and I don't consider act of suicide as a selfishness act. Some people many years ago say something that suicide is a sin and we still believe it. On the other hand suicidal thought is only a feeling. Once I have been told something like "Do you want to kill yourself because you want to feel relief? Relief is a feeling and you don't feel it after you die. Life sucks but killing yourself sucks more." and I agree with it, also that's the reason why I can manage to live every other day. I really want to believe that there is something or someone to live for but it is so hard to find it. Most of the conscious live you see only suffering all around you so I am no shocked that we are experiencing rise in percentage of committed suicide each year. I wish we could understand how our brain works so we can erase or silence the negative loop of thoughts. Open talk about suicide should be available for everyone but not like some bullshit self help gurus, it actually makes things worse.
>Is suicide selfish?
Mostly. All actions and inactions have consequences. Usually your life has effects on everyone else around you, even if that fact isn't obvious at all times. We are all connected, and it takes a great deal of effort, more so than suicide, to undo and sever those connections.

>Should suicide be openly discussed? Should it not be treated as such a taboo? It is indeed your life, should you be able to fully live it / end it how you see fit?
It should be discussed. But I think a lot of people fail to realize that feelings of suicide, in the hopelessness sense, is a symptom of a greater issue. I don't think discussion should be focused on why you should kill yourself, but instead why do you feel that way to begin with? Many people say "I don't know" or "I just feel that way sometimes" when asked a question like that. Often times if you keep digging, deeper and deeper, you'll find a very good reason as to why they feel that way; a reason they themselves may not be able to articulate. TLDR, I think discussion should be constructive, caring, and focused. Not sterile and "NOOOOO don't hecking off yourself you're loved!!!!!11!!!" or just "lmao kys".

> What reasons do you think young people feel like they've failed at life before it's really even began? Societal expectations? Skewed world-view due to internet usage?
Internet could be a big part of it; there are seriously some people out there who shouldn't be allowed within 10 feet of an internet connected device. Others just manage it's usage very poorly. Society is a big part of it, but there a shit load of variables and reasons that affect each individual differently, so I don't think I could succinctly describe them all in a forum post. My biggest guess is that modern society and it's expectations are a relatively new thing within the full history of the human race, and we're not fully "domesticated" enough to suffer through it without serious personal repercussions. I.E. suicide, dejection, isolation, rage, hate, insanity.

>What communities/places on the internet can would-be incels/an-heros go to get help for suicidal thoughts? Hotlines are no real help for lasting depressions imo.
100% hotlines are useless. They're cooperate and disingenuous, which is exactly the kind of things that people who want to kill themselves are trying to avoid. Sanctioned-suicide just feels like a community full of people who like to have power over other peoples lives, and enjoy telling others to do what they're often too scared to do. I feel like the internet is not the best place for people to seek help about IRL things and feelings, and reality is really the best space to seek out help for, and confront those feelings in a productive way.
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    Still a Youth said:
    im genuinley saddened by the fact that your a neolib. You dont need to be a communist, but good god to have have to take the easy way out?
    I do not hold particularly strong political views. If you place that on me, that is your doing and not mine. I simply despise authoritarianism, evil, and oppression of the human spirit in all its forms. I hate American culture, and find Americans intolerable, but I am also sufficiently well-read in history to know what kind of shit happens when we let cancers like the Third Reich or USSR roam free. As such, the only natural counterbalance today to the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation is the USA.
  • SophiaHaven:
    It's a pragmatic position, though I understand that you don't seem to much appreciate those.
  • MindControlBoxer:
    i actually got some real funny ideas about agora road propaganda machine
  • handoferis:
    SophiaHaven said:
    I do not hold particularly strong political views. If you place that on me, that is your doing and not mine. I simply despise authoritarianism, evil, and oppression of the human spirit in all its forms. I hate American culture, and find Americans intolerable, but I am also sufficiently well-read in history to know what kind of shit happens when we let cancers like the Third Reich or USSR roam free. As such, the only natural counterbalance today to the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation is the USA.
    keep blocking people until you're posting into the void, please jesus
  • SpheralBloom:
    Still a Youth said:
    jd vance is here
    idk who that is lol
  • MindControlBoxer:
    wait till i get home
  • Waninem:
    SophiaHaven said:
    I do not hold particularly strong political views. If you place that on me, that is your doing and not mine. I simply despise authoritarianism, evil, and oppression of the human spirit in all its forms. I hate American culture, and find Americans intolerable, but I am also sufficiently well-read in history to know what kind of shit happens when we let cancers like the Third Reich or USSR roam free. As such, the only natural counterbalance today to the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation is the USA.
    ...oh, I'm american in nationality, rip XD
  • SophiaHaven:
    Still a Youth said:
    jd vance is here
    Please don't bully Bloom. He's a nice person.
  • MindControlBoxer:
    sophia you wanna be part of agora culture ill make you part of it lol
  • Waninem:
    anyway I brain dead, I go bed, good night y'all
  • Still a Youth:
    SophiaHaven said:
    I do not hold particularly strong political views. If you place that on me, that is your doing and not mine. I simply despise authoritarianism, evil, and oppression of the human spirit in all its forms. I hate American culture, and find Americans intolerable, but I am also sufficiently well-read in history to know what kind of shit happens when we let cancers like the Third Reich or USSR roam free. As such, the only natural counterbalance today to the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation is the USA.
    you explicitly state it often.
  • Link
  • SophiaHaven:
    Waninem said:
    ...oh, I'm american in nationality, rip XD
    You and me both, Wani-chan.
  • happyhappy:
    cya wanimen :D
  • SpheralBloom:
    Waninem said:
    anyway I brain dead, I go bed, good night y'all
    bai bai see u later <3
  • BarnSwallow:
    gn waninemenemennme
  • SophiaHaven:
    Night, wani!
  • Halico:
    Waninem said:
    anyway I brain dead, I go bed, good night y'all
  • handoferis:
    SophiaHaven said:
    You and me both, Wani-chan.
    hamburger untermensch
      handoferis: You and me both, Wani-chan.hamburger untermensch